Wtf, why is this retarded cuck faggot trying to ban video games now?
Wtf, why is this retarded cuck faggot trying to ban video games now?
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he wants Ivanka's pussy
He needs something to distract the media from the dumpster fire that is the White House.
We need to get rid of degeneracy now except vidya and anime
t. Sup Forumstards
>inb4 Trump fucks the entire industry and mutts are too stupid to torrent and all reddit newfaggot virgin pedes get btfo
>also no bump stocks
If only there was some kind of age restriction policy we could put in that rates games' levels of adult content..
Then we could just put the recommended age of play on the front of the box and no school kids would be getting games made for adults!
There's no way bad parenting would make this plan fail.
Except he never proposed that
Gaming is already dying because of SJWs and diversity.
Can't even create my own character in Fortnite. Spawn as a nigger or a woman about 90% of the time. Occasionally I spawn as the gook. Never as the white guy.
Push you to buy a costume to avoid spawning as a black.
Two white women, a gook, and a nigger in the load screen.
Because it's the right thing to do.
>Paik and Comstock [18] examined effect sizes from 217 studies published between 1957 and 1990. For the randomized experiments they reviewed, Paik and Comstock found an average effect size (r =.38, N=432 independent tests of hypotheses) which is moderate to large compared to other public health effects. When the analysis was limited to experiments on physical violence against a person, the average r was still .32 (N=71 independent tests). This meta-analysis also examined cross-sectional and longitudinal field surveys published between 1957 and 1990. For these studies the authors found an average r of .19 (N=410 independent tests). When only studies were used for which the dependent measure was actual physical aggression against another person (N=200), the effect size remained unchanged. Finally, the average correlation of media violence exposure with engaging in criminal violence was .13.
>Anderson and Bushman [19] conducted the key meta-analyses on the effects of violent video games. Their meta-analyses revealed effect sizes for violent video games ranging from .15 to .30. Specifically, playing violent video games was related to increases in aggressive behavior (r = .27), aggressive affect (r =.19), aggressive cognitions (i.e., aggressive thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), (r =.27), and physiological arousal (r = .22) and was related to decreases in prosocial (helping) behavior (r = −.27). Furthermore, when studies were coded for the quality of their methodology, the best studies yielded larger effect sizes than the “not-best” studies.
Don't worry, Sup Forums aka t_d will eat up all the shit he spews and then continue to reply 2 scoopz it was her turn
post yfw Trump is going to make videogame great again.
He said violent videogames are a problem, I'm not even going to look up the quote because it plays pretty often, but feel free to look it up yourself. Remember when he also said there should be a rating system like movies for videogames? Real on top of things, that guy.
>Wtf, why is this retarded cuck faggot trying to ban video games now?
wtf, are you trying to bring up shit that happened last month? sage
>An example is illustrative. In a study of children interviewed each year for three years as they moved through middle childhood, Huesmann et al. [31] found increasing rates of aggression for both boys and girls who watched more television violence even with controls for initial aggressiveness and many other background factors. Children who identified with the portrayed aggressor and those who perceived the violence as realistic were especially likely to show these observational learning effects. A 15-year follow-up of these children [33] demonstrated that those who habitually watched more TV violence in their middle-childhood years grew up to be more aggressive young adults. For example, among children who were in the upper quartile on violence viewing in middle childhood, 11% of the males had been convicted of a crime (compared with 3% for other males), 42% had “pushed, grabbed, or shoved their spouse” in the past year (compared with 22% of other males), and 69% had “shoved a person” when made angry in the past year (compared with 50% of other males). For females, 39% of the high-violence-viewers had “thrown something at their spouse” in the past year (compared with 17% of the other females), and 17% had “punched, beaten, or choked” another adult when angry in the past year (compared with 4% of the other females). These effects were not attributable to any of a large set of child and parent characteristics including demographic factors, intelligence, parenting practices. Overall, for both males and females the effect of middle-childhood violence viewing on young adult aggression was significant even when controlling for their initial aggression. In contrast, the effect of middle-childhood aggression on adult violence viewing when controlling for initial violence viewing was not-significant, though it was positive.
videos games are for degenerates. Trump is right.
Ooooh ok I'll just believe something that they've been failing to push for thirty years now because the OJ monkey thinks it's a good idea. You know what other country has strict restrictions and regulations on the content of videogames? Russia! Funny coincidence...
You fucking headline reading, content skipping retard.
He isn't doing shit.
He keeps saying "young people", is it really that big of a deal if it's simply written into law that you can't buy an M rated or higher game unless you're an adult? It's already a store policy. I don't think he's gonna be retarded like Germany or Australia. We'll see though.
>based trump trying to rile the gamergate people into even fashier opinions
Because he got his ass kicked in Counter Strike.
