Surely its not a coincidence that the writer of the show is a jude?
Troy: Black Achilles
Other urls found in this thread:
>Achilles Heel
>Clinton says blacks need to be brought to heel
Clinton Time Travel?
The absolute state of US entertainment.
Is tarring and feathering ever going to make a comeback? That's really the most appropriate response to bullshit like this: public humiliation.
It's from UK.
fuck you Sup Forums
fuck you for being right
Westermn Jews are fucking hipster faggots.
Fine, I admit defeat.
Hey Sup Forums, check this :^)
Let's assume for a second that the elites of Britain are successful in their plan with replacing every last white human being with niggers and muslims.
Then what.
What is the endgame, what are they gaining?
They could just all move to Somalia to get the same diverse experience.
There's a lot of cool mythological stuff they could legitimately make with African history. It wouldn't be as glorious as Troy, but wouldn't that be more positive? I'm sure some blacks must find it insulting that the diversity roles they get are playing things like famous Greeks or what have you
The endgame is that they have a new lower class that doesn't chase higher education. It's a workforce thing far as I can tell. That's why there's an insistence on importing somalis over something like Ethiopians or Kenyans
But Niggers and Muslims don't work. Look at their countries. They produce nothing.
There`s more.
Those countries have a functional lower class. I definitely see a lot of them working in certain industries, I mean have you been to an airport recently?
children of white woman and somalis raised by single mothers will work, but won't be possibly able to defend themselves from zog
We don’t know the exact race of ancient Greeks. It’s close to Africa so it’s not a stretch that many were black. It’s also not definitive that the characters they cast as black were white by Homer’s description, there are various ways to interpet the Greek. Not to mention even if he did write them as white he could’ve just been a white supremacist white-washing history.
I find Somali women actually seem to always have a job. At least here in Minneapolis
You're very funny
Nice science fiction burger.
That is so disgusting.
Glad to hear that the show is a disaster.
Only 1,6 million people watched it
Why didn't they cast a black woman?
All the cool characters are black, all the women they fuck are mysteriously very white.
Whatever you have to tell yourself Nazi.
this tbqh senpai
this is like a parody of social justice bullshit at this point
The new social issue needs to be that no one will cast black women. White women get all the roles POC have. This will make these portrayals look racist. Get roles for minority women.
>So a director caste a black for a white person and is ((them))
>imagine my shock
g8 m8 m8
What the fuck am I looking at here
We do know the race of ancient Greeks, they have been tested genetically. Greeks probably ave more nigger admixture now than they had back then.
The depictions on the vases look pretty black to me. The statues are raceless. I don’t see how you think this was a post in your favor.
>obvious white characteristics (different races have different faces you fuckcunt)
>modern greeks are white (and it doesn't matter how many cherry-picked images you post, honey, i go there once a year and all of them are white.)
Now, i suggest you stop baiting, mutt.
yea, those typical balck noses...
It doesn’t matter what Greeks look like today. We’re talking a very, very long time ago. That’s like saying the Native Americans weren’t colored because look at Americans now! Majority white!
There’s no such thing as a black nose, there’s the racist stereotype of a squashed nose but in reality there are as many types of noses in blacks as in whites.
>Figures and ornaments were painted on the body of the vessel using shapes and colors reminiscent of silhouettes. Delicate contours were incised into the paint before firing, and details could be reinforced and highlighted with opaque colors, usually white and red.
it's called an art technique nigger
>There’s no such thing as a black nose, there’s the racist stereotype of a squashed nose but in reality there are as many types of noses in blacks as in whites.
There is deffinetely something like black nose which allowed black people to live in hot dry sub saharan climate, while white people have small noses with small nostrils to better tolerate harsh cold northern climate.
you don't know shit about world nigger, you are just pulling shit out of your ass
If you only knew how deep the Jewish hate for Greeks is
Ethiopians have skinny noses. In fact, its one of the things they get racist towards other blacks about
You should look up the color of Achilles' hair
Protip: it's not black or brown you fucking kike
Please elaborate.
I already addressed the possibility of Homer white-washing history.
Yeah... sounds like white archaeologists coming up with some bullshit. There are plenty of examples of art from that time depicting different skin tones.
>inhabited the spirit of the characters
wtf does that even mean
What next? Vikings?
gtfo kike, you haven't got any valid source supporting the theory that greeks in that timeline were anything close to black, while on the other hand there are tons of genetic researches done (especially on their genotype) that prove they were as white as it gets.
