Do people in the West actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Russia?
I accidently opened reddit/worldnews and it was the most horrific show of russophobia i've ever witnessed. Is it a minority or a majority view?
Do people in the West actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Russia?
I accidently opened reddit/worldnews and it was the most horrific show of russophobia i've ever witnessed. Is it a minority or a majority view?
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Do people in Russia actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about the West?
I accidentally opened 2ch/wm and it was the most horrific show of Americaphobia i've ever witnessed. Is it a minority or majority view?
Yes. Russia cannot win.
If you're communist then the left will love you and the right will hate you.
If you're right wing then the right will mostly hate you and the left will also hate you.
Burger intelectual.
>majority view?
Try and open /po/. And reddit is pretty big and an accurate representation of liberal side of America.
Minority in Germany, especially in Eastern Germany and Bavaria. Western Germany/Western Berlin on the other hand it is maybe 50/50.
Read: Because once we redpill the normies they'll all realise that russia is a friend in the battle against the deep state as much as we do.
>If you're right wing
But calling Russia or Putin right wing is retarded.
if there aren't gays twerking in your streets, then you're a right wing country in the West's eyes
I hardly trust anything our media says about Russia and the middle east.
Most of the western media tread lightly on Russia. They generally blame Russian leadership of Russias misdeeds and failures while the real reason is the criminal nature of the subhuman slavs inhabiting the country.
never went there, a minor website.
it's like as if I claimed that Sup Forums/k represents the view of Western europe on Russia
Thanks for a proper reply.
I wonder about eastern Germany, back in the 90-s our media was brainwashing us that we raped and enslaved Eastern Germans/other europoors. Is it the view eastern germans hold true too? How do they feel about Soviets in general?
> the criminal nature of the subhuman slavs inhabiting the country
Says a literal mongol
Or a russian/swedish rapebaby born to a mongol mother
depending on circumstances
Most of the public are indifferent. It's all very far away from us.
Reddit is cancer.
I dont
It depends on who the audience is Rusfag.
Your generic, pansuit nation liberal or neocon is in full Red Scare mode right now, and thinks that Trump received help from Putin to win and is his puppet. They demonize anything to do with Russia.
Your regular right winger or Trump supporter either really likes Russia or doesn't really have any opinion. They think that the Russian collusion meme is mostly bullshit and a way for Dems to cover their asses for losing. However I do think there is an unhealthy tradition in the right to glorify or romanticize Putin or the current Russian state, and ignore its warts.
I think most American people don't have much of an issue with Russia or Russians. I know some who are a little worried to travel there than they used to be, and I do think most people dislike Putin and consider him rather sketchy. But in general, mass Red Scare or Russophobia is really absent from the population.
I think honestly there is not enough clear heads in the entire dialogue.
>mainstream media
some retards listen to it sure, but it's just the lemmings as usual
Sadly a majority view, these fucking retards still believe cnn and fox when it comes russia is the boogie man. If anything the reread betrayed the FSB and had to be dealt with just like what the CIA does to retards who betray them, it’s not fucking hard to understand.
Don't be a retard and stop using cringy words like that. People all over the world may not like Russia for all sorts of reasons, legit or not. My advice is to grow a thick skin before going to the internet.
тeбe eти пидopы нyжны ? мы дeлaeм cвoё oни дeлayт cвoё.
> the real reason is the criminal nature of the subhuman slavs inhabiting the country.
Russia has NEVER been a democracy nor a prosperous place for its people. It has always been corrupt, always ruled by the elite. This fact is embedded in the Russian culture itself
Fuck off cunt, our NEETS are richer than the average worker in Russia. We lost world war two but still were so better off than Russia or any shithole USSR raped.
It does make one think does it
>Do people in the West actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Russia?
No, no a word. The (((media))) seldom if ever tells the truth about anything other than the weather report.
Obvious samefag is obvious
Then who the hell watches the mainstream media if most - as you say- don't believe the mainstream media?
Lots of people trust the media, because they say things that make them comfortable. Even more people watch the media without fully trusting it. But plenty of people have tuned out. I read the WSJ, I think it's comfortably the best mainstream news organization for reading domestic news. But they are run by zionists and so I am wary of anything they say about Iran, Russia, and Israel. The bias and agenda is so obvious in their editorial section.