Liberals: let's impose regulations to stop guns falling into the hands of crazy people that will use them to commit shootings
Conservatards: REEEEEEE! Guns don't kill people! PEOPLE kill people!
Conservatards: Let's impose regulations on video games because they encourage violence
>Conservashit logic
This. America will be better off. VR and AI are coming and soon people will be locked into fallacy, not truly experiencing life. Maybe people will grow up and find something worth living for.
Also fat tax.
You already have to be 18 in the US to buy m rated games. The problem is that
Parents don't care
Internet accessibility
Children that use their parents credit cards
None of this can or should be stopped in a free society. We don't want to end up like the UK and port when it comes to registering through the government.
Video games are art, and are protected under the second ammendment as free speech.
nooooo wtf drumpf
this is goood
without video games, all those introverts wont be able to go angry in their vidya so they will go angry on common people, aka MORE SHOOTINGS yay :D
>Wtf, why is this retarded cuck faggot trying to ban video games now?
to make them more profitable?
How is the age limit going faggot?
>video games
>second amendment
HAHAHAAHA Sup Forums eternally BTFO
Yeah, but he never proposed any kind of regulation. He literally talked to members of the video game industry and told them he wouldn’t do anything and just asked them to work on it themselves
And Russia is doing better than they have in a long time.
So you're just talking out of your ass
>Remember when he also said there should be a rating system like movies for videogames?
There's already a system, it's been around for quite some time now.
Piece of shit kike loving cunt fuck. Hands off my fucking vidya, asshole!
All you need to do is actually enforce age restrictions.
Lets go over the history of blaming violence on video games
>Later titles like the early 1990s gory fighter "Mortal Kombat" even led then-Democratic senators Joseph Lieberman and Herbert Kohl, to call a hearing on video game violence.
>Democratic President Bill Clinton asked the federal government that June to look into whether media companies, including the video game industry, were marketing violent content to young people.
>Hillary Clinton, for example, campaigned against violence in games as a Democratic senator in the mid-2000s. She sponsored a bill that would have penalized the sale of adult games to minors.
>The bill never passed, and similar efforts at the state level were eventually overturned in the courts. The Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that California could not ban the sale of violent video games to children (This bill was put forward by Democrat Leland Yee)
>Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia (a Republican) said that video games deserve First Amendment protection. He also cast doubt on the idea that violence in games could cause real-world acts of aggression.
>President Barack Obama called for Congress to fund research into video game violence as part of a 23-point plan to reduce gun violence. And Vice President Joe Biden met with members of the video game industry and researchers, including Ferguson, at the White House.
But my 9 year old son said the new Call of Duty is good. He made a thread on a website called Sup Forums in protest of our Russian puppet president.
>trying to ban video games now?
He gone full fucking retard, First he tries to ban more guns than Obama ever did and now he wants to go after vidya just like Tipper Gore? Fuck this shit. I hope the GOP tries to primary his ass for 2020, I aint voting for this shit again
They can't even show blood in your games or else your people get triggered to the point of ending up in the hospital. They also have to edit Hitler out of wolfenstein games because your retarded government thinks killing Hitler in a game is the same as glorifying him. You're a disgusting bunch who need to have your land cleansed in a nuclear holocaust and only then we can have the next Fuhrer rise and lead Europe into a glorious fourth Reich.
Also, whiter than you Ahmed, so fuck off.
he's not banning your precious toys but I wish he would
>the dumpster fire that is the White House
You mean like defeating ISIS, and being on the verge of a peace treaty with North Korea?
>playing ARK
>make character look like a midget nigerian so he is invisible at night
Its about children playing violent games, I assume we are all adults here.
> I assume we are all adults here
Hey you dumb faggot maybe figure the difference between a ban and a regulation
Found a way to trigger you millenial fuckwits into opposing censorship.
Still fucking winning.
Fuck due process get these games off our streets maga
You shouldn't be playing video games anyway if you're 18 or older. Get some real hobbies.
Grand theft auto is degenerate.
Only noncucked vidya producers are Eastern-Euros anyway.
bet you're still suckin on mommys titty too, right?
Grow the fuck up, get a job, get a hobby, meet other people you fucking slob
>Their meta-analyses revealed effect sizes for violent video games ranging from .15 to .30. Specifically, playing violent video games was related to increases in aggressive behavior
Then why do you want to ban it you stupid motherfucker? Whites need to be fucking aggressive now more then ever.
>yfw you realize we elected hillary clinton
sponsored by: Hillary Clinton
This is what you get for nominating a retard
because he is seduced by satan. Satan doesn't want his toys to be taken away. He loves the pain and suffering they bring.
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Fuck rockstar and their shit games so I'm for it
That suxs. I'm a beaner tranny. My toon on Fortnite is a white man. It's nice being a builder of civilization. Even if it's only in a vidya game.
Video games are for children.
