Race mixing

I have a problem.
I just dropped a girl i really liked, Funny, smart and most important.

Huge fucking tits with a nice ass.

But today i straight up just blocked her when she told me she fucked a nigger like 4 weeks ago.

I don't know what's wrong with me B, I just find it disgusting, Like it's okay for blacks to fuck and whatever but just all my interest in that person completely dies when i hear that type of shit.

It has happened once before and even today it ruins my day even thinking about such degenercy, Can't stand race mixing.

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At this point it's a hugbox for normies with relationship problems

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You don't want her. Go find a wife that won't fuck niggers behind your back.


you did the right thing blocking her

now shame her publicly for being a coalburning niggerfucker and lynch her


Just say you're disappointed and expected more from her. If you do hook back up demand she take an STD test to hammer the point home, shame her but don't be spitefull

Burn the coal...Pay the toll

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Good job. Any sensible person would do the same.

You did well, salutations to you

you were right to do so, you can't unring that bell any why be with someone who makes such bad decisions

Why not spiteful?

Handled it well. Don't even tell her why just ignore her. If she can't figure out why she is a tard.

>Why be with someone who makes such bad decisions

^ this

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Go to a doctor you probably have an std now user.

Just blocking is the pussy way of doing things, tell her why you're dumping her, but don't be a retard and say "you fucked a nigger" because since you're in sweden that can get you to jail or whatever
Do stuff like , drop some subtle truths on her as to why you dumped her

Tell her that she is a gross ape-fucking whore

It's because you know that niggers didn't treat her the same. She might be a sweetie for you now, but she's just as happy with Tyrone berried in her ass.

>The most important thing about my girl is her tits and ass
This is why you'll never find a good woman.

>I don't know what's wrong with me
There's nothing wrong with you. You did the right thing.

It only feels strange to you because you're a rare Swede who isn't a cuck. All of your social conditioning is telling you you should have asked to watch her fuck him from a cage in the corner of the room.

>swedencuck being cucked
How is that new?

Serious question. Why do you guys shun white chicks who have dated blacks? If she doesn't have kids or stds, what's the problem? You could bring her "back" so to speak. OJs wife did, but she was hunted down by him.

Shame the shit out of her, make her feel worthless, and gross. Leave her

>Huge fucking tits with a nice ass.

Guy there's a 50/50 chance you're the nigger in the story

^ this is true

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Just lol at this board. How sexually insecure do you have to be to not even smash that bitch. Are you afraid you cant compete or what? If this even really happened, seeing the amount of white cuck larpers with fucked up fetishes.

If you wouldnt fuck with a gril because she fucked someone else, fine, a bit idealistic but whatever floats your boat. If you reject a girl not because she is a slut, but because she fugged a nignog, you are a pathetic cuck who is just terribly afraid of black people. You would probably gladly be a cuckold as long as the bull is white.

Neck yourself

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This was only a way of describing that she was also pshysically attractive and not only a personality i enjoyed.

The odds of her cheating behind your back are extremely high, any girl who fucks black guys and then suddenly is looking for a white guy isn't looking for a white guy, they are looking for a free ride while they fuck black guys behind his back

>Accept women that fucked niggers, user
>Come on now, don't be racist, let white women experiment some BBC

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>In a relationship
>Slut cheats 4 weeks ago
>Lol you're a cuck for not just accepting it
Fuck kike

>being attracted to a woman's body makes you a nigger
t. Faggots

This is why I keep coming here.

Fucking a nigger is like flushing 50,000 years of genetic evolution down the toilet.

Also, someone post the japanese study where they show that seeing a racemixing couple is the same as seeing mouldy food. Like, the same type of disgust or whatever

>liking wymyn that don't vocally express their hatred for niggers

>wanting to live with someone that has enough daddy issues to betray their race

I doubt you are (((belgian))).

True Swede

Race mixing is worse than bestiality

And niggers are horrendous beasts the Bible teaches us to fight against

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You have to ask yourself what is the social norms of the day? Does she know she made a mistake? If yes think about the indoctrination. If no tell her why you are breaking it off with her and why race mixing is bad.

Whatever he is, it lacks common sense. The people who stick around the whore that cheated on them are the ones who are mentally ill, not the people kicking these THOTs to the curb

You did the right thing, OP. That would have infected your entire relationship.

Don't put up with that.

go get tested for diseases first.
avoid the bitch and any like her, you do don't need that shit

>what's wrong with me B,
not b, this is pol

It's a perfectly healthy reaction. I dropped my ex a while back for the same thing though she had only been with a half nigger it's all the same to me. Block her friends too if you're in contact with them, my ex's friends wouldn't fuck off and leave me alone.

OP as painful as it might be you 100% did the right thing, she wasn't loyal to you and she never would have been. Keep swimming on that ocean bud you'll find the right one, it isn't her so put her out of your mind

get over it and put some cream in her diet

thx for that pic, friendo

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Yes sorry, Originally posted it on B but only got hehexd kill yourself responses so i figured i'll just try here

ruin her life

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>At this point
You're clearly new, that's all /r9k/ has ever been

have been there

First of newfriend it's Sup Forums nobody here knows what the fuck B is, second of all I don't know but you're a faggot, though not for dumping this THOT

You seem very new actually, But if you read what i wrote, I blocked her the same moment she told me

It's ok. It is gross that she screwed a nog. Who would want to be with a chick that likes nogs..

Beware the white roastie, you did good.

>you seem new
>Doesn't even put in the fucking effort to label Sup Forums boards correctly
No you faggot and fuck off

Swedish girls fucking niggers is literally the most disgusting fucking thing ever. Swedes are perfect looking so jews flooded your country as they wanted to eradicate what hitler saw as the perfect phenotype. Fucking disgusting. Dont look back ever OP

So your girlfriends fuck niggers?
What is it about you that causes that?

