CANADA YES! University of Windsor holds Islam Awareness week

>University students in Windsor are hoping to create positive conversations about Islamic ideals and principles on campus.

>The Muslim Students Association (MSA) planned a week of social events at the University of Windsor campus for Islam Awareness Week.

>The events are aimed at creating safe spaces for people to come together and talk about Islam.



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Other urls found in this thread:


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what do you want to bet that a muslim wins "the great canadian baking show" for baking some non-canadian foreign shit

in his case it's more like
>assslam ilikecum

What's your favourite episde of CBC-funded (ie. stolen from whites) Little Terroristic Mosque on the Prairie?

Attached: lil mosque prairie.jpg (339x445, 56K)

Ontario hahahhah fucking embarrasing

>be aware muslims live here

cbc is cancer that needs to be excised.

What's up 49% Syrupo Goblinos? Have you fucked your dog and eaten your Halal Mudcookies yet?

Attached: le 53% wiki.png (510x580, 80K)

>Islamic conversion seminars masquerading as "inclusive" events.
Canada, if you don't cut the shit we'll invade you and burn all of your universities just to send a fucking message.

shut the fuck up polak. no one will ever be as pathetic as your people.

>we're going to take berlin!
>8 days later

it's like you never learn

>pathetic as your people
JUST a daily reminder to kill yourself (before Trudeau does).

Attached: polska vs a fucking leaf.jpg (1200x6200, 3.94M)

>polish death camps

I can't wait until the day the Muslims impose Sharia Law and the liberals and the left go ape shit because it oppresses women and LGBT rights.

The fucking state of the west. Every soldier from last century looking down at us with disgust.

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They'll step aside and confusedly let it happen, because they're worthless sheep that would better serve the societies they live in under several feet of soil.

>if you shout allah o akbar and beat fags!
>does it count as pro islam or against?

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Leaf to a pole...
Is like youre a piece of actual shit trying to talk to a human being.

>it's like you never learn
>be rich british colony
>have highest standards of living
>respected around the world

Late 1990s:
>White Canadians a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks everywhere
>Multikulti expands to hyper levels, every school/university/workplace/govt agency starts ramming diversity down throats
>House prices accelerating
>Wages decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving Lamborghinis
>Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 49%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) immigration #
>But nobody has ever heard of a white immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various secret immigration schemes
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to BTFO whitey
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor shitskins
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, criminalizing any criticism of migration policy


Attached: based-polska-btfoing-leaf.png (1045x3515, 3.15M)

wish I was there, am very interested in having sex slaves

>has to post images pretending he's a jap to feel better about himself

why do polish people have such large heads if they're so stupid?

that's a chink, chong

how was slovenia named? is it a contraction of the words "slave" and "slob"?


Attached: leaf iq.png (680x1322, 977K)

>the further you venture into poland, the more you find pillage and murder


Attached: tired chink.jpg (1200x858, 107K)

even worse

>In 2014 Poland had a murder rate of 0.7 per 100,000.

>Police reported 516 homicides in Canada in 2014, 4 more than the previous year. The homicide rate (1.45 per 100,000 population) remained stable from the previous year making 2013.

Diversity is our Str--

Attached: ottawa homicide.png (2164x1340, 2.68M)

Canada is 73% Whit--

Attached: canada is whit.png (1544x854, 1.59M)


Wow, the absolute state of Canadian posters. Can't even tell your Asians apart like some sort of racist.


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what's your point? canada is not canada anymore. anything that happens now is purely the result of [[[globalist agenda]]]

unlike when poland got absolutely raped in the second world war for believing that they could invade germany and take berlin.
poland was very much poland at that time.

>"One, however, of the Slav Peoples, the Poles, forms a sorry exception. Violence and intolerance have left
their mark on its history."

You reap what you sow.

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Ah its this guy again, he pretends to know more about the city I live in than I do

only rapefugees now

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Jesus christ i see you every songle time ive been on this site. You are so sad and pathetic, is this your entire life?

