>Francis made his remarks during a private meeting last week with bishops from Poland during his pilgrimage there. The Vatican released a transcript on Tuesday of those closed-door remarks.
>The pope said he wanted to conclude his remarks by reflecting on this: “We are living a moment of annihilation of man as image of God.” He added that his predecessor, Benedict XVI, had labelled current times “the epoch of sin against God the Creator”.
>He said: “Today, in schools they are teaching this to children – to children! – that everyone can choose their gender.” Without specifying, he blamed this on textbooks supplied by “persons and institutions who donate money”. The pope blamed what he called “ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries”, which he did not identify. One such “colonization”, he said – “I’ll say it clearly with its first and last name – is gender.”
>“ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries” “ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries” >“ideological colonizing” backed by “very influential countries”
He's not catholic fyi, It's a trick to lure good people into modernist rome, dont trust them until they convert totally back to the tradtional catholic faith.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil choices.
>Calling a heretic pope The Catholic Encyclopedia , “Heresy,” 1914, Vol. 7, p. 261: “ The pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.”
The Council of Florence (A.D. 1438-1445) From Cantate Domino — Papal Bull of Pope Eugene IV
That is my favorite medal. But this user has it correct - This Pope is practically the anti-Christ. I haven't been to church or donated a single penny since I figured out what kind of a monster he really was. He's gone full retard on his politics. He is enabling the Islamic invasion of our country by using Catholic charities to quietly deposit "refugees" into communities all over the country. I live in Mississippi, and we've been having them quietly dumped into more rural areas, with NOT A WORD to the locals about it.
Christian Clark
Saying something and doing something about it are two different things. I'm still waiting...
>The pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.” no because he was freewill to sin.. Its only when he sits on the chair of peter its infallible, also he might not be the real pope, benedict could be.
Becasue hes not promoting traditional catholicism
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Can you even read? Heretics are automatically kicked outside the church. I'm a sedevacantist
Blake Barnes
pic related is becasue All religions come from the children of noah, after babylon they spelt up becasue they were punished.. all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why they's thousands of pagan religions that are all connected the same in a way, all of distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lies.
as we see here, there's some truth in that pagan art work, god's cross.
Sebastian Kelly
>I'm a sedevacantist your outside the tradtional catholic faith then friend.
that pagan pic related is becasue All religions come from the children of noah, after babylon they spelt up becasue they were punished.. all kept distorted accounts of adam, eve, the flood, and the origin of creation. Oral teachings and thousands of years separated from each other will do that, thats why they's thousands of pagan religions that are all connected the same in a way, all of distorted pieces of truth mixed in with thier own culture/peoples lies.
as we see in anons pic, there's some truth in that pagan art work, god's cross.
You accept heretics as popes, accept John-Paul II as saint, therfore commiting idolatry (what happened in assisi "peace" conferance)
Nicholas Gomez
We all know it is certain groups who have used the Freedoms of the united states as a shield to protect themselves and a sword to attack worldwide. Peddling perversions and satanic ideologies to the far ends of the earth.
Asher Ross
He should make up his Satan worshiping mind.
Colton Ortiz
Not /ourpope/. This degenerate was kissing mudslime feet
>You accept heretics as popes, accept John-Paul II as saint, therfore commiting idolatry (what happened in assisi "peace" conferance) we respected them, we dont have to follow them, we only need to follow tradtional catholic scripture and tradtion, we respect thier postion of authority given to them by god, if they promote heresy we dont listen to it or follow it, because it isnt of gods traditional catholic teachings
Becasue hes not promoting traditional catholicism
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
But then you are same as ortodox, they think they are the popes but do not follow them
Cameron Anderson
no either Francis or benedict is pope, there is a pope, and we respect the position, but not the heresies that they promote.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Shortly after Francis became "Pope," he was addressing the public for something (can't remember) and he had two children release white doves of peace... that were immediately attacked, one by a crow, the other by a seagull. I wondered in that moment if this was a sign from God, as his name was taken after the patron saint for animals.... I'm pretty sure now that it was a sign. What I'm left wondering at this point is if the final vision of Fatima was a warning against this Pope.
But those who have not the faith cannot be popes heretic
Logan Adams
>annihilation of man as image of God
What you good goys don't realize is that once you stop thinking of man as such, you drop both the mainstream right and any kind of left imaginable. People aren't created in the image of God - they're just bunch of animals who became smart enough to be conscious. Therefore, just like animals, people aren't equal.
Julian Harris
Considering this kid fucker likes to lick African feet, I think it's safe to say that traps are /ourguys/.
>2016 The Pope is a worthless cuckold that has allowed his belief in the tenets of kindness and charity to blind him from the threat of an invasion. Christianity is going to cease to exist because of him. Well done.
