This ain’t no joke; bin that yolk

this ain’t no joke; bin that yolk

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't be a prude, bin that food!

Dont hang by the neck, bin that egg!

>carrying eggs and flour from shopping trip
>stopped by police officer after a certain point

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Please into rhyming

It rhymes in Arabic

No it doesn't you fucking idiot

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Different dialect than you're accustomed to Mohammad

they do this because of things called "muck up days". basically kids in year 11 on the last day of school proceed to try and fuck the school up as much as they can before being kicked out.

don't be a wog, log that jog.

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>be me
>Normal Anglo
>try to buy flour and eggs
>"oi ya cheeky wanker'. Where's that bloody egg license an' flour license ya twat?"
>fumbles for both licenses
>notices combination and screeches:
>cries internally while getting bread license
>drops flour and eggs
>eggs break and flour bag splits; they're so fragile

Attached: fuck.jpg (720x720, 52K)

Stop being sour, bin that flour!
Quit being dregs, bin those eggs!

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> Yolk
> Joke

> Prude
> food

It was as good as the others. None of them are rhymes technically, they are near rhymes.

Yolk and Joke are at least near rhymes. Prude and food do rhyme what are you on about m8

i have that exact knife, got it from walmart last time i visited the U.S.
its my daily carry now and a fucking steal for $1.99

> /pru:d/
> /fuːd/

Yeah ok, they actually do rhyme phonetically.

>don't help Putin, bin that gluten

Don't be a bloke, bin that joke!

don't neg, bin dat egg

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>Guns deaths
I'd like to see that graph without all the people an heroing with a gun included

When you tryn' have a joke, eating privileges may be revoked

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What's up with the authoritarianism lately? I thought we were the fascists?

Bin that flour or you're off to the tower

That's here too, some kid formed my entire highschool but we don't ban kids from using fucking forks.


how do you say them?

Foh-ahd? How don't prude and food rhyme?

The real criticism is that prude is the wrong word to choose. A prude would be less likely to throw eggs and flower as prudes are concerned about their moral optics above else.


Don't be rude
Bin that food!

Don't be a dreg
Bin that egg!

Don't be sour
Bin that flour!

>drops flour and eggs
>eggs break and flour bag splits; they're so fragile
>Arrested for illegally throwing flour and eggs

We do that shit here too but we don't ban eggs and flour.

Nah. The UK has always been worse when it comes to this police state bullshit. Our police are far more into locking up people for posting mean comments online then stopping the vast amounts of rape and murders we have every year. Britain would be better off without the police. Just arm the EDL with assault rifles and watch the UK streets clean themselves up

>The real criticism is that prude is the wrong word to choose. A prude would be less likely to throw eggs and flower as prudes are concerned about their moral optics above else.

>dropped by paki feet
>get done for hate crime

I wonder if states with higher automobile ownership also have more deaths by auto. oh wait, of course they do.

I like shitposting on the uk like everyone else but this is the 6th thread this week

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pics for (you)s

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>These posts
Y do u do this to me Kraut-bro?

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so you know who was right

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pretty sure this is Halloween only

I know tho kraut-bro
Don't blame me for my ancestors pls

Aww, you stole my
>Don't be a dreg

Carrying flour?
Straight to the Tower

Try taking suicide out of the equation and trying it again. Or better yet, try charting violent crime vs black population.

you know, this nightmare never ends

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Uhhh britbongs, care to explain this? Or better you don't...

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Thread ruined


My dick's as long as my leg
Bin that egg

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up with black power, toss the flour

naked attraction you degenerate fuck

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American warnings are so terse and stern in comparison. Always something like:
>WARNING - Selling Eggs And Flour To Minors Under 16 Prohibited - Fine And/Or Imprisonment For Vandalizing Vehicles
The British sign comes across as a little patronizing.

>when it's a stealth footfag thread

Fuck my wife
Bin that knife

>Tower Hamlets

it's over

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Holy dogshit, more gun ownership correlates with more *gun-related* deaths! But I wonder what the actual murder rate is.

Don't be gay
Leave the UK

check out tvs theory on nickelodeon and schneider

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jeez kraut , we do understand that hitler was right but this too much

is it really ?

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>this thread

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So you tried to make some scones

>not when you ride with Mr. Bones

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Not surprised, kids continually act as if they are retarded and ruin everything for everyone else. Fucks sake, I had to ask an employee to.get a can of air that was behind a glass screen with a lock.When I asked why its locked up, she told me, "teenagers were inhaling it."

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At first, i found the sign and law itself funny.

Now i come here because its hilarious to watch Brits defend this law. My favorites so far:
>eggs are actually really dangerous if frozen, can break glass and cut skin
>flour can trigger asthma

I will have this printed poster size, to remind me of the absolute state of britain right now.

Attached: flour_poster.jpg (2985x4222, 550K)

Interesting how Minnesota and Louisiana have identical gun ownership yet different gun death rates - hmmm, what could be the difference I wonder?

>Why don't you ever make your mother breakfast in bed?
>I can't, Mom - it's illegal.

Is that from an islamic acid attack of peace?

> tfw God exacts divine justice on the Anglos for being massive pieces of shit and killing Europe's last hope at survival


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I think they refer to it as chemical diversity.

Take out suicides and accidents then try again

What can we taunt them for next? I know. Water. Weaponized liquids need to be banned. I mean everyone knows that whole 'ice knife', right? You could get away with murder that way. Even worse, you can heat that pernicious liquid up and throw it someones face. In order for Britain to be safe, we really need to tell them the dangers of H2O. They could even drown in it. Yep, if we only banhammered that pesky devil water, we could save thousands of lives a year. Does anyone still remember the Titanic? Well, if we got rid of water that would have saved all those people that died there that time. And how could we forget the unforgivable crimes of the Burning Times, when nice friendly women were thrown in water to find out if they were a witch? You don't want to see that again, do you? This is why we need to ban water, or as I like to call it: DIEhydrogen monoxide

لا تخزي الله يعطينا بناتك

pls no more

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saw a man in a dress today, with green hair and big pink boots
he looked like he wanted to kill me
i couldn't stop laughing when i saw him t b h

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seriously , how retarded bongs have to be to elect this fucking pajeet

fuck if I know

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What's the word for a police-state where the Police are cucks?

>implying bongs elected him

Reply to post or your mom is roast.

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Lol why are brits such massive fags?


>sex worker
no no no no
you are serious ?

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Don't be a feg, bin that egg.

How'd you sneak it through TSA? Was the last time you visited the US 1999 or something?


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Do you understand the concept of Lese Majeste and how it might play into this, or don't you, lad? You're probably a muh freeze peach type, aren't you? I mean, if I had to take a guess.

Lol! What the fuck are you taking about idiot?