American culture

>American culture

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British "culture"

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each day I'm becoming more convinced to the idea that white islam is the only solution

Those are our upper middle class kids who live in bubbles larping like it's still the 1980's. Bunch of those girls go missing every year.

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Oi, you are the ones that imported the 'pride' parade bullshit here!

(((American))) culture

Lauderdale has nothing on PCB. The latter was the trashiest spring break you would've ever witnessed. It was a bunch of kids acting crazy for the sake of saying, "whoah brah, craziest spring break evaaaa!". This was pre-snapchat. I can't imagine what they're doing these days for the sake of shock and awe.

that top pic gets me hard as diamonds

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They exported it. The ones who imported it are you.

I live in Fort Lauderdale, but I was at PCB during Spring Break '12. I was drunk almost the entire time. Lauderdale has nothing on the degeneracy of PCB.

So many memes are going to come from this article. I saw it just late last night and you faggots are already on it when I wake up

Good riddance to them. The ones that don't go missing turn 25 & then look like they're 50. After having sex with 200 guys they settle down to a suburban neighborhood & live the left of their live stream on xanax, married to tin & have a kid named Jamal

Literally no one cares about these degenerates & they'll be in the camps soon.

This article...

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It's just people doing shit, whats there to get mad at?
Just unhappy you're not a part of it?

Panama City is easily one of the trashiest tourist towns in the entire fucking country - terrible location. Florida in general is overrated, just go to the fucking Carolinas

>tfw too poor for Cancun

>half sister is from Ft. Lauderdale
>every spring she goes into right wing authoritarian mode
>repealing prohibition was a mistake
>weed should be banned
>I wish Duterte was American
>fucking degenerates need to fuck off
>counter culture was a mistake
>Nixon is my favorite president
>Videla did nothing wrong (she's half Argentine)
>I should start going to church again
>once all the spring breakers leave she goes back to normie who gives a fuck about politics mode
It's always an interesting few weeks though

Das rite

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The chick on the left looks like she is going to shit on his arm.

Friendly reminder that Americans are not white.

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>go to big school in Florida
>all I do is work and go to school
>no friends
>no partying like on Instagram
>just work work work
>senior year and haven't had one spring break where I partied or did anything but work
Any collegeanons tell me what going out and having fun during spring break is like? I missed out on so much stuff and feels bad man.

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You mad bong? Muzzies got you in a bind?

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it all depends user

does this look fun to you?

It really is all so tiresome

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>does this look fun to you?

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You sound like a simple bitch

>Any collegeanons tell me what going out and having fun during spring break is like?
I am postcollege. It is better to spend your time empowering yourself than it is to waste it in self destructive, socially hollow 'partying'. Attempting to balance working and partying is also hollow. Build a healthy life for yourself and stop worrying about fitting in with people who do not care about you.

Do not worry about friendships with 'party people' either, they will abandon you like a broken toy. They are broken themselves. You are not missing out, so save and invest and work towards positive goals. Those idiots that are binge drinking and leading fake social lives are missing out.

Spring break is overrated, I used to go with fraternity every year. Everything is marked up to cover the damage costs and most of the women are so drunk you're gambling on rape accusations. People act like it's easy to get laid but that's any college party. You haven't really missed out, you can go any year even after you graduate. If you do go get ready to listen to non stop shit bro country music.

I'm pretty fucking white hitler

Still better than leting Abdul fuck your kids


Grow up. All of you.

Americans are worse than Brazilians

I guess so. I just want to have fun and see how the other half live.
I guess just seems like one of the many boxes I never got to check and now that my time is essentially up just reflecting and realizing how lame it all was.

Yes, but it is really that far off from the truth user?
>If you do go get ready to listen to non stop shit bro country music.
White trash dudebros are fucking cancer

>I just want to have fun and see how the other half live.
it's overrated and it's more depressing seeing just how empty, simple, and shallow the other side is. When no one else notices you'll feel more isolated than if you were in a room alone.

>Grow up. All of you.
You don't anything about growing up. Your entire culture is infantile.

That's your own insecurity, because you have not grown up. You type in screaming caps because you're an imbecile.

literally bunch of niggers

I think that a lot of this behavior is to create an image that the person is "a party animal that knows how to have fun", even if that person doesn't really like it that much.

Your time isn't up. Most of the retards at springbreak aren't even in college. Like I said man, you can go anytime you want. I used to see elderly guys trying to grind on bitches. Here is a secret user, college is meant for learning and preparing for the real world so you did it right. Post college is more fun than college if you make good money.

>it's overrated and it's more depressing
>you'll feel more isolated than if you were in a room alone
You're prob right, user. But these last years of my life have been pretty much just sit home alone when not at work or school anyway. I guess I wish I had played it differently that's all. I'm going to be in my 30's and 40's and all i'll be able to look back on this time is say wow I struggled and worked my ass off. Nothing great about that, meanwhile everyone else out having fun and creating memories albeit maybe bad/shit memories still.

This. That place, man. That fucking place.

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Wise words.

>Lauderdale has nothing on PCB
correct. PCB has made it illegal to drink on the beaches and has cracked down massively because of how bad it was.

This is bait. Every beach has degeneracy like this. You, like all Anglos posting here, are projecting your insecurities by posting slide threads to make America seem as shitty as England. You know in your heart that your children will grow up in a third world country that used to be great, because those who came before you destroyed it, and it's easier to post memes on a Tongan pinochle board than to fight back. Pitiable.

I'm 100% white.

Fuck off

You don't expect our women to wear Burkas do you? Oh.........

>I guess just seems like one of the many boxes I never got to check

That's the message that the media wants to send, but really, you didn't miss anything. Debauchery is not a good road for happiness.