>But today i straight up just blocked her when she told me she fucked a nigger like 4 weeks ago.
you probably asked her if she did and she was like *muh raycism, women can fuck who they want* and told what she expected would shock you to test for your reaction

your hate isn't real, it's just a cover for your insecurities. If you had real hate in your heart, you'd be hiding weapon caches in the woods, fabricating drop in L-links for your friends and their armalites, making bombs and honing your mind with literature, but instead of just crying because some girl fucked a black guy, why not use your hate for something productive like organizing a militia or paramilitary group

>fags on this board ACTUALLY think previous partners are okay so long as they’re whites.
Have fun with your ‘racially conscious’ used goods. Whores of all stripes deserve to be scorned, coal burners and the regular ones.

god imagine buying her gifts and shit being all sweet while some nigger walking around on the planet has memories of doing whatever he wanted to her

It seems like some of you are confused by my post.

I was NEVER in a RELATIONSHIP with her. She wanted to have one but i wasn't convinced she was worth the time, And she randomly today pointed out she fucked a nigger 4 weeks ago so i instantly blocker her and doing my best to never see her again.

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>Starts a thread about a serious issue
>Ends up forgetting about the coalburner girl and starts shitflinging with a mutt about muh oldfag/newfag words
I hope your mom goes the same way your girl went, since you're too fucking autistic to keep on-topic in your own shitty thread

Let her know as well that you’re dumping her because she is not a woman but a whore with no dignity that gives herself to beasts and that once you do something like that you cannot come back from it and apologize later. That she might as well have had sex with an animal or with a family member. Her dignity and honor will never be restored, and will die a bitch or hung for her being a bitch with no principles
Make an example of her so that other bitches don’t do the same mistake
We don’t realize on Sup Forums just how damaging to a woman’s dignity and who she is this is. Like for a man it’s not the same even but once a woman does something like that she can never come back from it. She will never again be anything but a traitor to her country and to her people or anything but a disgusting bitch.
There’s a reason why throughout human history people killed for their honor
Well this bitch will never have honor again
You might as well deport her as well as the nigger

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then what the fuck is the point of your post, if you were never interested in this fucking THOT who the fuck cares that she fucks black guys? Coal burners gonna coal burn user

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>used goods
have fun not reproducing. the only ones who haven't had sex are the hideous, fat ones OR some christian nutcases or probably both

When did OP say he was in a relationship? I’m pretty sure he’s just some beta orbiter who’s no older than 20


Because i've been fucking her like 3 times and hearing this news put some REAL disgust in my stomach, I wanted to puke when she said it.

See And then

More pol stories about things that never happened.


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>she might as well have had sex with an animal or family member
Honestly, crazy as it is to say, fucking a nigger is 10x worse.

This. It only works if you let her know that its because of the nigger


It’s the right thing to do. If she sees blacks as OK then she will be me up trusting them around your kids and property

>I don't know what's wrong with me B

You act like this is a small isolated occurrence...

If you actually cared about preserving the white race you wouldn't just abandon someone because they did something you disapprove of when there is a huge amount of peer pressure for white women to do it.

Short sighted and narrow minded.

If you like the girl, give her a fuckin break and red pill her. If you never liked her anyways, then keep her blocked and whatever.

Don't pretend the world is clean or easy; if something is dirty you wipe the fuckin dirt off instead of just throwing it in the garbage...

Wut? shift+b instead of ctrl+v?

Good job OP. She doesn't even have in-group loyalty how can you expect her to be a good wife?

>Coal-burning roastie spotted

>Christian nutcases
Nice fedora there, faggot. Really though previous partner count is highly predictive of likelihood to cheat and/or divorce, negative relationship outcome spikes significantly when going from zero to even one prior partner.

>have fun not reproducing literally preferable to enabling whores.

They all fuck blacks there you'll just have to deal with it Sven
Not sure how Swedish women do this when they have literal pajeet tier somalians and Iraqis but whatever, Swedish women will fuck anything and everything.

t. Married a mudshark

You know if we start shaming them into not dating blacks that's better than trying to forgive them

Ironic, considering your flag

Its degeneracy, and OJ did the right thing

They should be shamed and neglected, they had their chance to settle down with a stable person but they made the choice to fuck blacks and get domestically abused. Then when they get tired of that they look for the white guy, but will still continue to fuck tyrone behind his back. Western women are beyond redemption

You did good, Sven.

Hopefully she got the hint that you blocked her because she's a coalburner.

>if your milk gets shit in it, drink it instead of throwing it away!
Youre a fucking faggot. If youre cool with a girl youre interested in fucking blacks so be it but dont project it onto us, the majority of which find it absolutely fucking repulsive

O my God stfu you cuck faggot, I’m sure you’d be delighted to cuddle her after a good niggerfucking like the pathetic nerd you are but the rest of us are respectable and know that a girl is dead to us if she goes black.

Well. You know what they say.

Once you go black we don't want you back.

Amen brother

>If you wouldnt fuck with a gril because she fucked someone else, fine, a bit idealistic but whatever floats your boat.
>If you reject a girl because she fugged a nignog, you are a pathetic cuck

Why did Belgium contradict himself?

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Honest question lads. Are girls who date Hispanics (not talking about guys from Spain) tainted as much as those who date blacks?

Look man, I'm a misogynist against white women in particular because I'm white, I fucking hate my female counterpart, I'd rather fuck a loyal Asian than take a risk on western white whore.
Sup Forums hates me, but they hate women as much as me so I slide on through

>Huge fucking tits with a nice ass
Came here to fap with a look of disgust on my face while looking at her tits and ass - where are they?
P.S. You did the right thing by dropping that now AIDS-ridden cunt.