We in Finland know russians too closely.
For my personal opinion, painting Russia as this evil, semi Soviet dictatorship is Red Scare bullshit. I also think the narrative of Russia hacking the election and helping Trump win is ridiculous too.
That being said, I do think that the Russian government is very corrupt. I also hate how right wingers fetishize Russia as some moral or strong place, when having been there I can tell you it is not.
Well the raping of women during after WW2 is a topic I wouldn't bring up, because it was suppressed during the cold war years and they only made a big movie about that subject like 10 years ago (I believe it was called Anonyma). There was a criticism that the Soviets acted foolishly after WW2 by deindustrializing Eastgern Germany for a couple of years for reperations, while the western powers gave money to western Europe (Marshall plan) and build ther industries up, which many in the East viewed as a cause for the technological backwardness of Eastern Germany (fun fact: Before and during WW2, East Germany was technologically more advanced than large parts of the West and South). On the other hand the soviets also gave a lot of oil to East Germany at very low prices, which the East Germans than refined and sold for much higher prices on the world market (That stopped in 1980 and was a huge part why the GDR came into financial difficulties). The view of the Soviets is largely negative, apart from old people who vote for 'Die Linke', former SED-State party. The view of Russians (not the Soviets though) is largely good in the East and Bavaria. As a whole, Russians are seen by Germans as a bit of a mixed bag, on the one hand, they are seen as emotional people with a big heart and a passion for alcohohl, on the other hand, they are seen as somewhat cruel and primitive.
To finish on a positive note, Germans send a flotilla of trucks to Russia with food after the Soviet Union collapsed and there where food shortages, this was supposedly a deal after Gorbatschew agreed to reunification (Sorry can't find a link in English).
most of the world has never been a democracy. Democracy is a value shared by individualists and capitalists with a christian heritage this is why it fails whenever the west tries to export it to places where it doesn't belong.
Yes, and they cover only a little part of the shit the Kremlin is doing
(Solution in pic)
Yeah, I wonder how many people there trace their lineage to 1940-1944 occupations.
PS: Putin is also seen as same able to stand up to the US on the political world stage for which many people admire him on the right and left. The worst parties in Germany are parts of the CDU (Merkels party and especially people who are members of the 'Atlantikbrücke') and especially the postmodernist/leftist Greens (they are the worst).
I honesty think it'a minority but just looks like a majority. It's like Antifa and the far left, it looks like a majority but that's because the media are not against them and are well organised, most people or your average joe hate leftism and groups like Antifa. It's the same with Russia, all my mates and the people i interact with at uni don't mind Russia but the media (minority) make it seem like we hate them and that they are the boogeymen.
In short: identity politics. Those who the MSM's bias aligns with trust the news, those who don't, don't.
Probably majority, but I like Russians. Great and friendly people.
Russia is America's traditional enemy, and a lot of people hold this view. But it seems like most Americans believe the Russians themselves are fine people and it is just Putin who is the object of hate.
Only the leftists
I can't speak for others but I don't give a shit about what Russia does
You have more natural resources and clay than we do but for some reason when you cross the border to Russia it seems like only things you have more is crime, poverty, disease and corruption. We have been independent for just 100 years and are leaps and bounds ahead of your quality of life despite our mongol heritage and you having the advantage of being self-governed for centuries.
If this is not because of the nature of the Russian people what is the real reason then?
It is just a microcosm of the real thing. Honestly you Russians are obsessed with hating on the West and especially the US. You point your finger and act persecuted all the time, "look at how many NATO bases are around my country." When the entire reason for those bases being there is because countries invited us because they didn't trust you. Nobody forced them.
And despite acting like traditional right-wing white ethnostate supporters, you Russians are the biggest anti-Nazis of all time. A fact Sup Forums will never realize. Defeating the Nazis is part of your cultural myth foundation, it's ingrained in all your songs and movies. You did the most to defeat them and you brag about that all the time, but somehow the US gets all the blame for why they lost and why degeneracy is rampant, never Russia. I wonder why.
1. It's easier to govern a small country, than a/the biggest country in the World, thze bigger you are the more difficult it gets to build a good infrastructure.
