Sweds and Finns together vs (((The state))) and (((diversity))) when?


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Stop making threads, faggot.

Your grammar and prose is easy to detect and this is your fucking 5th thread about Sweden in so many minutes. Fuck off and die.

They are going to destroy Swedish too so it doesn't matter. Swedish and Finnish will survive in Finland or nowhere.

Always an american. Oh sorry, I mean a jew

swedish will be dead language in our lifetime...like latin

can't see anything wrong with that.

Olen toimivat vain Amerikassa, neekeri.

>I am (they)have worked only in america

>Sweds and Finns together
yeah no. Fuck the swedes they've deserved their shit
Death and destruction to Sweden

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Sun pitäis jo tietää, ettei google kääntäjät toimi suomen kanssa mutta loppujen lopuksi oletkin vain typerä jenkki, joka ei edes ole välttämättä täysin valkoinen
Itteäni ei valkoisuus haittaa, 100% Yerrow pride wörd wide

>every eurocountry islamized
>finn is left
>fuck everybody but me lmao
either youre a solomon or a retard. or both.

swedes killed my hamster markus, a syrian nationalist

>either youre a solomon or a retard. or both.
Not a globalist and Svecoman cuck though haha

salmon. I don't understand

>Itteäni ei valkoisuus haittaa


It sounds like the swedes cant stand up to the muslims so they batter on the finns instead , a softer target . So the swedes ARE angry at the migrants .

finnish is very difficult. I mean other than what they usually say which is something like satana ja perkele, vittu

it's a jewname

Fuck sweden, finlands alright they can do with aids

I bet those swedecucks have no problem with shitskin kids speaking Arabic but Finnish is off limits.

inb4 nordic resistance. also everybody is angry at them, but nobody admit it visibly. Even in my town my hate grow stronger, it's just africastan here

aha! the jews always come for your salmon

vittu magneti

care to explain the swed/finn hate? something happened back in better times?

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no that is slalom, a sport.

without* they better dont do with aids

nmr killed my hamster

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> German
> acknowledges ((them))

fucking finally, been waiting goddamn 70 years

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why did that homo police cunt screeching like a fucking nigger baby?

can't we just get along until shitskins are removed from europe and continuing our hate then? We have (((greater enemies))) and they hate all of us.

Trauma from having to learn swedish in school.
many of us are proud for not remembering a word of it.

personally, I would have picked russian instead.

kek I think one of them might have stabbed him with his flag, I dunno user. They started it though so I have no sympathy. It didn't have to go like that, it's all because of the police

I'm russian I knew about them better than everyone else

rip friends of my grandpa (most probably)

>aaaaaaaaa aaaah

yea, the shitskins are tools used by ((them)) the incite unrest and separation. Divide and conquer, with brown people. Let's save the country - country hate until we're all white again, capisce? bigger things in action

why don't you germans just start burning these nigger ghettos

oh? hm. i think we could ahve been friends if it werent for the (((soviets)))

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They would backstab us as fast as they could.

never trust a swede

>niemand kunte riageren

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that sounds annoying. Well, if it's any consolation, y'all are brought together by the third reich

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>everything is easy, but I won't start the fire
also I am russian polaski

actually though the expression, never trust an irishman comes from us, but there is no such expression about the swedes. It comes from Magnus barefeet

>They would backstab us as fast as they could
>never trust a swede

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let's do it again, but you see the butthurt
>he stole my toy
>no, he stole my toy
scandis are all little children and daddy addie made them men

>The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
What did they mean by this?

this song makes me cry

you too, nordlands. kek. all three of y'all have heroism in your history, one way or another

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Finland should be taken by sweden like crimea was by the russians

true rusbro and they would probably turn it to their advantage

they were supposed to negotiate and they tricked him out on the bog, then they killed him there while the army was at the beach. He was a preventer of genocide, the anglos was genociding our people and he put a stop to it. He is a catholic saint

we need a strong party that spans the three countries to make all three crybabies to man up, kicking and screaming, into baking kosher again, if you catch my drift

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Around a Swede, you bleed!

Either Denmark or Finland, Sweden is more likely to be Ukraine. Actually all three of you should be part of Russia + balts

aptly put, friend over the ocean

god damnit now I can't get this song out of my head

it's like they are trolling, but they are serious

soon njál, soon

seeing as the only representatives on this thread for sweden have been ((jUdEn)) I'll have to say y'all aren't wrong. Where's uncle addie when you need him?

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swedish jews stole my fish

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I dont mind sucking putins dick, but why denmark? Thats such a weak country with 0 influence

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bants aside, any news about bekir btw?
He had him killed didn't he? Robert (((Aschberg)))?

>Implying Sweden could even attempt it

hey, y'all remember that crazy american dude who built a home-made tank, then destroyed an entire town with it? while police shot at it, doing fuck all to it's steel armor and treads. Why don't we have ike eight of those, but for mussi neighborhoods?

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I remember Robert Aschberg, he used to have a show on tv here. In one episode he got a guy that could fart on demand, they put flour on his ass to prove it. I was a big fan then. But then he killed Bekir. Turns out he is the swedish rotchilds

Jaa ookko aasialainen?

Who thfuck is bekir, the guy he supposedly killed was a right alt fag, probably brainwashed here in pol

With swedens military industri, yes its possible

(((they))) killed bekir, because he asked the right questions. Nobody dies of a heart attack when they are 33 years old. They killed him

he was an investigating journalist, from lebanon. He worked for megafonerna, säpo was harassing him

Basically in the past finns were indentured servants for the Swedish kingdom and Swedish kings would fuck us over. Both Sweden and Russia have but I guess you could say swedes have been better to us than Russians. Thank god communism never won in Finland.

Hyvin laitettu. En vois paremmin sanoo. Meil saadaan noita victimhood pointteja kun taas ruotsilla ei oo nii ne ei voi taistella vastaan.

Ookko hullu? Venäjä ois ollu pahempi. Kattoo muita itä Euroopan maita jotka oli venäjän vallan alla. Oli silti parempi, et oltiin ruotsin alla kuin venäjän.

krhm. siis kielenä, jota kouluissa opiskeltaisiin. pohjoisessa sille on enemmän käyttöä kuin ruotsille.

>swedens military industri
How do you occupy a country with industry? :DDDD

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No joo tänää varmaa onki jos asut idäs, mut en mä vieläkään niist oikee tykkää. Mm. Niiden mafia, maan ostaminen.