Why are Germanic languages so hideous?
Why are Germanic languages so hideous?
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gb2somalia you nigger ape
How is England highlighted as Germanic but Scotland isn't?
Scots is a closer language to German than English.
Spanish is uglier
t. Have to work around mexicans, dominicans and venezuelans everyday
fuck off achmed
how many times per week is this thread posted?
Not enough
According to the language assessment criteria of the international Language Assessment Conference (1992), only when a wordlist analysis shows a lexical similarity of below 70% are two speech forms considered to be different languages. An overlap of 70% and above indicates that both speech forms are the same language, although dialect intelligibility tests would need to be carried out to determine how well speakers of one dialect can understand the other speech form. Thus while the analysis shows that English, with an overlap of 69% is a completely different language, all other Germanic speech forms such as Swedish Dialect (75%) and Dutch Dialect (81%) are merely dialects of the same Language.
Speak for yourself. I find germanic languages the most beautiful in the world (after the finnic ones obviously)
Certain Spanish accents like those in Spain, Argentina, and Chile work for me.
If I am around Puerto Ricans enough I start talking like them.
Was zum Teufel hast du gerade ficken sagen über mich, du kleine Schlampe? Ich werde Sie wissen, absolvierte ich oben auf meiner Klasse in den Navy Seals, und ich habe in zahlreichen geheimen Angriffe auf Al-Kaida beteiligt gewesen, und ich habe mehr als 300 bestätigte Abschüsse. Ich bin in gorilla Kriegsführung ausgebildet und ich bin der oberen Scharfschützen in der gesamten US-Streitkräfte. Du bist nichts für mich, aber nur ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde wischen Sie die fuck out mit Präzision die gerne von denen wurde nie zuvor auf dieser Erde gesehen, markieren Sie meinen verdammten Worte. Du denkst, du kannst mit Worten diese Scheiße zu mir über das Internet? Denken Sie noch einmal, fucker. Während wir hier sprechen Ich kontaktiere meinen geheimen Netzwerk von Spionen in den USA und Ihre IP wird jetzt, damit Sie für den Sturm, Made besser vorbereiten verfolgt. Der Sturm, wischt die pathetische Kleinigkeit rufen Sie Ihr Leben. Du bist verdammt tot, Kind. Ich kann überall und jederzeit, und ich kann Ihnen in über 700 Arten zu töten, und das ist nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Ich bin nicht nur ausgiebig in unbewaffneten Kampf trainiert, aber ich habe Zugriff auf das gesamte Arsenal der United States Marine Corps und ich werde es in vollem Umfang benutzen, um Ihre miserable ass aus dem Gesicht des Kontinents, du kleiner Scheißer zu wischen. Wenn du nur wissen konnte, was unheilige Vergeltung Ihre kleinen "clever" Kommentar zu bringen auf euch herab war haben, vielleicht würden Sie Ihre verdammte Zunge gehalten haben. Aber man konnte nicht, hast du nicht, und jetzt bist du den Preis zahlen Sie verdammten Idioten. Ich werde Scheiße Wut über dich und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist verdammt tot, Kleiner.
lol even your women match the colour scheme on your flag
Finnic languages > Romance languages > Japanese > Germanic languages
umm no
What is this, Deutsch for mutts?
>German: Awesome language
>Dutch: sounds like a dragon trying to speak german, but i find it the kankertaal pretty cool.
>English: standard
>Icelandic: really beautiful language, must be preserved
>Swedish: My favorite language, it sounds pleasant to the ear, and it's actually understandable when natives speak it
>Norwegian: similar to swedish, pretty cool
>Danish: sounds like an autist trying to speak swedish. Not bad though
tl;dr: dra till din jävla skitland, achmed
Listening to german is like listening to a truck hitting a wall of bricks.
Even though like 80% of the people here are blonde?
