Total CIA coup:
Cohn gone
Tillerson gone
Mattis is the last bastion of common sense, they want to go to war with Iran. That is why Pompeo has been appointed to position of Secretary of State.
Total CIA coup:
Cohn gone
Tillerson gone
Mattis is the last bastion of common sense, they want to go to war with Iran. That is why Pompeo has been appointed to position of Secretary of State.
Huge if big.
Nice trips Hohol.
Mattis will probably quit on his own, dude's probably getting tired of having to deal with Ivanka and Kush's shit all the time.
Nuke Russia!
One Trump is going to nuke Iran! Impeach!
t. Liberals
lol what Mattis would love to go to war with Iran
This guy instead of draining the swamp he is fucking drowning in it
War with Iran will be Vietnam but a thousand times worse and with mountains instead of jungles
>deal with Ivanka and Kush's shit all the time.
when are they getting rid of them?
Are you retarded? Mad Dog would love to nuke Iran.
So another Afghanistan. Super Afghanistan.
nthing burger
Mattis: "When all you have are hammers everything starts looking like a nail"
He's just reiterating what the MIC has been pushing for a century
No you dipshit, he wants to keep the Iran deal.
Wew, lad
No you fucking idiot Defense Secretary Mattis openly split with Trump on abandoning the Iran deal.
I was fucking hoping that with Trump the whole rotten kikery of the US in terms of foreign policy would JUST STOP.
But instead the only thing Trump (probably at the behest of Mattis and Bannon) did was de-fund the jihadi al-qaeda that the bloodthirsty nwo CIA brain leaders of the war in Syria masterminded.
Now the CIA wants war with Iran, and against all Shias because their little plan did not work in Syria. Not only this, but they have given Jihadi arming and funding Turkey, unlimited support and freedom to operate as it wasn't in the Aegean sea and N.Syria.
US no longer has leadership, we have come to a point that Russia is more dependable than the US in terms of geopolitics.
So glad we have the peacenik Trump to take us into war with Iran.
>I was fucking hoping that with Trump the whole rotten kikery of the US in terms of foreign policy would JUST STOP.
The guy had literal jewish kids you know that?
He won't quit himself. He will be ousted.
>Mattis wants to keep the Iran deal therefore he doesn't want war
You morons are too stupid to live. This CIA-funded thinktank paper shit has been on the net for 9 years now:
>Which Path to Persia?
It lists strategies for how to convince war weary Americans to support war with Iran. They recommend giving Iran
>"A deal that is too good to be true"
Then make it look like Iran broke the deal, and then tell Americans this is proof Iran can never be trusted and war is the only option.
The best way to avoid war with Iran is for America to break the deal first so it can't get any support from foreign countries or the American people.
If you support keeping the deal they will eventually make it look like Iran broke it and this will give America the moral high ground and support.
>Mattis: Pressure on Iran will be diplomatic, not military
Ok man whatever.
They aren't you fucking fool
>globalist jew
>mainstream figure
Get fucked, shill.
Who are you trying to convince? No humans reading this board are this stupid. These tactics only work on mentally-lazy leftists.
Your right! Deep state is BASED, consider my record corrected.
This is the same Iran Obama bypassed Congress to gift over a billion for reasons were still unsure?