It's over, Sup Forums
It's over, Sup Forums
Two paper bags should do it
>highschoolers go on school strike to end the 2nd amendment
>only thing they accomplish is making sure THEY can't get guns at 18
los creaturas..
Why are liberals so obsessed with protests, doing a walkout won’t change shit. Do these dumbfucks know that we don’t give a shit and won’t give our guns when they do their little walkout?
id bang
Grow up guys. Those are somebody’s kids
Yeah gun control worked out great for their fellow mexicunts.
They just want an excuse to skip class.
I like how all the ugly ones are the ones protesting
Kids shouldn’t be in politics in the first place
pasadena, ca user here
City is where all the non jewish liberal trustfund boomers moved from the hollywood area.
Not the norm, also, fuck this city. Even the christian private schools and churches here are mainline/"God's doors are open to all" bewitched.
Kids should be able to discuss politics but not participate. Maybe they give ideas to help change but not actually go to conventions and shit
White gurls with nigger noses....just in Muttland...
It pleases me to watch the young learn the important lesson that their tiny futile actions and convictions will amount to literally nothing in the end.
>8th graders
>not even in highschool
>that fucking chest
...holy shit there really is something in the water
Please delete your account, pervert
These two are just another couple of idiots who think they can change to make everything about feelings. You dont see the popular/hot kids doing this maybe they realise this is stupid casue they dont have much to worry about or at least have less social anxiety
La creatura de monstruoso a la izquierda jajajaja
Literally, no one fucking cares.
15 is and always was prime breeding age
Grow up faggot. Millions of kids will die in the coming civil war.
"White"? lol you think they are white? Fucking retard. They're clearly a Jewess and some kind of mystery meat (mostly Latino, maybe some Injun).
send bob
Child abuse. Again. Lefties have no shame.
>civil war
You’re fucking delusional. Take a break from this place.
Holy shit girl on the left is legit a fucking neanderthal.
Your power and internet will be shut down and within days you'll be out of food. You should take a break from here and prepare yourself kike.
opene vagene
post more photos of them just to see something
What a bunch of attention whores.
Pasadena used to be the last redpilled part of LA
It's hard to take walk outs seriously when it seems like a great way to play hooky, get a lot of attention and be a hero
I spoke with some of the parents in that area because of my job and most of them in private are mad as fuck at the teachers for entertaining this nonsense. Not because they are pro gun but because they are paying the teachers to teach their kids and not sit on their ass. Plus many (fewer than above) agreed that teacher should shouldn't be interjecting politics in the classroom. This I usually lead them to by first saying "This is a pretty tough issue, but just like I don't want teachers brining their religious views into the classroom, I want them to keep politics out just as a rule." Only thing they hate more than guns is religion
say it with me....SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
i expect some dumb roastie in her late 20s to be anti gun because she's a moron, these idiots should have just learned how our government works, but we all know they didn't because that part has been removed. so you dont know your rights, you dont understand that its not a privilege its a right you are provided at maturity. and to the maturity point, why the fuck are we listening to these morons. anyway, remember the parkland kids, yea these tards are at least as dumb.
Literally being coordinated by Everytown
We need to bring lawsuits against the public schools for pushing politics just like the Satanists did for religion
>Meet the kids who know nothing about politics but they heard someone well articulate speaking against guns or the Florida "survivors" fake crying on TV and now have adapted the no gun stance themselves
Just another excuse to get out of school.
She's clearly some breed of native indian.