Why do white women care so much about NFL niggers?

Why do white women Marry NFL Niggers?

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Money is not everything.

they get the bbc while at the same time a providing male

bbc always wins

Money/Power = Security. Women are weak after all and have to use their "cunning" to gain the upper hand.

Wow she's hot... good job rg3.

>life isn't easy enough
>make it even easier buy marrying rich athlete
I wonder why

more like bbc ONLY wins when $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is involved

Is for that marriage

gentile reminder that these threads are meant to demoralize you

Wh*Te bo*s don't stand a chance

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why did she have to go for full blooded negroid? if she wanted to be with a subhuman she at least could've married a halfie her kids would have blue eyes and other white features. SAD!

>he fell for the makeup meme
Her on the right.

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I'm sure gold diggers who marry 90 year old corpses do so with a smile


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Because marrying a hot white woman is the dream of niggers everywhere, and the only ones that actually have a shot with attractive white women are pro niggerball athletes.
Not a big loss honestly, they are a tiny fraction of niggers in our country, the rest live off of wellfare, sell drugs, or work at McDonald's

Because they're rich and athletic. Them having black skin doesn't negate this.

RG3 is alright, he seems like a decent guy for a niggerball athlete.

The majority of black athletes don't even marry outside their race. IR shills are grasping at straws.

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Still hot...

They weren't good enough to marry a white pro athlete.

As a sacrifice to appease the nigger gods. Niggers chimp out less when we throw one of our white whores at them. I thought that was common knowledge.

Yeah, she's clearly a stunner.

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nah bbc always wins man. if they marry a whiteboi provider they just cheat with the nigger on the side or get the beta into cuckolding

That soy smile by him. He is whipped by the selfie taker

not to mention white men and white women racemix the least of anyone

Don't they get raised that way? Here where your army bases are it's a constant barrage of how great and superior the American negro is, because if we don't become Africa you're not loyal enough to Israel or however that shit went. Maybe it's something like that - the boring girls who have only school line up at the places where negroes are outfitted and get more money for "living the dream"? Or the "troubled" ones CPS rent out become too unstable for Britain's shitporn fix? Given that revulsion for the turd monkeys seems to genuinely be instinctual, you might also be looking at the overrepresentation of outliers. But that probably isn't conspirative enough for you.

Money, nfl and nba coal burners are the only ones that make sense.

Wow that's quite the cute couple folder you have... maybe you can challenge the Turkish guy who uses the black nationalist flag and posted blacked dot com picks lol

>marry athlete who makes millions of dollars a year.
>athlete gets repeat concussions ever year on the field.
>athlete gets chronic traumatic encephalopathy
>athlete dies of CTE.
>wife is now a relatively young millionaire.
>wife's life is superior than if she married a white 9-5 breadwinner.

She will need all that money for her aids treatment.

White women are materialistic and the football nigs have money


Go annoy your family

Daily reminder that every black man understands that he's not truly successful until he gets a white woman.

Why does anyone marry NFL players at all? MONEY.

Shit bait faggot

Thats assuming he doesnt kill her. CTE is directly linked to nfl players murdering their sluts.


Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll too know how to recognize a slide shill thread and ask for the rope for shills.

Too bad Sup Forums likes to focus on the exceptions

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Money is just one of the ways to status. An important one, but not the only one.

Women will fuck a famous guy just to have his status rub off on them for example even if they don't get financially compensated. That 'I fucked celebrity X' is gold to them. That's why you get groupies and the like, they get paid solely in association points.

Everything women do pretty much comes down to status and signalling.

It's pretty decent. The IR shills usually stop posting their shit-tier, overused porn images once reality gets slammed into their face.

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NFL players are notoriously easy to manipulate and swindle, many of them are literal retards, and even the intelligent ones get knocked around to the point that they become simpletons.

Yes, she does make the assumption that he won't kill her. You have to remember that these women were raised in a fairy tale setting: men never hit women in their tiny little world, so the thought of outright murder never even crosses her mind.

Most NFL players, 95%, are bankrupt by 35. The women are usually gone by then.

To women who marry niggers it is.

Because women welcome invaders with open legs.

Jews want to destroy white Christian culture by any means necessary. Hence why they push so much interracial propaganda on tv advertisements, films, tv shows, and in the porn industry. They won’t be satisfied until all whites are under their thumb and living in third world conditions because they think it will make them real boys like Pinocchio. It’s actually quite sad. Having said that, our grandparents killed the only white Europeans intelligent enough to stand up for white interests against the synagogue of Satan. Our grandparents fought and died so that Jews could turn our countries into breeding grounds for non-whites.

Thing is, that's the prettiest she can make herself. With an expensive event makeup artist.

Meanwhile Griffin is actually the creature from the black lagoon who uses his lips to catch fish without his hands.


You misspelled "cunny"

White American men worship niggerball players as heroes. This rubs off on their daughters.

To roasties it is

Money money Moooney MONEY

Here we go again stealth cuck posting.
Internet porn is an addiction and damaging get professional health.

Cause NFL Niggers have money and are dumb.
Divorce guaranteed. It's like winning the lottery


are you stupid?

sad but true

RG3 is actually a decent person, i'd argue the dude is a conservative and if not, at least has a decent set of morals

Money and status

RG3 must be broke by now, he's been out of the league for over a year.


the comment section is basically a virgin. do with it as you please, Sup Forums.

Oh, so it is the Estonian athlete. I had to google the pic. At first I didn't recognize her because if I recall she looked better when she first got together with this guy a couple (?) of years ago. Maybe I just remember wrong, but I really thought this was some other couple before looking it up. The guy looks about the same as I remember, and now I understand why he looked familiar.

Women have no tribal loyalty and mate with the most successful male available.

NFL Niggers have money, which is the only thing women care about these days anyway

women are easily manipulated. twilight comes out and they ruin europe and canada by bringing in brown guys so they can have white guys fight over them. didnt work as intended but they dreamed of it happening

gays with thrones has the most milk toast rape scene ever we dont even get some dry humping silhouettes no instead its just some faggot crying and me2 shows up and becomes a big deal in the msm

blackpanther will now ruin the gene pool

>why do white women marry rich niggers
>money doesn't matter

for white women, it is. Stacey waits all her life for this.

American women aren't white.

Black man's reward for being a good boy. This is the white woman's duty.

Because you rise them to be soft and caring?
Media shows niggs as victims,hence their insticts+upbringing comes out.

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>RGIII committed Christian
>marries the mother of his child
>chases after blonde with a tighter ass
>dumps the mother of his child
>marries the blonde
>says he is a committed Christian
>child of RGIII prayers to Jesus that the Son of God will exact vengeance upon his dad for hurting his mom

And the Portuguese are?? I hope the muslims reclaim Al-Andalusia again and set you degenerates straight

I must give my congratulations to lauren southern for her marriage. Finally!

Because why would you marry a nasty black woman if you’re rich and famous?

big black boobies

they're better than your inbred ass

>Dude cheated on his wife, left his wife along with his daughter, and wrecked a home
>decent person

Money, of course. Which really shows how shitty (some) women are.

Holy fuck that's disgusting.

Because they care more about money than their genetics, history or heritage. Devoid of soul.


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