Grayson Walker
fuck that commie regardless
Lucas Thomas
no according to tradtional catholic teachings god elects a pope, and will until the end of time, so again heretic you are wrong.
no either Francis or benedict is pope, there is a pope, and we respect the position, but not the heresies that they promote.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Not in this world, you fucking retard. But all men have an inherent dignity of being made in His image. That means even the lowest scum has the inherent potential of being a saint if they mend their ways. That's what "made in the image of God" means.
Liam Rodriguez
Even the people who eat others on camera for reputation in their villages of Ebola?
Austin Wilson
(((persons and institutions who donate money)))
Austin Phillips
I believe in fighting imaginary beings, im not crazy!! truly an intellectual bunch.
no either Francis or benedict is pope, there is a pope, and we respect the position, but not the heresies that they promote.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Even them. Separation from God means reverting to nature (being an animal).
Charles Morgan
if christianity solved all human woe, why are the most catholic countries such fucking shit? ethiopia should be colonizing mars because they've always been more christian than all of europe ever was.
John Allen
True. This is why I tell people to at least understand religion if they're not theists. All of this started when we lost our fixed ethics.
Aaron Turner
Jeremiah Ramirez
>muh fedora The logical conclusion of it is still people are equal and should be treated as such. Those who aren't were simply misguided and not shown the right way!
Well that's bullshit. I don't want people to live for the eternal life, I want people to live so one day they will look back at then extinct species' of man like we look on monkeys - those retarded cousins of ours. Can't have it unless we realize the weak need to be culled by one mean or another. It can be simple "statistical" biologist approach, it can be through might or experimentation, doesn't matter. For Christians this is unimaginable of. Eugenics? DEVIL! Genetic engineering? PLAYING GOD! Wars of aggression? THINK OF 6 MILLIONS OF OUR BROTHERS IN FAITH! Survival of the fittest? MUH ATHEISM!
Now you can post 1000 pics of a soyboys with unfashionable wardrobe and hairstyle.
(jews), ww1, and ww2 targeted catholic churches, killed millions of tradtional catholics, established democercy, killed moncharys, gave them absolute control oer the world, now they promote anti-christian teachings, degenercy, communism you name it, now thier trying to kill national identey/race.
>/ourpope/ You fucking faggot this is the bare minimum he's anything but ourpope if you're a Catholic and know how the church works
Jackson Fisher
I know right and he definitely isn't just saying that to appeal to his people
Brandon Williams
no either Francis or benedict is pope, there is a pope, and we respect the position, but not the heresies that they promote.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Rome and pope Francis is not pope, benedict is.
Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Why is Mexico not opening a stock exchange on the moon
Brody Powell
How can the pope commit heresy if he's infallible? What a mess the catholic church is.
Camden Hall
Is he finally remembering he's supposed to be standing up for Jesus instead of liberal globalist kikes? Hope so.
Camden Rogers
I'm glad you asked. There is a lot of misconception about it.
"when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, [The Pope] defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, [he is preserved from the possibility of error]."
1) No major changes in doctrines were made 2) Everything a pope says is just as susceptible to be false as any other person (possibly even heretic)
Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen Jerry Sandusky was unable to lecture you all about the danger trans people pose to children so here's the next best thing!
Samuel Roberts
heard of the cristeros? When the Freemasonic government went full on catholic killing/ killing spree, essentially destroying any succesful future for mexico.
pope francis is an anti-pope and kike-serving heretic
Carson Brown
I only believe in myself , don't need a Pope to tell me the world is fucked , I have Sup Forums to do that for me .
Eli Torres
read Evola is dumb cunt. don't act like you're so smart
Sebastian Lopez
no according to tradtional catholic teachings god elects a pope, and will until the end of time, so again heretic you are wrong.
no either Francis or benedict is pope, there is a pope, and we respect the position, but not the heresies that they promote.
Reminder: the catholic church was infiltrated by luciferians, freemasons, commies ect. throughout the 1100-2000's..
Reminder: traditional Catholics have the faith, Rome has the church, but not the faith. Traditional Catholicism condemned modernist Also christ teaches both good and evil will be within his church, because of man's freewill to choose to do something good or evil, there are popes, bishops, priests ect.. in hell because of evil
Bad move. Say what you want about political optics, but this just looks bad. Bending over backwards to meet Leftist demands is bad all the way around. Especially when the Republican base is one expanding right now, not contracting. Even have people mentioning Obama wouldn't touch this.
Jonathan Morgan
>Mmmm yes quite pungent my dear!
Carson Collins
Not to defend mentally ill people who mutilate themselves, but God either doesn't exist, doesn't care or wants us to suffer either way.