Jewgle fucked up Swedens search results
Other urls found in this thread:
>sjw propaganda in the us
>neo nazi propaganda in sweden
what did they mean by this?
don't forget that it is jews pushing for this (bonnier).
And another fucking Sweden thread by this Kraut faggot.
Go to bed, Hans.
I'm surprised our government didn't apologise to Google and promise to make more efforts to rid Swedes of Nazi associations.
Maybe they will finally fix their situation
If you use google instead of DuckDuckGo then you don't deserve the truth
Google even censors search results in the US
>using duckduckgo
Imagine being this retarded
Oy vey goy stick to my google! Don't forget to get your DNA results at 23&me so you can prove you're 56% white! We'll be keeping your DNA & prophet off of any ground breaking discoveries we learn from it!
Few minutes, then I take a nap Benjamin Lincolnwitz
Got banned for making this thread on my pc, on my laptop rn. Also my country/IP/ISP seem to be blocked by /x/
>Benjamin Lincolnwitz
My name is Timo Xxxxxxxenenenen
I'm not surprised, half of YouTube is blocked in your country because it doesn't fit your countries propaganda
Recently a good Hitler video with over 1 million clicks got blocked or something. Thank God I downloaded it before and listen to it when I cry myself to sleep
Is this video blocked for you
DDG is almost as bad a Google you idiot. Use Searx or Startpage
nope, gonna watch and download it for sure later
>gotta jew fast: the reply
>A search on Google for the Holocaust showed an anti-Semitic blog post high up containing information about Swedish Jews.
>search for Holocaust
>get a list of jews
Download it, it gets removed from YouTube all the time
Which one would you say is best?
an error that will be promptly corrected make no mistake
DDG is owned by Gabriel Weinberg
Not sure but they are both better than DDG
Duckduckgo is owned by an Israeli. It's just google again but waiting to gain your trust first. Literally controlled opposition.