/Wmg/ White women general
Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must never perish from this Earth.
/Wmg/ White women general
Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must never perish from this Earth.
Good stuff, Kraut bro.
Previous thread
Whether in working wheat field in a barn or dressed up and dining, the beautfy of the Aryan woman knows no bounds
these post are made by hasbara to cause division among us... Heil Hitler don't let these scumbag lazy joos turn you out.
What you are doing causes division, kike. I'm merely bringing attention to how the Aryan race (especially women) must be preserved.
Yes such beauty must truely be preserved
Just magnificence and glory
Such majesty!
White women our treasure
So elegant
God tier aesthetics, non white women how can you compete?
UBlacks find her more attractive than average African female. Says a lot
True, how can African women even compete?
She's not white, she's Sami.
1488, we need to SAVE our beautiful women from the nonwhite hordes
You'll always be a nigger.
Remember the vast majority of women posted in these threads would find all of you repulsive. Not just by looking at you but your views and the way you speak.
Women are becoming obsolete
>Best what niggers have to offer
>Still uglier than average white girl.
Posting the ugliest white women doesnt change the fact that on average, black women are uglier. The only advantage they have is lack of body hair. White girls are sometimes hairy.
Keep these threads coming boys, shills are desperate
Yeah, nah. But hey that just means more for you!
True, how can any filthy nonwhite ever compete with a blonde Aryan like ?
haha those are sjw, obviously there is going to be ugly people everywhere but more prevalent in race mixed societies. And I can not find attractive a black woman, the facial caracteristics and skin colour does not attract me at all. Maybe for you because you are black. But anyways, you must be from the jidf haha so I do not care
That's a sami woman, they are not "aryans" at all. Aryan is a linguistic term for persian languages.
Absolutely disgusting.
I'm interested to know what japs think of these whores. Probably the same we think of coalburners
>german broads
Why does her hair look like a bunch covered in shit?
That's a mulatto.
Get past slots as your motivation, or you will be destroyed by the systems in place revealing what they are.
Read the history of your ancestors, go beyond your dick. That motivation will fade, find something that will continue to burn beyond it.
Why aren't you posting persian women?
WHat? Why?
Thats a person from finland, a mongol from central asia.
Butt hurt niggers in this thread lol stay mad homeboys
Seriously, who the fuck finds mulattos attractive
That's a Finngol
h-how did she get into it in the first place? I'm scared, bros.
it's the croat nigger lover that spams everywhere
That's Norwegian. Do google search.
From my experience latina women on average are way more attractive. I wish there was more here desu
>looking for someone
>in bondage ties it takes help to get into
That is something I have noticed, Croats and Balkans like black girls. Why is that?
>raped mestizos from spainards
just admit you have mutt fetish, chink
Ever notice when there is a white woman love thread, the shills come out in full force and try to derail and demoralize HARD.
It means the idea is good and the lefties are afraid, so threads like these are on the right path.
Same shit happened with IOTBW, a great idea since shills attacked it so much.
Why do white women love BBC so much??
anyways, just ignore anyone with a meme flag and keep posting lovely whites
because you mutts won the second world war by betraying your german brothers
Sure, i guess. Not a chink tho
ugly thots
>tfw every ginger girl you meet is a wigger coal burner
Ni hao chinaman
Thats pretty crazy!
shes not white tho
If I was a chink I'd actually off myself
They're probably not naturally ginger/redheaded
It's a (((fierce))) and (((sassy))) colour hence why liberal and fatass women dye their hair that colour
You know i'm kidding lad
I need a Aryan women in wheat field folder.
How about mixed black girls.
Never met one that weren't into white guys.
Unlike modern white women they can get you your 5+ children.
white women are replaceable, white men are not.
So marry one and have lots of Aryan babies.
>tfw no white gf
>tfw no gf at all
>tfw no motivation to try to find one
We were suckered by the Eternal Anglo and the zionist jews.
fuck a white bitch
Get yourself some brow sugar
If she manage to knot herself like that and to undo the knots, she deserve some respects.
It's probably an amateur picture with captions added by someone else anyway.
Feck off.
>It's YOUR duty to save the white race!
>We must protect our pure innocent white women!
The jig is up roasties
We know you've been making pro-women pro-feminist threads. You think it's clever to accuse anyone who criticizes women and promotes female
subservience of being a Jew. Stop manipulating our betas into being your slaves and forgiving your disgusting sexual histories. When TDOTR hits, you will publicly branded as the whores you are.
Day of the kitchen is coming.
Also get the fuck off pol. This board is for men only.
its not shills its jealous niggers and shitposters
White women not go to me and say how they like my blond hair, could stare into my blue eyes eyes for all night.
they just nag.
Trust me man. Ask/flirt with a brown girl as a white man and you will get more love than a white women harem can give you.
There is a reason why they send arab men not their women.
The women will beg that the men are not following if they have the chance.
His scalp looks like a cold-water scrotum
Yeah, probably.