>it’s an Ivan uses a proxy to defend NK peace treaty for borscht money episode
I hate this rerun
LMAO Idiots. Do you think you would know every make, model and caliber of weapon if it werent for video games?? Youve been brainwahsed faggots
because you keep begging for reparations and raping white women
If this had happened 4 years ago I would have been critical of it
It's happening now and all I can think of is how much damage it could potentially cause to the industry now and the only thing I can come up with is "not enough"
fucking publishers and developers alike need to be purged one way or another, no matter by whose hand
I support this completely. You should only be able to buy violent games if you're 18, maybe 21 with ID only. Buying violent games for kids should be made illegal.
too many feminist leftist cunts in the industry is why i don't give a fuck.
Obviously video games don't cause school shootings, but if we're gonna take out the trash and get rid of degeneracy, then we might as well get rid of them too.
The level of violence in video games and movies has hit really disturbing levels. Go watch some QTE death animations or the latest episode of whatever crime drama is popular right now and try to justify this content to me. This shit gets marketed as "mainstream" culture but contains snippets of extremely disturbing depictions of human suffering and disfiguration, that has no artistic merit, and is only there for shock value. I don't really give a shit that you had a good time playing Zelda when you were 9 or whatever, if you're serious about healing our culture I don't see how you can't do something to address this.
never happened but I wish it did. Video games are a degenerative hobby that turns young kids into pozzed manchildren who live with their parents into their 30s
>says bribery in politics is free speech
>says fictional violence should be regulated by federal government
He's just using the liberals to point out how hypocritical they all are by getting mad at him for this. They want most things against their sensibilities banned, but then when he agrees with them on something, they all jump on the freedom of speech bandwagon. Hahaha Democrats have been doing this since the beginning of video games and now God Emperor is exposing them. Hahahahaha CAN'T STOP WINNING
th-three dee chessu~~
A/B testing ya stupid leaf, fuck off and let us get shit done. no one asked for your opinion, when we want it, we wont ask because who the fuck would listen to your fucked up country. social justice pussies, come fight us faggot there isn't a wall on your side of the border, yet.
Because faggots keep pretending that we have a school shooting problem and begging for a solution.
There is no correlation between rates of gun ownership and rates of homicide, so gun control is out of the question.
So... now you have politicians flailing to fix the problem in other nonsensical ways that may or may not work.
Because he's an old clueless boomer. And he'll blame anything but niggers.
Because he is a retarded boomer.
Video games are degenerate you fucking cum guzzler
>implying anything is banned in America
he's a moron who pisses off his base as well as his enemies
He’s not banning them. Remember how he “proposed” raising the age limit on gun control? He just runs with this bs so “The Left” has to backpeddle and argue against themselves. Then he backs off after they’ve devoured themselves sufficiently. This type of strategy is business 101, anons...
You guys have to start thinking critically.
this is some 1488 Dimensional checkers right here.
>14,000 cumulative hours on steam
all that time, wasted...
fuck video games
games are shit now anyways, no one cares
Good. Video games are degenerate.
Do you guys realize what website you're on? This place is the fucking Mecca of degeneracy.
They are fucking retards. Anyone on this site calling someone else degenerate probably jerks it to traps and other gay shit
>says games are a problem
>encourages parents to limit their children to what they can play
>possibly make implementing underage reporting a reality when encountering a little shit spewing nonsense on a mic for the Modern Warfare 2 Remaster
I hope he pushes it
he's not you retarded leaf
kill yourself
This is a good thing.
Go be a manchild faggot somewhere else.
The video games industry has become a multimillion dollar business. So far, America based companies have lead the field.
My guess is Trump just wants to give French Ubisoft a leg up?
>Jews spend two decades attacking the video game industry for violent imagery and forcing censorship
>Trump says maybe it's time to look at video games seriously
>knee-jerk leftist golems immediately revert to "opposite everything Trump" programming and start defending violent video games
>"regulations" amount to nothing more than reminding people that the ESRB already exists and pre-teens shouldn't be playing 17+ chest-high-wall simulators, asking parents to do their jobs
You jews still really don't understand how this works, do you?
Except he never propsed regulations you dolt.
>implement underage reporting when encountering a little shit spewing nonsense on a mic
I don't have a problem with this.
Wow so Gamergate is against Trump now? All those mean hashtags that are going to trend against him.
>muh dik
Slide thread. He never proposed regs for violent video games. Focus on more important shit like the suppression of Republican voters in PA-18
>already trying to backtrap on this supposed meeting
>"We can go ahead and chock that up as a victory!"
Jesus, shills are so fucking lazy.
If you go to their Leddit hideouts like KiA, most of them seem to think Anita Sarkeesian has more power than Trump. Or that she is influencing him somehow.
But she ragequit the internet and fucked off to Twitter rambling, stopping her videos long ago.