>dutch is probably the ugliest sounding language in the world or at least in Europe
>danish is not far behind dutch
>norwegian and icelandish are boring
>swedish is ok
>finnishswedish is probably the best sounding language from germanic languages, softer sounding than any of them which makes it more beautiful
>german sounds like you are mad all the time
Ever head Slavic?
hideous peoples need hideous languages
english, tho totally mixed is good, plus german is ok, everything else is dogshit tho, especially dutch
Italians again proving that they are the only people in Europe that have taste
dutch is just butchered german anyone who claims otherwise cant speak either dutch or german
Schwuchtel sag nichts gegen die germanischen Sprachen
>gorilla Kriegsführung
>posts the same thread every day
this. slavic language master race.
followed by romance languages (minus french, which sounds like you are choking on dick)
those are ghosts.
its way better then french. Germans honestly not that bad. Spanish is way more boring language also. South slavic is hilarious if butchered and spoken in redneck form.
Dominican Spanish is like Jamaican English
Have you ever heard a slavic language? They sound so fucking filthy
Fix your map, faggot.
Latvian is basically the same.
You heard some Quebecois accent and you think you have heard every French accent.
assyrian influence
im confused, irish and british are genetically similar, so who are they not germanic?
They sound alright, it's just Belgian and Austrian accents that sound like people are trying to vomit out words that are too thick for their throats.
no they dont
maybe some smaller and irrelevant ones do, like yours
>what are celts
Irish are more Celtic.
so if brits are germanic than irish are too so update the chart
muh celtic heritage meme, irish are english in denial. same with scots.
English and Swedish are quite nice in my opinion. The melody of spoken Swedish is very pleasant.
I don't know the dialects but some German dialects are soft and defy the guttural reputation.
French are also ethnic Germanic, the language has some Germanic, but not that great.
With English language, the Greek-Latin-French outweighs the Germanic.
>With English language, the Greek-Latin-French outweighs the Germanic.
>French are also ethnic Germanic
german is good, italian is faggish af
t. serb
this Germanic peoples image macro, it seems like all Europeans are Germanic basically....
Guess you haven't heard of the Romans or the Normans.
23 and me seems to think so
english is germanic
French are a mix of Germanic, Celt, and Roman.
>German is awful, but I guess that's partly because I'm Polish
>Danish and Dutch are also awful, maybe even worse than German
>Swedish and Norwegian are meh
>English is rather neutral, because it's everywhere so I can't really rate it
I only saw that phenotype (black hair, stupidly pale, almost turquoise eyes) here, on people with origins around Bosnia/Montenegro
>this thread again
More of the words are from Greek, Latin, and French.
that's just because they do overlap in the north, yes, but Germany itself isn't the epitome of "Germanicness" even by their own NS standards, Scandinavians would be
British islanders and French are almost essentially the same as in the bronze age with Bell Beakers before Germanics or Celts were even a thing
English is every Western European language jammed together until a giant mess was created
Opinions on Afrikaans?
>compared to vietnamese
in the dictionary, but not in normal usage.
top 1000 most used english words are overwelmingly germanic.
its grammar and most frequent words are "germanic" though
although I would agree putting a poor pidgin/creole like english next to German is a bit insulting to the latter
Yeah, somebody from a country where English isn't the 1st language telling me what we use every day.
>t. Ahmed Mahound Mohammed
Did you get to little social welfare?
Well because they're stupidly soft (especially east slavic, the unnecessary vocalizations, done to copy English, should be fucking deleted)
The nicest, most precise is ekavic Serbian
The Irish are culturally Celtic with English influence. Genetically you could call the Irish Celtic but the Celts were never a race as there exist many genetic differences b/w the different Celtic groups. The celts that came into the British Isles around 500-300 BCE are genetically more similar to Germanic peoples than any other Celtic group except for Northern and North-Eastern Gauls.
you are just wrong.
Wtf we have literally the same's on everything.
I'm a fennoswede so I'm fluent in three languages. I can confirm that from an objective point of view, Finnish is most beautiful. Also it's the most logical in written form as there's only one correct way to write sounds. See ''Fish/Ghoti problem''. English is truly cancer. A language is horrible if even it's native speakers can't write words they have heard and can't say written words they have not heard.
