I give an estimate of around 20,000,000 negroids and their spawn including mixed spawn.
Is this accurate?
I give an estimate of around 20,000,000 negroids and their spawn including mixed spawn.
Is this accurate?
just about, according to my research anyway
Too many.
Yea I've been researching too. Even some eastern euro countries have niggers but not to an extent as Western Europe. 20 million is an overestimation but it's a safe bet on how you guys have it there.
Literally 1/40 people in Europe are niggers. Sad.
9 million, Chang. Still whiter than you and 56%
How many in Finland? We have about 3 million out of a population of 38 million.
More importantly: how many will there be in 20 years?
The UK and France each have about 5 million niggers.
France has got a lot. England too now. Italy has a fair few. I would like to know real numbers too.
>9 million
challenge accepted
France has more than 5 million. Italy has nearly that many. I'm not sure about Germany though I've never been there.
Probably 50 million and the European population is going to shrink nonetheless. Europe is getting darker.
The US is worse. The blacks are 30 million strong there.
A lot of countries don't keep statistics on this, it's even illegal in some places. We just don't know how many there really are.
No Italy has maximum of as many niggers as Romanians. So about 1.5 million. France has about the same amount of niggers as the UK from my research.
I don't think its that many (yet) but France alone has fucking heaps. I wonder, dose Europe actually have more blacks than the USA now?
Isn't it 40 million
Dont know. We have about 20k in Denmark and that is counting the mixed and the adopted.
The percentage is only high in France and the UK to be honest. Germany has like 0.5% blacks and they are utter cucks.
No it's actually 50 million. 1/7 Americans are niggers.
Fuck I wouldn't trust any Italy statistic. Every major city there has negros now.
I've been researching your demographics and there are approximately 530k niggers in your country but that figure doesn't include mix since they just add those numbers in the Dutch figures.
2016 statistics are around 6 mil in all of europe not counting france(no blacks east of germany, sweden and italy). France is 3.5-8 mil, wide range yes but they dont keep statistics so we only have those numbers.
The US is about 330 million now and niggers and mixed account for 15% of the population so roughly 50 million even more. Trust me I've done some researching an most states are totally gone (Georgia, Louisiana etc...)
Only in France there have to be around 5 to 10 million. In Spain we have at least 300k, probably half million, in Italy it is above half million already and close to the million.
This, it's scary to think about it.
Do you realise this makes them successful conquerors?
>Control Africa
>10s of millions strong in Europe
>10s of millions strong in USA.
On track to become over 4 billion by 2100, 1 in 3 of the human population on earth will be African.
I don't know but white bois are afraid of BBCs
I can't see blacks being more than 5 million in France ATM. The problem is going to get bigger there though.
Do you realise niggers can't survive without gibs? Stupid bogan
Depends on you define conquerors. They're only conquering because European politicians and liberals are allowing them to come there. Also they have high birthrates because they're dumb and uneducated. It's true that Africans will be a majority sadly.
Meanwhile some white stats:
>Was over 30% of planets population in 1900
>Now about 10%
>Pathetic birth rates; places like Italy are 1.3 which has never been reversed in all history.
>Breeding age white femles only about 3-4% of planets population.
>Most whites are worthless boomers that can't have fucking kids and are wasting resources or participating in various forms of pozz and cultural destruction.
>yfw London alone has more than a million(1,000,000) niggers in it
le 77.1% face
What dose it matter how they win? Its called 4th generation warfare, womb weapons.
>Breed more
>Race mix
There are no fucking rules in conquest; you win or lose, end of story. The USA's supercarriers are worthless against spic birthrates.
Noble and beautiful animals like the siberian tigers are on the brink of extinction while cockroaches thrive all around the planet.
Maybe proliferation and survival (through artificial welfare states and democratic societies that allow them to exist in foreign countries, to begin with) it's really not a good measurement of value.
Also, a conqueror comes with a sword, they came invited by the local traitors through the holes of democratic societies.
you are an absolute moron
there is no way niggers can beat spics and arabs
Too Many.
>Unironically includes Mexicans in the tally to seem more white
That includes hispanic/latino, you can literally see that when you look a few colums down
It doesn't matter how they take our land. How they do it is completely irrelevant. If whatever they are doing results in our land becoming theirs then they win and we lose.
niggers aren't taking anything
america is spicland(still owned by jewish elite)
europe is arabland(still owned by jewish elite)
australia is chinaland(still owned by jewish elite)
canada same as above
Not true
Niggers aren't so much an issue of birthrate in America, they have such a high mortality they are projected barely positive growth rate. More than whites, but still not much. It's Mexicans flooding the joint and has been for at least 30 years. If California were still a white state that would vote conservative like the 1980s, there would be no liberal politics nationally, only conservative and cuckservative moderate.