>every songle time

Attached: le 49 tim.jpg (698x641, 90K)

"Hyuk hyuk I cant read the rest of the wiki page, nor can i look at the visible minority population"

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top jej how tolerant

Attached: CELEBRATE_ISLAM_CANADA.jpg (780x445, 38K)

baklava is tasty af desu

Attached: sharia_police_canada.jpg (1024x685, 180K)

As you know, Canada is undergoing the fastest demographic replacement in the world. Furthermore, the Government of Canada is actively misleading the public as to its demographics in two ways:

>1. It manipulates the "visible minority" statistic by having a clause that results in visible minorities not being counted as visible minorities if they also claim to be White or some European country (culturally). Essentially any visible minority that grew up in a Western country is NOT considered a visible minority. This allows the government to claim Canada is 73% White, when in fact it was 53% in 2016 and is set to hit 49% in 2019.

Attached: leaf white genocide data.png (842x558, 77K)

These images aren't cherrypick-

The Canadian government is cooking the 2016 census to make it appear that visible minorities are smaller than they actually are.

>The government throws around the 22% visible minority #, when in fact visible minorities are 47% and European Whites are at 53%. Trudeau does this as follows.

There are two ways to determine whether someone is White on the Canadian census; one is by ethnicity, of which a respondant can choose one or more (infinite ethnicities) (ie. Canadian, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Cameroonian). This is problematic for the most part; however there is on reliable indicator from this methodology that excludes almost all non-whites (counting people only with White European ethnicity and excluding any non-White ethnicity as that would make the person non-White).

The other is the Visible Minority statistics always shilled. Census respondants are asked "Is this person:" (White, South Asian, Chinese, Black, Flip, Spic, Arab, Southeast Asia, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, Other - Specify). It works as you'd expect, except for one gigantic mindfuck.

Justified (((based))) on some Employment Equity Act definition, if someone chooses Arab, Latin American or West Asian, and chooses White as well, they are NOT counted as a visible minority. Like wise, if they write in any European country they are NOT counted as a visible minority.

To give you an example,

>Sunni Lebanese Muslim declares himself Arab and White, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Morrocan Muslim Arab says he is Arab and French, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Black "huewhite" Brazilian chose Latin American and Portugese, he would NOT be a visible minority.

So essentially millions of Arabs, West Indians and Latin Americans are excluded from the visible minority statistic because of this kikery. Almost every Arab comes from a Euro-colonized country and a lot hold European passports, same thing for Latin Americans and West Indians.

Attached: leaf genocide graffz.png (1222x364, 278K)

They're literally not, pic related was from the 2015 voting night on main stream Canadian media
>play the game, spot a white person

Attached: young_canadian_voters.png (1584x322, 856K)

Le 49% cuck syrup face

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Oh no! A mistype!

Straight from the Census guidelines:


>In contrast, in accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population. Likewise, persons who reported ‘Latin American,’ ‘Arab’ or ‘West Asian’ and who provided a European write-in response such as ‘French’ have been excluded from the visible minority population as well. These persons are included in the ‘Not a visible minority’ category.

There is no legitimate reason to be applying this "Employment Equity Guideline" rule in the census other than to reduce the number of visible minority number. Statistics Canada does not publish how many millions of visible minorities are excluded as a result of this hidden, back-door book cooking rule, but based on the fact that only 19.68M Canadians declared themselves only of European ancestry, which would imply approximately 17M visible minorities, it is obvious this rule is used to massage the Visible Minority number down to 8.3M (22.6%).

Attached: kikecooking census rule.png (1388x198, 140K)

BECAUSE IT'S 2 0 1 5 + 3

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Print out pew studies of the views of Muslims and post them

Where my Trudeau brothers at?

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100 million shitskins by 2050

Attached: 100m canadians by 2100.png (722x1262, 849K)


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Thats literaly made up, you can look at fucking any reliable census and see thats wrong. But I guess your source that has a "shitskin" category is probably pretty reliable. But, nobody is denying that Trudeau is on course to replace us, thats obvious

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actually Bahrain is

sure, but it's not canadian baking.

