Name one reason this shouldn't happen, other than bigotry. You can't.
Name one reason this shouldn't happen, other than bigotry. You can't
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There's enough interracial couples out there to complete this project without science.
It already happened, look at detroit
Despite all the racists, meme-lords, luddites and prims that will sperg out over this thread, transhumanism is the only way, for it eventually leads to posthumanism. Everything dies, even humanity, it will just be reborn like the phoenix in a new form.
The first Humanzee has a big time hatred for jews. Next week in the news.
It's Time to End the Human-Chimp Hybrid Program.
alex jones was right
But we already have Bantus.
>would 2bh
>Name one reason this shouldn't happen
If human chimpanzee hybrids are not a thing
Then how do you explain Niggers??
Told you, you can't.
Just looks like Liberia desu
>this is what the future white people will look like... and it's beautiful
We have em already or nah?
link faggot
also, this should definitely happen. they would see that those "humanzees" will be quite similar to niggers
Technology has progressed to the point where natural selection will no longer enhance our species. The only option other than genetic alteration and transhumanism is stagnation and death.
Was he right about the fish-human hybrids too? they sound sadder. swimming in a tube trying to get out like a frog
Human-lizard hybrids when?
You had one as President for 8 years
Can pol actually read the articles instead of just making retarded comments?
If you read it the author says it is morally okay to make these hybrids and admits they will all be suffering, just to show humans their hubris.
Honestly I see no problem with this. It'll be basically breeding new black people with higher IQ than the ones we currently have.
We already have australian abos
Just when you thought white women couldn't go lower.
Get ready for boys.
For what purpose?
But we already have black and mutts
we have enough niggers really
>Chimps have scored 30-50 points on IQ tests
>Breed with Asians
>They actually turn out smarter than niggers
Sino-colonial Humanzee deathsquads when?
>it's already happened, they're called black people
Come on guys, the human-chimp hybrids haven't even been made yet, there's no need to insult them.
there is half a continent overflowing with them already
So basically a superior version a Nigger?
It would be breeding more black people but with more chimp traits.
Ask yourself this, would it be worse to have 1 million black people, or 1 million black people plus a few thousand black people that act more like chimps? On top of that, combining these genes into 1 organism through genetic modification would cause huge problems because of the disparities suffered from 2 unlike organisms combining. It would be like niggers 2.0
>leftist scientist make humanzee for teh rasis
>humanzee still overwhelmingly smarter than niggers
jokes on you, i alreaddy look like this. get fucked you fucking kike
>digits confirm chimera era
done and done
but to be pc, theyre called african americans
user... I
I'm scared
Africans already exist though
just because you can do something doesn't mean you should
fuck humanizees lets breed 9 foot tall women for sex and procreation
and it's a good thing
You can and should fellate me
We'd have, at least for the first batch, a group that's something like 50% chimp traits and 50% human traits. There'd be some overlap here and there but for the sake of internet arguments let's say 50/50. I'd say that 50% chimp is less chimp than the current black man, so it would be a net gain for humanity.
Apes and monkeys have incredibly small dicks user
>creat chimp man hybrid
>can outperform the american negroe in general labor roles
I hated those new movies, they always try to make the humans the bad guys and try to celebrate chimp-versity like we are happy fucking apes are killing us. I heard it did well in Germany tho.
we have abos and blacks already though?
Jesse got the last laugh in the end
It will make for some good keks when the left finds out what happens when you do this and tries to hide the results from us out of embarrassment. Hominids and chimps share a lot of habitat, this has been done before.
Going by that logic a nigger fucking a white woman would cause the same thing. Any way you look at it you end up with more black people.
You are also assuming they will take a white man, but in reality they will probably take whoever they can find that is genetically closest to a chimp to cause the least amount of problems.
They already exist.
They already exist, they're called aboriginals
I'd much rather have human-snake hybrids please.
>world is filled with race tension
>let's solve this by making it species tension
user, we need to talk. Non-homogeneous civilizations are typically plauged with problems. They're usually the same problems in each society as well. Race tension, class tension, segregation, language barriers, and culture. Very few of these societies over come most, if any, of these factors and it usually leads to unrest or violence. The unrest commonly results in a suppressed section of the population, either politically, socially, or economically.
Having a second sentient and highly capable species on the planet would not be good for us. Libs would demand they receive gibs and the second species would suck all the resources they can from us in a power struggle to come out on top.
Use your brain user. Gas the hybrids.
>reborn like the phoenix
Yeah sure, being half chimpanzee is a glorious rebirth.
You're a laugh and a half.
>Name one reason this shouldn't happen, other than bigotry. You can't.
Name one reason you're not the result of this already.
Why? The world has too many chimps as it is.
Animal/human hybrids will be used to upend universal tents of human rights. The hybrids will need their own rights, which will be too complex and unnerving for any nation's court to handle, thus the UN or a new body will oversee new laws.
