>Driving with no licence
>Driving with no MOT
>Driving with home made cardboard numberplate with "Dave" written on it
>Presenting the cop with a "fee schedule" requiring the cop to pay a large sum of money to talk to him.
>"I'm not driving.... I'm travelling".
Would this shit work in America?
Black man cucks UK cops. Cops BTFO
We and the Aussies call those "sovereign citizens." They believe that they are not citizens of any nation, therefore no laws apply to them.
In other words, they use logic fallacies and stuff to be above the law. 9 out of 10 times it ends with handcuffs.
This is why I love my country:
>British """women"""
>9 out of 10 times it ends with handcuffs.
In other countries perhaps
In America I imagine it ends with the cop shooting the nearest black person and then screaming at him to stop resisting for 10 minutes
That's sexy desu
this guy was a legend, but i'm pretty sure he got done in the end anyway.
freemen-on-the-land types in general are hilarious
omg ur so right haha xD
Interesting senpai
>would this work in America?
I'd encourage every African American to prove that it will!
>har har, get it, cause it's a cop sho-
Ha ha, funny.
But in seriousness, most of what I've seen is the cop arresting the guy forcefully while the guy is yelling "I DO NOT CONSENT I DO NOT CONSENT."
>Would this shit work in America?
No, because American police officers aren't cucks.
>Would this shit work in America?
No that guy would be tazed, shot, run over and dragged behind the wrecker that arrived to tow his jalopy before he was arrested and read his rights.
these are a bunch of idiots, who thought they could get around the crown and government. well, needless to say they got BTFO. ppathetic little hippies
what a cuck of a cop
>They believe that they are not citizens of any nation
Have you seen judges sprint out of courtrooms when these guys show up? They are on to something that everyone else just accepts in the legal code. The reality is the in America, they just aren't willing to set a precedent by acknowledging it.
why can't they think about the actual crime first?
This funny shit.
Wish our police"men" were more like P. Barnes.
Redpill us on jewcops please. Are they fairminded?
They exist in the US too. They're retarded cunts
Israeli police are alpha. Police everywhere are alpha apart from ours.
The cops know better than to arrest their preferred citizens. Only the low-test brits face jailtime.
Back in the day you could get out of a speeding ticket or w/e by claiming your sovereign status because the cops didn't want to have to deal with you.
Now every lefty soyboy tries to use it while shoving their camera in the cops face, so they get hauled in. Cops are real sick of the "sovereign citizen" meme
Read: Because once we redpill normies, they'll want to rope the cultural marxists as much as we do.
Who are these people, man? It's bizzare that the bobs where able to recruit so many leftist zealots. When did it all happen? Did they turn down any non leftist applicant for ten years or something?
>Have you seen judges sprint out of courtrooms when these guys show up?
10 or 12 years ago I checked out a group who did this shit. I did legit see them win in court BUT.
One example:
>pull some dumb shit not complying with a cop
>Catch a beating and get thrown in jail
>refuse to sign anything so no bail
>get court ordered for psych eval to prove you're not crazy
You should have just gotten a damned driver's license. IMO these guys are probably more right than wrong, but you need to pick and chose your battles.
In America, they would try to disarm the situation as much as possible first, and if that fails, they will remove the stupid fuck from his vehicle and arrest him with quite a few charges at that point.
If the stupid fuck threatens the cops or they have reason to suspect that they are reaching for a gun, they will draw on the stupid fuck and give them orders. If the stupid fuck causes even more of a threatening situation, they probably will be shot.
If the stupid fuck trys to drive away, an officer will put himself in the path. If the stupid fuck continues to try to drive away, he is threatening the officers life, and they will draw their firearm. I'd the stupid fuck continues at that point, the officer will either shoot them, or attempt to get out of the way. If more officers are at the scene, they will shoot the stupid fuck dead from the sidelines.
It is all about threat. If you threaten an armed officer with deathly force, they will shoot you
This is a hit and run post since I'm heading out, but Israeli cops are not all alpha... maybe higher level are, but street-level cops are borderline retarded. If they actually started doing their jobs by arresting people that endanger others, instead of just looking for the easy target of pot-smokers (I don't smoke), the country would be a lot more pleasant to live in.
Shut up dirty fucking bonger. Rape gangs fucked your city you piece of shit. Needing a license for you tv and getting jailed for racist tweets, all from the empire that put savages in their places less than 200 years ago. Holy shit your contry sucks cock.
just when you know you've seen enough of britbong police cuckey there is a thread that pops and illustrate why UK will be the first to go down.
I feel much illuminated
this one gets me every time
yea it been tried he in America couple of people got away with it until the police got wise to
now the'll bust your window and drag you out of the car and arrest you on failure to provide id
Jews. Not even once
They could've just hang Nathan Mayer Rothschild and all his bussiness partners 200 years ago and they would be doing fine
In Ireland citizens just produce the proper documentation when asked by the police and treat them in a courteous manner at all times.
Sweden will be first to go down, Uk will be second probably. Mostly becouse of population differences.
such as classic. guy turned into a puss after getting tased
Does Part 2 show the bobby radioing in back up and a K9 van pulling up, letting loose six attack dogs on this guy? 'cos I'm fairly confident it's a hoax if not. Cops don't fuck about with smartarses.
not being citizen of any nation doesn't dismiss you from responsibility of upholding law of the country you're currently visiting bum
I believe those nutjobs exist in every western country, the german version are called 'citizens of the Reich' and encompass a variety of people believing they're actually citizens of the Kaiserreich, 3rd Reich, one of the German princely states, german colonial subjects, or just stateless due to Germany being dissolved after WW2 and being reinstated as a US corporation under the name of 'German Federal Republic'.
What amazes me most is not their delusion that the government, constitution, laws or whatever isn't real, but that this seemingly international conspiracy that has subjucated millions of people can be simply made null and void by pointing to an inconsistency on paper, like anyone who would wield real power over millions would just give in and say 'damn, we made a formal mistake, but the rules are the rules, you're free to do whatever now'.
Pretty much no.
>>He's being belligerent
My Fucking Sides!!!
Allow me to show you how this would go down in the States if you will.
>Upvoted ;D
paki scum