Also, you faggots do this shit in Ibiza and Hvar every year too.

You don't have a leg to stand on Nigel.

>I guess just seems like one of the many boxes I never got to check
This is not a healthy approach to life, user. It is not a series of boxes to check. Better to focus on people and experiences that don't make you feel like you have to worry about boxes to check.

>and now that my time is essentially up just reflecting and realizing how lame it all was.
The vast majority of people have lame lives, all throughout their lives. It's not a matter of you living as one half and 'them' as the other half.

That other user is calling you simple, I simply think you are worrying because you are putting a fake world on a pedestal. How many times have you seen those fake soyboy smiles? Those are not the only fakers of happyness in life. Most people in general delude themselves into pseudo-contentment.

If you are working and being responsible, you are building yourself up. Those thots and dudebros you see in the party lifestyle, they are just numbing themselves. It is the only way they can stand to confront life, they are losers. Be a winner user, live like a winner.

How old are you? Like 21 kek? You have plenty of good times ahead. Find a local bar to kick it at and meet people.

>having fun and creating memories
They all blend together and aren't worth remembering, nor are the friends worth keeping. Get drunk with a good friend and have good conversation, it's infinitely more enjoyable.

God dammit. Now the blm shitposter is going to have this image on 8 threads a day.

Dude you can go there when you’re out of college too most people are 20-25

Plus now you can afford blow instead of just shitty beer

It's funny, the memories I remember the most are the ones i don't want to remember like fingering this chick freshman year only for her rancid pussy to stink up my entire dorm room. The smell stayed on my hand for like 2 days, kind of smelled like spoiled milk and fish. I sometimes think of the smell when I'm sick and it makes me puke.

>Nothing great about that, meanwhile everyone else out having fun and creating memories albeit maybe bad/shit memories still.
Use that stuggle in work to build something better. Trust me, you don't want bad/shit memories, they will haunt you forever. Feeling resentful about working is better than having fucked up things to remember because you wanted to have "fun".

You can and should enjoy your youth no doubt, but that is just forced 'fun'. Standing around in sand, semi drunk just looks thrilling in this 5 minute compiliation but most of the time its just awkward.
I spent my summer breaks from uni working at festivals and the amount of cringe is unbearable sometimes.

>left side full of pictures of cherrypicked fatasses from today
>right side full of pictures of the architectural accomplishments of dead men

America today looks just like Europe today, dumbass.

The lifestyle you wish you had is not really what will make you happy. Try to read Epictetus and other ancient philosophers.

>How old are you? Like 21 kek? You have plenty of good times ahead.
23. I went to school late that whole cliche.
>Get drunk with a good friend and have good conversation, it's infinitely more enjoyable.
I would but a lot of my friends are back home or married/kids or just busy. Feel like i'm getting to the age where kinda late to start making new friends, at best maybe some work colleagues or something.
Idk anons memories seemed bad yet funny. That was kinda what I meant.

if it makes you feel better i had this lifestyle with 17-24 and now i think it was just a waste. My good friends are not from that time but from hard work for university. I wish i had spent more time learning and improving my self than taking drugs and getting drunk every weekend

look, if you're not a social person at age 23 you're most likely going to hate these sorts of college parties.


Lol man, you still have plenty of youth left. I'm 27, i can safely say you haven't missed anything yet.

Where are they when you need them?

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why are American cunts so fat ?

blackpanther is number 1 at the box office just months after football was crushed because of the behavior of black athletes

white people are cowards and love black dick science confirms

Mistakes South for American Culture


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mad cunt

>american culture

So don't come simple as that. Bin that opinion bong

The US & the UK have become Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Extremes Extremophiles

Watch that documentary "sexual liberation" on Netflix, documents all this shit and basically blames men for it at the end

what the fuck

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I really want to throw eggs at their pathetic police force but turns out I need a license to purchase assault eggs in the UK.
>pic related.

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This man knows what’s up. After Highschool I got all my partying out of the way. There’s nothing there for you but bad decisions that only deter your life progress. You’ll get attacked and put down once you figure this out. When people talk shit on you for not wanting to “go out” or “hit the bars” it’s them grappling with their own problems and not being able to realize they themselves are the ones with the problem and not you. In today’s society everybody’s ego is lashing out at the fact they can’t break free from society telling them what they ought to be doing.

someone needs to shop it.
Sunscreen for poos.

>sprrriing breaaak...
>sprrrrrriinnng breeaaak

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Daily reminder on the Anglo Question.

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This same pictures you can make in Spain lloret de mar, or a lot of places where kids come together. This if you want and fit in the catagory you can find in any country, but most people 99% who dont partake in it dont see it or want to see it.

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Nice d&c shoehorn memeflag

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>I'm going to be in my 30's and 40's and all i'll be able to look back on this time is say wow I struggled and worked my ass off. Nothing great about that
Besides all the money you saved and health to your body

Looking back and seeing yourself having wasted your time getting drunk and forming facile relationships doesn't feel any better.

Can confirm, I spent my high school years partying and I am in a hole now.

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>spring break is coming
oh fuck...

Context please.

>look it's who is more degenerate thread, limeys or mutts?
both of your kind need to be put into black hole of culcutta

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Britbongs never cease to amaze me. Airstrip One and the rest of the drones there would be better off if it just sank into the ocean at this point.

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>buy premade cake
>throw it

Severe case of hover hand

The oxymoronic feminist acceptance of Islam is an inconscious response towards their downfall as women.

>not wanting to impregnate these "crazy" girls on vacation and then never contact them again
Do you even male?

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>Do you even nigger?

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