Possible habbening in New York, school shooting, girl i matched with on tinder send me this
>be at school
>does not know how to grammar
>fucking state of this country..
You have to be 18 to post here, faggot.
This looks legit
tell her "fuck I wanted that pussy don't die"
where in new york?
>from Ireland
>matched with girl in New York on tinder
things that never happened
>Be stupid slore
>somehow match with Irish guy despite living in New York
>Fear for my life because someone is shooting up the school
>Guess I had better text the guy I don't know and tell him whats going on.
I'm not buying it. Either you're full of shit or she is.
>school shooting
>isn't 18
be older moar newfag
Telling students to turn off their phones
>false flag inbound
“Theres a guy with a gun in the building.”
So what? He’s probably open carrying and the school isn’t a gun Free zone . Or maybe it’s an undercover cop. Stupid whore. Plus it’s tinder so we know it’s fake, no one swipes right on you except fat chicks and bots
>school shooting
>first person she contacts is some guy over tinder
God just end us please.
why the fuck would they be told to turn off their phones?
Imagine you are about to die. Who would be the last person you talk to? Your tinder match? So sad.
Why are you trying to fuck an underage retard OP?
Text her, "death is just the beginning. Iä! Iä! Shub-Niggurath!"
Your *irish* tinder match... ffs
>using tinder
>text some random dude on the other side of the pond about my school getting shot up
yeah, well, no
Yeah, assuming this is real... which I don't think it is, that would be a major red flag.
>Mexican flag, tinder account
Everyone involved deserves to die.
This is fake but even if its real
>new york
>open carry
>isn't gun free zone
That whole state is CA tier with their gun laws. You can't even get a full time CC there.
user is gonna get you laid if you do this OP
>just ignore the guy threatening with a gun
They have the world traveler thing where you can change your location. I was matching with girls from Moscow and shit. Total sluts.
Tell her to snapchat it
this episode is getting boring, they need to make the school shooter start raping women or killing hostages
otherwise gun control is never going to pass.
>I knew it was going to happen
no dont worry im keeping your little sister away from the keyboard
i unironically dont doubt it
its annoying as fuck to be honest, but if im the first guy they wanna fuck after entering the country who am i to complain?
t.im so old ive forgotten the randomness of youth
whoever said i was the only one she messaged? she was probably messaging everyone, and she never mentioned any family in conversation, maybe poor girl has none?
>getting laid
deplorable amirite?
shut up Malaysia
Man she wants that dick if you're the one she chose to message. Nice
I don't have one, as far as I know. I was orphaned after American Airlines Flight 587.
>Their is lock
>Their is a guy
What grade was that?
Does she have a Twitter? Is she posting to that? Something we can see?
Amerimutts can't even speak their own language.
>Be OP
>Match with 15 year old grill on Tinder
>Be 37
>Sup Forums is completely okay with this
>Mention that Pizzagate is a conspiracy (It is)
Yup. Aunt raised me after.
What is really sad is that she won't learn the difference between "there" and "their."
you're lying, just delete this thread, it's a fucking embarassment
>believing someone over the internet
Step right up son I'ma have to fix you
Does Cassidy suck dick well?
a lot of people are hiding in the closet OP, we're gonna need more
Either you're a boomer or you're a incel. Which one of those are you? You have to be 18+ to use tinder.
>American Airlines Flight 587
Date November 12, 2001
Summary Vertical stabilizer failure due to unnecessary rudder inputs[1]:xi
Site Belle Harbor, Queens, New York City, New York, United States
Passengers 251
Crew 9
Fatalities 265 (260 onboard and 5 on the ground)
Injuries (non-fatal) 1 (on the ground)
Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0Survivors 0
stfu ive actually lost family in aircraft accidents, not fuckign funny, i hope kek kills a family member in a plane crash now to teach you nto to play with irony
James Alefantis with his democrat friends are raping 3-10 year old kids, not hitting on 15 year old girls on tinder
that's a difference. although i know such a filthy kikes like you two will never see it
Didgies command it op
>matching with high school grills
I wasn't on the plane, idiot. My parents were going to Dominica for their anniversary and left me with my aunt.
yeah i realised this after i posted it, condolences
How did she get into college?
>Not making a fake 17yo facebook account to get direct access to under 18 tinder and match with prime JB poon
except i mentioned none of those things?
project more fatty while i fuck all the ex-pat qt's from your country
>raping 3-10 year old kids, not hitting on 15 year old girls
have you ever been on Sup Forums before? I assure you that if given the opportunity to have sex with a 5 year old girl with nobody ever knowing the majority of 4channers would do it
Was going to report you to the swiss secret services but it´s to autistic so i reported you to the CIA
"I might be dead in a few minutes so my priority is chatting with strangers on Tinder".
>their is