Yeah that's why there are "spelling competitions". Could you imagine spelling competitions in finnish? kek
>Scots is a closer language
Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll just want to gas the cultural marxists on live TV as much as we do.
Afrikaans sounds better to my ear than kanker-dutch. I don't even dislike dutch people, but the dutch language...
I really didn't like the sound of Theron pronouncing ''Alle grappies''. Guttural sounds are pretty disgusting and also the same reason I can't stand hearing arabic or hebrew. Puke!
nigger have you even heard mongols speak?
>British islanders and French are almost essentially the same as in the bronze age with Bell Beakers before Germanics or Celts were even a thing
2006 called, they want their lies and propaganda back
afrikaans is dutch for 3 year olds
also what is a soft g
I'm posting up to date archeogenetics info from a paper from the last year but I'm sure you know better.
Sure thing
Because you are degenerates.
Why don't you tell us about it in your native language and see how far you get.
Afrikaans is cool, I think of the SADF every time I hear it.
>implying nordic ones aren't
retard detected
Step aside and face the master:
Was, zum Donnerwetter, haben Sie niederes Lustmädchen soeben über mich verlauten lassen? Es sei Ihnen zur Kenntnis gegeben, dass ich an der Militärakademie seinerzeit Jahrgangsbester sowie seither in mancherlei hochgeheimen Überfall auf studentische Einheitsverbände verwickelt war - mit mehr als dreihundert mir schon bestätigten Gefallenen! Ich bin für den beaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, ferner der schneidigste Uhlan des gesamten Heeres seiner Majestät. Nun ist es mein Anliegen, sie mit auf Erden zuvor nicht erahnter Genauigkeit zu annihilieren und gedenken Sie meiner Worte: Sie glauben, Sie können damit davon kommen, solch einen Mist an mich oder das Zwischennetz zu tragen? Überdenken Sie's, Haderlump! Während wir noch sprechen, habe ich bereits mein Netzwerk von freischaffenden Geheimräten im gesamten Einzugsgebiet des Deutschen Bundes kontaktiert und eben sind wir daran, die Herkunft ihrer Brieftaube zu determinieren, also bereiten Sie Made sich auf den Sturm vor; den Sturm also jene Erbärmlichkeit fortreißen wird, welche Sie ein Leben nennen! Denn ich kann überall sein, jederzeit, und Sie allein schon unbewaffnet in weit über siebenhundert verschiedenen Arten und Weisen zur Strecke bringen. Und nicht nur das; ich habe des weiteren Zugang zum gesamten Artilleriefundus von Sanssouci und gedenke von selbigem zum Entfernen der Ihrigen von der Oberfläche dieses Kontinents Gebrauch zu machen. Hätten Sie ahnen können, welches Ausmaß an Zerstörung ihre so klug daherkommende, jedoch törichte "Witzelei" über Sie bringen würde, hätten Sie womöglich gleich den Rand gehalten. Doch Sie konnten nicht, Sie wollten nicht und nun bezahlen Sie den Preis, Sie elender Idiot. Ich gedenke einen Darmvoll Wut über Sie auszugießen, dass Sie drin ersaufen. Sie sind des Todes, junger Freund.
>I find germanic languages the most beautiful in the world
What were you expecting out of evolved tree monkeys into beastiality?
Have you heard kankermongool speak?
There is only one correct way to pronounce G. If ''soft'' means guttural G, I'm happy that I've never had to learn it. I'll help you:
Stop pretending you aren't related to the Slavic languages.
The only one of you 3 silly countries has a non Slavic language, and that is Estonia.
Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein
Wird umschwärmt
what are regional dialects
Scots isn't the native language of Scotland, it's a meme version of English that was made far later. Also, it's not closer to German and Germanic =/= German.
>Swedish flag
Go back to Poland, Witold.
it sounds like someone trying to cough up mucus