Attached: canada_2027.jpg (960x769, 565K)

Oh shit! Canada is now 0% white, because I looked online to fimd pictures of non white canadians

>stage 1: denial

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The US census also considers those people white, you could also easily look at the percentages of arabs/west asians and see that it isnt fuckin 25%

Im not denying that there is non whites in Canada im denying the bullshit idea that about HALF the country is shitskin.

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This must be a demoralization campaign, or something.

>im denying the bullshit idea that about HALF the country is shitskin.
It's around 72.9% of European / Native Canadian decent, if you factor out the mixed variants, the number drops to around 65% of "pure Europeans descent"

Canada will be under 50% European by 2050 at current trend rates

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I hope the lineup at the rape booth isnt too long

I wouldn't be surprised about that if the rate continues, Im not denying that either


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I have seen the first, but please tell me the second one is fake. Pretty please.

StatsCan head resigns because trudeau starts fucking with stats
>Really deepfries my krokriety

Attached: statscan head quits.png (1558x970, 1.58M)

>finish him

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I cant wait until he gets smoked next election. Its so funny seeing how so many people that initially backed this retard have changed their mind. I know literally nobody that likes him, teachers, professers, people on tv all bash him constantly. Its nice

Why would trudeau lie about the amount of shitskins? He is fucking obsessed with them, if anything he'd want to amp up the number to seem more "diverse"30

you realize he's going to rule until 2040+? he is putting the rapefugees in swing ridings. he only needs 35% of the vote to win

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His old man reigned for years. It will be humiliating for him if he is a one term PM. I hope this happens.

Additionally, he may be good in the long run. His bullshit just may wake some people up, and push others over the edge, figuratively speaking.

Muslims hate fags
Canada loves fags
Canada loves Muslims
Seems like there’s some cognitive dissonance there.

Whats funny about Canada is that even white ppl here arnet canadians but immigrants from Italy Russia Poland and other eastern european countries. They dont even speak english. Its just god damn too funny. I go to bus station and get on the bus. Both the station and the bus are composed of 1 white person who may not even be canadian and the rest chinese browns blacks etc. I dont think it is even 56 percent but 15 percent here in my city. Its ultimately your fault. You elected leaders who replaced your population with immigrants and you yourselves did not breed enough from the first place. Stop hating on immigrants who just come here for better lives. But offenders who disrespect Canadian culture and whom make obnoxious demands or lawsuits shouldnt be supported by govt. they should be told that they are wrong but govt is actually fuelling them to be even more retarded. Its sad.

Ah, Im sure he will! Why? Because you said so!

What city would that be? I've spent a ton of time in Toronto and its nowhere close to that, and its the least white city. Lying for some pol points?

American kike fishing for you’s

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Y u lien? When I take the bus I can count the number of whites on one hand ( not even canadian, just white)

Ok, what city? Because I literally go to Toronto at least three times a week, a city that is the pinnacle of shitskins in Canada and it isnt even that bad

M-103 is a non-binding motion passed in the HOC stating that the Government of Canada oficially condemns 'islamophobia' and pledges to increase awareness of the issue. It only applies to the official government, and does not speak for the country as a whole. As a motion, it does not introduce nor change any laws, and 'islamophobia' is definitely not a criminal offense (hate crime was already illegal, and this motion does not affect hate crime laws).

All the other stuff is true though XD


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Ehh, those guys are sikhs. Could have at least posted some negroes or arabs.

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They dun goofed with the name
"Islam awareness" sounds like you are getting educated about something scary

they outed themselves

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Muslim here. While I believe that European culture should not be replaced and should be kept alive, is it so bad for some people like me to come here and assimilate with Canadian culture?

I speak the language fluently and even with my parents I try to help them learn it too. I go to university for a stem degree and I hope to get a job here. I'm trying to adopt white culture as much as I can and be a decent man, even though I am not white (nor always a decent man). But I did not choose how I was born.

I would distribute pins with some of the most vile verses of the hadith and the qoran in the original arabic so dumb idiots wear it front and center none the wiser