Just got the news.... Styx died according to his private discord. Unknown reasons now stay tuned.
Just got the news.... Styx died according to his private discord. Unknown reasons now stay tuned
Fuck off with ecelebs
He needs to have "That's about all... Peace out." on his gravestone.
Prayers are needed now more than ever
okay I believe you lmfao.
no fucking way
Guess thats why he posted on twitter 2 hours ago
e-celebs are cancer.
He JUST died.
You can say that shit about most of the cunts that get posted here, but you're a fucking moron if you haven't listened to styx.
Why would I listen to an autistic long haired faggot like you, Styx?
Cool slide thread
Let's see if we should care. Take a gander at my recurring numbers
>hahahah all other e-celebs are dumb but you are a moron if you haven't listened to my favorite e-celeb!!!
>an-cap flag
>retarded as fuck statement
Why am i not surprised?
who is this guy? and is this rumor true?
The guy was a satanist. He goes to hell...peace out.
No he didn't you faggot
no proof.
>The guy was a satanist. He goes to hell...peace out.
>Unknown reasons
he just faked his death to start living like a woman
seefucking meme flag faggot
Who is that semen demon? Sauce?
he uploaded vids 2 hours ago
fucking lying cunts
How did he die?
> not knowing about yolandi
>being this retarded
fake and gay, just like you op
Styx? Is that you?
What the fuck was that
Rip boogie
Yes this is the same guy from the live chat lmao
plz no
How can you browse Sup Forums and watch this skinny, beta long haired faggot?
I've never watched one of his videos but he just looks like a complete bitch
this faggot browses Sup Forums for sure
>someone made a shit post thread or new meme about me, better reference it instantly either by tweet or video
How do these degenerates not die from some sort of infection?
t. juden/leftypol
go away commie
No republicans in that list?
Because most of Sup Forums fags are dimwits lacking comprehension and critical thinking, posing as le redpilled intelligentsia. That's why there are dozens of e-celeb threads with white knights defending them to their last drop of blood.
Voice from the grave.
>that file name
STFU, you Lauren Southern White Knight faggot.
He's the best at redpilling nomries while sounding like he knows what he's talking about, and Sup Forums is just buttmad because he's not a churchie.
Yes, a Finn debated me until I agreed that LS wasn't an e-whore, in her South Africa report.
Anyone remember when shills were like, "Oh no Trump's coming after muh guns it's not 4d chess!"
he's been ded tho
>never watched any of his vids
STFU then
What in the name of fuck. Please die.
i want to kiss her little pussy
>crypto-poo detected
This makes me want to die.
>watch this skinny, beta long haired faggot?
Careful potato, he's a meme warlock that will rek you.
Finncuck can be hilarious or just plain annoying, I simply block him usually .
No!! I need his spoon clanking viewpoint more than ever now.
He was so full of life a mere 3 hours ago.
YouTube is going too far with removing problematic accounts.
>this faggot browses Sup Forums for sure
He does , he admit's he uses the Chans including pol
Of all the ecelebs this faggot is the worst
i live in vermont and used to smoke pot with styx. hes the most annoying fucking person when hes stoned, also when hes not. operative words are "used to"
just texted him, S if no reply.
press c to clank
So you've encountered LS's biggest fan from Finland too? That guy is persistent.
This guy shits out so much content but most of it is some of the most tedious, lazy rambling bullshit ever. If I wanted to pay someone to listen to this crap I'd just find a cab with a driver who has a big mouth.
Of course, who hasn't? I participated in several LS threads for the lulz, and that faggot never failed to show up.
That's why I never watch yt videos or listen to podcasts. I prefer to read.
they do.....eventually
Wow aren’t you just an intellectual?
Styx is like a level 80 necromancer. Death is like opening a door to him.
No u
The whole band? All at once? Wtf
I prefer reading too but it's because I'm impatient and I like to skip around until I find the information I want. Lots of digital media has intros and other types of editing up the ass.
>implying CNN even knows who this faggot is
You think he's alone? He's the face you're allowed to see and ridicule make no mistake Styx has allies waiting in the shadows. Dare you shit post he?
Average homosexual behavior
Senpai noticed you
Go tend your garden, Tarl. Spring is around the corner.
pics or gtfo
Fuck off patatonigger
I spread this through the Kumite, Liberalist discords, and here. So happy I got his attention lmfao
brittany venti had more class when she was reported dead. "I'm dead. Please weep."
In my language, "submitting the spoon" is an idiom for "kicking the bucket". I'm not making this up. I'm looking forward to styx' death -- pun time!
Yea, some random fag's long-winded ramblings vs. my own comprehension. I guess I'm an intellectual then. Are you proud of having mid-range intelligence, or you just don't know better?
Whoever he is judging by this picture hes pretty fucking retarded. if someone with such thick glasses cant afford contacts then he could maybe waste less time combing his hair and cut it and sell it and then spend that money on fucking contacts. Also I have to assume he consciously spent money on that necklace and posed wearing it for pictures which is very cringe. Any opinions this man might have should be immediately discarded by any rational person.
At least he isn't a chr*stain
You don't know my name but I am the in the air you breathe and have always been there
the water you save yourself with from the killing drying rays of the sun I swam in and swim in still
next time you want to wank do it like a normal person