Greeks now are the result of being cucked genetically by turks, lot of them look like gypsies, which is a normal process, no race or culture lasts forever
educate yourself
Greek ruler of Syria and Palestine, Antioch IV Epifanes made Solomon/s temple into Baal-Zeus temple and bathed Moses Tablets in pig blood. Also he said "no" to circumcission.
Yeah I’m sure they’ve done plenty of totally accurate tests on the DNA of a people that existed before recorded history.
>Read what hanukkah is all about
>Zechariah 9:13:For I have bent Judah as my bow; I have made Ephraim its arrow. I will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and wield you like a warrior’s sword.
>They killed Cosmas of Aetolia, i recommend you seach about it, its classic jewish behavior
>During the Greek Independence war Jews fought fiercefully against Greeks, they commited atrocious acts against the population and the clergy and ofc got the right punishment when given the chance
>They tried to make Thessaloniki a jewish city state but failed again due to the decisive stance of the Greek nationalist government during the Balkan wars
Jews hate and fear Greeks and Ancient Greek spirit in particular cause they are afraid of enlightenment, they thrive in dark ages like the ones we live nowadays
yea becouse they are heavily mixed with ancient egyptians and other white/semi white civilizations.
they look like something between whites and blacks but they live nowhere near greece and only black people in Greek history were slaves brought by some sailors.
north africans are also mixed but they are more white than black, and black people never lived above meditearanean sea, except for some slaves who were brought by colonist/early arab/phoenician traders
at least this bullshit is backed by archeological findings and ancient texts. your bullshit is just pulled out of your ass based on idea that "there mast have been some black people living there, as movement around the world is so easy"
well it didn't use to be that easy nigger, that's how races were shaped. And black people never naturally lived above sahara
>It’s close to Africa so it’s not a stretch that many were black.
I forgive you because you're amerifat.
there must have*
Haven't i told you already to educate yourself?
You can do an amazingly accurate DNA test from the teeth of ancient corpses. That DNA is known as 'ancient DNA', look it up, kike
The original Greeks were kind of atheist or believed in very "down to earth" Gods. These gods fell for vices like regular humans. Not the ultra powerful omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent bullshit made by Jews. When faced with christianity ancient Greeks made fun of them. That's how I like to tease idiots that try to pretend they are the greatest Greek patriots ever, by telling them if you are a true Greek you shouldn't be Christian. They go ape-shit and their puny mind can't comprehend it. Greece is one of the most jewhating countries in the world that's not muslim.
my god Serb bro, when Turks came to Anatolia they were no more than 10.000 while the population was more than a million, stop with the myth that Greeks have Turkish blood, check modern Turks and compare them with Uyghurs or even Turkmenistan.We dont have Turkish blood, Turks are just Greek/Kurd/Armenian/Assyrian Muslims
Lmaooooooooo this guy really thinks teeth survive in the wild for tens of thousands of years
>if you are a true Greek you shouldn't be Christia
Plato and Socrates were Christian.
The absolute state of Mutt education
Nice profile picture.
>Justin continued as a teacher of philosophy, but he now explained Christianity as the true philosophy. He believed that all truth was God's truth. Borrowing from John's treatment of the Word (Logos in Greek) in his gospel, Justin taught that any truth in the Greek or pagan philosophies was the Word or Logos reaching out to sinful humanity. He believed Plato's God was the God of the Bible and Socrates was a Christian before Christ, just as Abraham was. Moses and the Old Testament writings were older than the Greek philosophies, and any truth the Greeks had was borrowed from the Jewish prophets.
The absolute state of (((you)))
You have to be baiting right?
I think Jews are sexually obsessed with niggers, that's why they always try to sick up to them. Jewish men want the BBC more than anyone else.
>We’re talking a very, very long time ago
Niggers don't magically turn white in a few thousand years. You can safely assume they looked back then the same as they do now.
Are you for real? Have you even read that dialogue? Have you fucking read anything by Plato?
sure thing, but youre going way back in time, modern Greeks as far as i remember, are affected by Greco-Turkish war in the 1920s was followed by a huge population exchange.
I could be wrong, but mixing with them did occur in those times
Greek here, the memes have gone too far guys.
Why are people irrevocably unable to comprehend the fact that we were, are and always will be Mediterraneans?
i won't even reply to this properly, i just hope that this is some high quality bait, because if its not, you people are beyond saving
Huge Greek populations used to live in Turkey. Because it's been their home for thousands of years. Some still do.