It's not because 4 000 nigger get shot every years, that they will dissepear imbecile.
Look the numbers and stop lying
It's around 10 million
Im Morrocan living in Yurop. Am I black too?
you're a slave of the jew just like everyone else except you have a lower iq
No but you're still morrocan.
Never seen one here, they're probably mostly in France/UK and other WE countries
That kind of looks like the numbers are getting bigger.
If you stay out of the south and Detroit can you avoid them?
No, I'm muslim. My faith is Jew-proof, as is evident by the amount of hate they project unto us.
oh well, at least the northern part of the US is 80-90% white.
Proportion of the US, blacks will not be a demographic shift of national politics. Even in areas of heavy concentration they fail to sway state politics (ie, the entire South). Only Illinois, New York, etc that have plenty of liberal whites as well suffer from their population. Otherwise they can be contained and removed, they tend to die in their 40-50s on the late end
So what race is Moroccan exactly? I always wondered about that.
>No, I'm muslim. My faith is Jew-proof
jews own you
you live in a jew country my dude
>they tend to die in their 40-50s
>keep lying this hard
Yeah no, stop
Black population increase, get over it.
If you have a nigger in your football team you are done
I'm integrated and abide the laws of this country.
But i'm not assimilated, I hold my religious and cultural values above the marxist trash espoused today.
We have about 250K.
Then again... The nigger fears the Belgian.
750K muslims though.
doesn't matter
the entire west is jew'd
you are nigger cattle
I disagree. I don't like seeing my Christian brethren suffer like this. But they are admittedly a dying breed to be replaced by an effiminate generation of soy. It is the price to pay by allying with the wrong people over the course of history...
Niggers have a high mortality rate, user. They just can't control what they eat and do, and are one of the heaviest set people in the U.S (second to mexicans) within a given population. High counts of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack, as well as diabetes. And not only that, but they kill themselves by the hundreds every single day. They are a fucking mess.
Good for you. No one minds what you do in your personal affairs in the west.
doesnt matter, any number bigger than zero is too much
The essence of freedom. I doubt it will last given the thought police creeping into the cracks of democracy.
Morrocans used to be another Mediterranean people until the Islamic slave trade when they mixed with niggers.
gipsies should count too. about 2.000.000
>half of them live like this in this shithole of a country
If I would have to guess below 1%. Before 2015 way lower. We have most roaches and shitskins only in ratio behind Sweden.
>How many?
more than there should be.
you're absolutely correct and that is the biggest flaw with taxation and welfare.
one million, christ almighty
trick question.
they aren't people.
too many
I wouldn't worry. Apparently there's a new resistant strain of HIV on its way. That ought to take care of about 2/3 of them. Still, with all of the mudsharks out there, might be a lot higher. Not that Im complaining....
>niggers and sand people won't come live here because there's no welfare and free gibs
living in a post communist second world shithole has it's perks sometimes
way too many
2 million in UK
65k in Ireland
500k in Germany
600k in Belgium
300k regulars in Italy, plus another 300-350k irregulars that will hopefully be deported soon
3-4 million in France
200k+ in Scandinavian countries
200k in Spain
150k in Portugal
a few thousands in the rest of europe
Altogether they should be 8.400.000 plus. Even with an high estimate they can no be more than 9 million, and in most of these countries their birth rates, though higher than ours, are still below replacement levels.
There are niggers in Serbia as well though. Not in the hundreds of thousands but definetly in the thousands.
>on the down low
what the fuck
there's less than 100 of them in entire serbia
gypsies are a problem tho, but they're still much much lesser evil than niggers
Yeah but give it a generation and you're going to be facing a Western Islamic Caliphate with Nuclear Arms.
So enjoy that while it lasts
we've been occupied by turks, nazis, germans, commies, russians and nato
sand people don't concern us
But then, noone will know just how many that mysteriously dissapeared. Shoot. Dig. Shut up. Just like we do with wolves and other vermin. SDS.
Norway has a population of ~5 258 317 as of 2017, but they haven't been reporting the number of immigrants since 2012. At that point the number was roughly 250 000, which would mean that 4.5-5% of the population are niggers.
I'd say that is a mild estimate, considering the rampant growth we've seen in the past couple of years. I know for a fact that we received at least 70 000 asylum seekers, migrants and other types of non-working immigrants during 2017, so it's safe to assume that the actual number is much higher.
TL;DR: Norway has at least 250 000 of them.