So Sup Forums there is a walkout at my school tomorrow, what should I do to piss off as many people as possible? Thinking of making a sign that says teachers should have guns.
Pic kinda related
So Sup Forums there is a walkout at my school tomorrow, what should I do to piss off as many people as possible...
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Print out fliers saying the walkout is endorsed by the NRA.
lol you will be the epic troll, praise kek my fellow magapede!
Actually, you can piss off people by not participating in the protest and making your point in a calm, rational manner. But I doubt you are capable of this, so why not dress up like a clown and fuck yourself in the ass with an AR-15. that will really show those libs.
Picture made me laugh.
This and
Just calmly hand them out. "It's ok the teacher protect" with a small endorsed by nra on bottom keep it simple, don't waste my tax dollars on fuckloads of ink.
stay in the classroom and see who your allies are
Live stream your dissent, march bosses will attempt to stifle it.
>He teach
>He test
>But most importantly
>He protect
Do it
Lol leaf you're alright
can never go wrong with a little bit of humor.
I laughed at the pic.
piost that shit all over the place and laugh when scum sucking satanists with no sense of humor get offended
Make a sign out of this
Cheers, Ameribro.
I’ll make note to do that
Do they still have cap guns these days? You could organize a game of cowboys and indians.
Oh yeah they definitely make cap guns still
What about laser tag? When I was in school there was a shitty laser tag ripoff on sale, so we bought up like a dozen of them and then larped around at night with full nerd mode activated, and nobody could stop us.
Don't walk out and educate yourself.
Protesting by refusing an education is the most (((subversive))) thing imaginable.
Cheers mate,but all joking aside that pic has to be the best I have ever seen for redpilling normies on the fed. Recognizable, relatable, and easily understood.
This shit right here is gold.
How about open carrying toy guns as a form of counter-protest. It would be perfectly legal.
Eh, that's kind of normie-level autism. Whatever you do, you have to bring it over the top so normies can't understand what's happening and why everybody is laughing at them.
Love the pic! Bump
Those three noses. 666. Need I say more.
just go home. your teachers will give you bonus points for thinking you participated in the commie event and you'll get to well, go home.
take some shrooms when you leave and have a productive day
>Whatever you do, you have to bring it over the top
Stage a school shooting with nerf guns then?
Update: friend says he can and will bring a kekistani flag!
Nah, you don't want to get arrested for dumb shit or anything. You just want to make a fool out of the situation.
Number of days where the first post wasn't the best post: 0
I don’t think they plan to arrest anyone. Pretty sure school administrators just said that they would hand out detentions or whatever, I should also mention. I don’t think they can arrest you because it’s not off school property
Be a little bit careful. I'm staff at a university and they arrested and charged some dumb kid for saying something stupid at the wrong time not long ago. Overreaction, but it's not the nice innocent world I grew up in anymore.
I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying everyday now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake, god it's awful.
Set claymore mines at the entrances
The only communist teacher I technically have is the special ed teacher she’s telling everyone she can’t wait to protest tomorrow. I swear to god if she says that tomorrow I WILL bring nerf guns tomorrow, and I WILL shoot as many people as possible with the nerf guns
Did you just say you make fucking cheese for a living?
Cheese is important. Don't mock cheese.
I thought that said libertarians for a moment and came here to shitpost about soundwaves and nap
Sports class or whatever you call it in your country
>requires stamina
>requires teamwork and communication
>requires coordination
>need to lift shit
To be fair, you CAN sue people for sound pollution. :)
I’m doing that as well kek. Cerritos Ca
Southwest school?
Dont walk out. Stay inside and do your homework or something. Your classmates will get mad, ask you questions, and possibly make fun of you though. It is ironic people walk out of places of education to make a point. I wonder if they realize this.
Why wouldn’t teachers get suppressors too? Do you really want to permanently damage your hearing?
A little bit of EEEE is good for the soul.