>He believed Plato's God was the God of the bible
Great, so a guy believed that. that isn't indicative of any sort of reality
>Socrates was a Christian before Christ
>Moses and the Old Testament writings were older than the Greek philosophies, and any truth the Greeks had was borrowed from the Jewish prophets
nearly EVERYTHING from the old testament was borrowed from earlier religions, the idea the Greeks took stuff is ass backwards
ahh yes, now thats going to be a historically accurate website.
you're embarrassing.
this is literally 2/10 even for Sup Forums standards.
δεν έχεις ίδεα τι λες, οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες ήταν δεισιδαίμονες μέχρι αηδίας. Επίσης οι παλαιές δοξασίες kαταγγέλθηkαν kαι απορριφθηkαν ήδη από την εποχή του Περιkλέους. Οι μονοθεϊστιkές τάσεις kατά τα Αλεξαντρινά χρόνια ήταν πλήρως διαδεδομένες. Ο Πλάτων kαι ο Σωkράτης αποτέλεσαν βάση για την Χριστιανιkή διδασkαλία. Καλό θα ταν να διαβάσεις λίγο πριν βαλθείς να kαταγγείλεις την ορθοδοξία που αποτελεί σαρξ εk της σαρkός του Ελληνιkού πνεύματος. Στο μόνο που θα συμφωνήσω είναι για το δίkαιο μίσος kατά των Ιουδαίων.
>rhetorical questions
Oh, I didn't realize you were an intellectual. Stop being a faggot, user
Yeah, the premiere voice on ancient Greek philosophy/logos in 2nd century Europe was full of shit.
north american education
post modernism has destroyed logic and replaced it with rhetoric
>ahh yes
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
>nearly EVERYTHING from the old testament was borrowed from earlier religions
Wrong. Post actual proof. All the atheistic claims of this can be easily disproven.
Israel is close to africa, ergo only black people are tru israeli native.
Non black israelis should be removed violently if needed from the stolen land.
believe me, i haven't got any reason to hold the Turkish side and if i could i'd give the whole territory of Turkey to Greece, i'm just troubled by the way Greeks now look, and trust me i've met lots of you here on medical faculty. Too few resemblances to the ancient Greeks that we know as white and mostly blonde
You're such a fucking mongoloid. Fuck off
Why are you even on Sup Forums
Fucking faggot
>10,000 sejuks conquered 1 million greeks
Justin Martyr is an expert on an idea that you can call things that aren't christian, christian. to retroactively ascribe christianity to things that have nothing to do with it. Thats not a voice of authority on what Plato or Socrates actually believed.
are you seriously going to sit here and say Mesopotamian and Caananite religions don't predate Abrahamic religions?
fuck even the creation story is just a modified Egyptian one.
The original language of the old testament or talmud even mentions previous gods, just saying they are evil instead.
>German-Jewish mother
wut ? didnt know Hybrids are possible
am impressed now
Κανείς δεν διαψεύδει ότι ο Πλάτων λειτούργησε σαν kαταλυτιkή μορφή στη δημιουργία του Χριστιανισμού, αλλά σkέψου ότι kανείς δεν ασχολείται με τα πιο βαθιά φιλοσοφιkά ζητήματα μιας θρησkείας επειδή όλοι βιώνουν θρησkείες όσο πιο επιφανειαkά γίνεται.
We've always looked the same for millenia. What you """"believe""""" is laughable.
so can we call it black washing yet? because that dude def wasn't black as an ace of spades
Dude, Turkish/Mongol Warriors were uberalles
If Genghis Khan hadnt died during the European campaign, he would have reached spain in 2 months
Byzantine Empire was too fucked up with infighting at the time, truth is that Turks first came to region with an invite! from a throne claimant....
During the golden ages, the empire had a 10.000 cataphract cavalry royal guard when the whole of West europe couldnt afford 100 so spare me your cheap irony
I noticedbin another thread that this shjt was produced by BBC
British citizens actually payed for this with their tax dollars. Meanwhile ANOTHER rape scandal has just been exposed. Pathetic desu
Inaccurate protrayal. Look at the description of greek gods and war lords.
Pic related, statue is from 2nd century AD
"Achilles was described by the Byzantine chronicler Leo the Deacon, not as Hellene, but as Scythian, while according to the Byzantine author John Malalas, his army was made up of a tribe previously known as Myrmidons and later as Bulgars.[81][82]"
Decidedly not African
Does that look like a black man to you?
The absolute state, of the British.
The views of the show slumped.
>hercules blacked
>joan of arc blacked
>troy blacked
>white guy plays ironfist in marvel
Can white people stop blackwashing MENA history? Numidians were North African Caucasians
Alexander is net cuz we MCedonian and shit
Numidians were not niggers