But in doing this, the god-given rights of humans, especially right to defense, will be trivialized, and academia, MSM, Hollywood, will then propagate provocative notions of "what is human, really?" and "why should creators of hybrids have more rights than hybrids?" We're already seeing these debates become mainstream, in the hypothetical. The new movie Annihilation is a subliminally subservient message about the Agenda 21 / 2030 plan for a world body to reclaim lands for "nature," thus herding younger generations into surveilled urban centers, under the guise of "sustainability." This will be done by using similar arguments for plant life as applied to hybrids. This is Annihilation's point (yes, I've read the books too.)
Disney's Star Wars films are a vehicle to introduce empathetic hybrid-like creatures to kids. Creatures that resemble zoo animals but are hyper sentient. Just as kids are being exploited to chip away at the 2A, so are they being indoctrinated by transcorp entertainment, behalf NWO bodies.
Whats the point? Almost everything will be automated in 30 or 40 years...
But women already exist.
Kill yourself satanist.
Just imagine
>new layer of muh oppressed underclass
>chimped porn
>niggers can complain about someone being more niggerish
>free labor force if they are retarded enough
time for some mad science
>be humanzee
>get rejected by the majority of people
>exist merely because it's so progressive
>kill self
Let's start with -Chimp hybrids
I am ok with it if they use the learning to make cat girls next.
Had to sit through a Sustainable Development lecture just yesterday
it's basically just communism but worse
lol fucking do it
Something something black people.
It would be funny if they integrated into society better than blacks and Muslims.
Disgusting. Nobody would go for this, the psycho would be burnt at the stake.
Meanwhile Alex Jones is having a seizure in the corner of the room.
they are called Mulattos
It sucks man. The normies didn't wake up in time to save themselves. Now we drown with then until we start risking it all.
Between abo and nogs don't we already have enough monkeys on this planet?
You must be a Jew.
simply because this couldn't happen naturally.
OP can go fuck monkeys all he wants, he won't be able to have a child with one. this is the same reason why we can't breed a dog and a cat to get a hybrid. there is too far of a gap in the species deviation to allow fertilization of a viable zygote.
What is this? Opener to fucking Stellaris?
That's probably why they'd want to do it. Jews, y'know.
I guess it's just a coincidence if the author is jewish.
The (((tribe))) in action again.
Human chimp Hybrids don't exis...
Some didn't watch the planet of the apes. With our current political atmosphere they'll be given rights. Them when they chimp out they'll be ignored because they're the victims. Next they'll take over and people will say we deserved it anyways.
Jesus Christ. Equatorial Guinea has an average IQ of 59. I think you might actually be right that Asian/chimp hybrids would be better citizens than sub-Saharan Africans.
China is far ahead, way beyond what we'd think, in creating human/animal hybrids. Unlike the West, they have no ethical or moral qualms, and countries like Russia and Israel are investing in these sickening Chinese hybrid programs with dark money and bribes. We hear a lot about AI, but in the next five years we'll begin seeing glimpses of animals that have human features, via carefully filtered and selected Western media given "exclusives" from China. It will be a non threatening new species, a small cat or a pig. But China is working on human-like slave hybrids, beasts of burden that will create paradigm shifts in manual labor. China will listen to no country's outcries.
This is the next step in Communism, to use AI and god-less hybrids to boost past traditional limitations of capitalism, to sidestep human rights altogether, to become the God of a God-less territory. Jobs require observance of human rights. Solution? Sidestep the humans, with hybrids.
The movie Shape of the Water seems like an homage to Black Lagoon's Creature, a throwback, but it's actually not too far fetched, and is propaganda to prepare us for hybrids, and cross-species breeding; as we've all suspected the next step after pedoshit (which, see HBO's upcoming teen series Euphoria, it's progressing well) is beastiality. But it won't be JLaw taking it from a horse, it will be a chinchilla-human thing, a less hairy, better spoken Chewbacca. BBC will be Big Beast Cock. The elites will continue to debase.
After the US, UK and Russia go to war, forced into it by Zionist sleight of hand, all three countries will be reduced. Universal income will become the norm in the US, and only receivable if you're entire immediate family gives up gun rights. Israel has already made covert deals with China's elite. China's subservient ant-like population will be he source of a global army, while Israel will be the HQ of the global elite, the only ones, like a capstone, permitted to practice religion
We don't need to make more fucking idiots. We've already enough problems trying to to share our SINGLE PLANET between all our ethnicities, we don't need to make room for another one just because 'lol, we can.'
Hybridization with monkeys is NOT transhumanism, it's just dicking around on the scientific equivalent of a ' funny art project' when your desk is already stacked high with actual problems to fix.
Pretty sure we already have those, mate. But you already know that.
They already exist, we don't need to make them.
Everyone here knows we already have them, they're called africans
Human chimp hybrids are already a thing. They're called niggers.
They already existed not long ago. Meet the tanzanians.
Sounds like it's a good time to start practicing some sort of eugenics in general. Free abortions and subsidized sterilization for 75% of the white population. 100% of non whites.
Cat hybrids when?