2. Communism first build everything in the Soviet Union and simultaneously weakend everything during the late 70s/80s, because it was to inefficient.
3.(Jewish) Oligarchs destroyed evrything during the 90s/early 2000s.
4. Putin is trying to rebuild the economy during the 2000s but gets rejected by the West, because he can't agree with NATO.
5. 2010s Putin gets more aggressive, the West answers with economic sanctions
I believe it, I've seen and read stuff about it before the Trump/Russia narrative was even a thing. How much Putin is responsible for Trump, I don't know, what I do know is that he repeatedly feeds not just one side, but both sides, in order to fuel chaos and confusion. He does this both in Russia and in foreign countries. The stuff about the the pro-Trump and pro-Hillary accounts on facebook BOTH being Russian seems to support this.
Also with the stuff happening here with Russian double agents mysteriously dying, it seems to me conclusive proof. As a country we're hardly in a good position to start biting at Russia's ankles, we're not going to conspire to start some sort of conflict for that.
>is a Ukrainian member of parliament and a former spokesperson for Right Sector
>Bereza was born on 13 June 1974 in Kiev. In 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union, he moved to Israel, where he lived until 1993. He identifies as a Jew and a Cohen.
>He is the former leader of the far-right Right Sector organization.
>Hennadiy Korban was born on May 24, 1970, in Dnipropetrovsk in a Jewish family of Soviet engineers.
Russia: dindu nuffin the country
>t. Commie
Putin is either a terrible authoritarian or he is corrupt, make your pick.
>Honestly you Russians are obsessed with hating on the West and especially the US.
Young generation doesn't hate the West and especially Europe. And older generation is brainwashed to hate USA since the soviet days, just like americans were brainwashed with red scare.
But for Russians to dislike USA is not baseless. It's not just about NATO bases. It's just that you constantly tried to undermine Russia, not just in the 90s but even 100 years ago. Thanks to you Russia became communist in the first place. Bolsheviks were all agents on foreign payroll.
No one dislikes Russia other than nigger-brains, Jews, and homosexuals
Do people in Russia actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Putin?
I accidently opened Sup Forums/RTnews and it was the most horrific show of shabbos goyim i've ever witnessed. Is it a minority or a majority view?
Since he is pres I guess minority.
normies believe whatever they see on state TV
its like the priest's words at Mass
Yes. Theres much going on nowadays. The elimination of the spies for instance. Made as gruesome as they could as a warning to others. Cyberwarfare against all off Europe. Putin knows its election time so thats why its all happening now.
> us
Pavel those were Jews from America that did and do the same thing here
no, most people with half a brain
unfortunately half the country is filled with idiots. do you honestly believe propaganda about the US?
russophobia is a made up word
unironically yes. the day america stops protecting us, we will wake up to russian tanks in the streets and there is nothing we can do
>Jews from America
you mean your owners. jew slave
>kike on a proxy
The russki who started the thread isn't even here anymore, very bad work ethic. I'm disapoint !!!!!!!!!!
I wrote so much stuff.
Don't worry, only libtards believe the MSN. We know whats up, how the DNC was corrupt and how the man who leaked the emails was murdered in cold blood.
Russians are fine. Kremlin and Oligarch's are criminals.
you guys produce as much antiamericn propaganda as america produces antirussian
both your people are bathing in degeneracy of different kinds and you are the different sides of the same coin and you can go fuck yourselves
More Soviets died in WW2 than jaws and Americans combined. The Soviets were pissed when they took east Germany, and eager to even the score.
Your propaganda is stronger. Average vatnik hates west as if it raped his mother or something
>Do people in the West actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Russia?
No. Do not believe anything those fuckers say about anything.
Some do unfortunately.
The US is on the verge of a balkanisation event along racial and political divides. They won't be helping anyone soon enough.
Yes. Yes they do.
>Do people in the West actually believe the shit their propaganda (media) spews about Russia?
and why should we believe your shilling, Ivan?
fuck off
The average foggy brained mindlet literally believes everything they read if it is repeated often enough.
The smart people if they aren't very politically minded will express doubts.
The politically minded smart people go elsewhere for media coverage.