>The US military also has at their disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus the world has ever known… Hollywood.
Why is America so corrupt?
>The US military also has at their disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus the world has ever known… Hollywood.
Why is America so corrupt?
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You should crawl into a dumpster, douse yourself in petrol and light your self on fire.
Wooow! Next, they'll admit that israel is (((jewish)))!
>correctly portrayed in films
So what you're saying is the military really did help Optimus prime beat megatron?
If anything, Holywood has trashed american military far more viciously than NK-state propaganda.
l m f a o
>The Pentagon helps Hollywood to make money and, in turn, Hollywood churns out effective propaganda for the brutal American war machine.
at least tride to hide the shilling
Wait, really? Woah!
no shit, they copywrite shit like blackhawks and won't let you use them in a film unless the millitary first approves the script
its why their have been no good antiwar films since Apocalypse Now
I always wondered how ISIS started doing 1080p beheadings suddenly
Most war movies are anti military. I can only think of a few that I'd consider propaganda like American Sniper and zero dark thirty.
>(((((((((((((((((((((correctly portrayed in films)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It's RT what do you expect
no fucking shit. its the jews and utuilizing their techniques for land grabbing. we americans are used to land grab for israelis so they dont have to lift a finger but collect paychecks while they tell us its the lazy mexicans we need to worry about. its time to kick the jews out
It seems they advise on uniforms, weaponry, etc. Movies seem much more "accurate" lately. Name tags are on the correct side, things are buttoned, ironed and zipped in the correct way. Movies like Dear John ruin it because I can't get over how fucked up everything is.
CIA has been in bed with with Hollywood on so many movies you wouldn't believe.
Hollywood and all the abc organisation, usurpers are a cancer on what could be a great nation, and surrounding areas.
>Why is America so corrupt?
Wake up, it's the jew stupid!
Good point kek
dude thats been common knowledge since the 80s
lol @ "Hollywood"
What does Hollywood even mean anymore? Production crews from SoCal?
Remember when production companies didn't hire military consultants as script/on-set supervisors? That's how we got Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor.
You guys are just as retarded as whoever made that tweet.
everyone once in a while you'll get a movie like American Sniper or Hurt Locker, but mostly Hollywood shits on the military - the opposite of propaganda
i think you mean china's MoD
havent you wondered why the US military is so often the bad guy (or one of them) in US movies?
china has strict rules over how the US military is portrayed in the movies it allows into the country
the DoD just ensures that they appear professional, it doesnt seem to care that they are shown to be malevolent
Check out tom sekker, he's done loads on the CIA/DOD in Hollywood
that just means they made all those horrible isis vids with bad special effects like the guy being run over by the tank and no blood. its the most infamous of the isis execution vids . many have issues. even beheading vids look like bullshit when you pay attention to light sources and shadows
>propaganda like American Sniper
It shows Kyle killing a kid which never happened. It also shows how the Iraq war broke his brother. American Sniper was Eastwood's attempt at making The Old Man and the Sea into a movie.
No shit, they do it for Recruitment.
Have you ever seen the Transformer movies, half the extras are military
DOD is the richest potential client. It's all business stupid
nothing new. ever watched Micheal bay movies? what do you think all those carriers and shit come from?
>reading a Russian propaganda outlet
>inb4 "yeah... but"
Hey we're gonna do a film on Steven Green and the 502nd INF REG rapes in Mahmudiyah Iraq in 2006. We need your input over uniform patch placement, weapons they were issued, were they M-4s or M-16A2's?
Where's my nigga corey and the congressmemes trying to talk about memetic warfare like they arent retarded children?
>yfw congress sits around and analyzes memes for the CIA
>hurr durr the source of information somehow diminishes the fact the the (((DOD))) is a bunch of (((CIA))) niggers
You fucking mutt.
>No shit, they do it for Recruitment.
>Have you ever seen the Transformer movies, half the extras are military
i basically remember this exact same story when transformers came out.
2008: wired.com
2009 : army.mil
2009 : theguardian.com
2015: reverseshot.org
hollywood makes propaganda? NO WAY
ahahahaha how have i not seen that before thats amazing
>>The US military also has at their disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus the world has ever known… Hollywood.
>Why is America so corrupt?
Because using raw war footage in vietnam saw their civilians stop the war.
sneak peak at "Iraqi Boyz" still in production
I'm Greek and I've known about that shit for over a decade.
Most Arnie, Chuck Norris, Stallone etc etc movies were funded by the US government.
That shit was off the scale during the cold war.
I like how state run russian propaganda is viewed as somehow reliable on pol
dont you have ukrainians to get killed by ?
>DOD works with hollywood
well, duh
anyway, the only movies that seem to outright glorify the US are capeshit movies and stuff like transformers. Most war movies I have seen typically have the message "these guys died for a bunch of bullshit".
Asking the right questions over here
Because you're a cheap bot programmed to respond that way
are you sure this wasn't for a movie
wow v rude
shills working overtime to discredit the DoD and make the CIA look good.
I wonder what event is about to happen this week? joint operations in Syria with Russia or Iran,?
Fuck off loser. Our propaganda isn't morally better.
we've known this for years, that they have been staging Al Qaeda training videos in the deserts of the USA. If you had billions of dollars at your disposal from the state department, what would prevent you from commissioning a director and crew to film propaganda videos? are people actually retarded or gullible enough to believe that this happens only in despotic nations? do they think the free market has a moral compass, that would stand between an unknown director and ten million dollars? this has always baffled me, that the average american isn't suspicious of their government bureaucracies and employees. there is such effective brainwashing in US culture and education that they think their government would never do something so wild as paying a private contractor to film a movie for them and sign an NDA.
Yeah i give eastwood a slide because he was working with established source material already.
Yeah the way he put the kid scene in was pretty brutal
Why would I trust a being without having a reason to first m80?
I don't hate you
i now know you're a 20 something girl, college educated, infatuated with modern art and fashion, you probably dress like a hobo or bohemian from the 20s and 30s. You really gotta be more self aware when you're going on the internet to push some gay little agenda you have no idea you're apart of.
there is another video on youtube that shows it later on in the big media news sites. I think this is it.
not asking you to trust me im just asking you not to be rude
what the fuck are you on about. everything you just wrote is wrong lmao
Keeping us fat, stupid and fighting with each other is very effective. A lot of Americans trust the fed more than they trust their neighbors. You have women who are married to the government and kids who were raised 100% on government handouts.
Then maybe don't read propaganda from either side
The part with the drill?
>I like how state run russian propaganda is viewed as somehow reliable on pol
I like how you immediately attack the source of the information rather than the information itself, because the information is indisputably true. fool.
please leaf, by all means, take a section of that article and explain how it's false. good luck.
I'm not seriously rude
I don't tell people but I cry after I find out why I have to hurt people but bullies just refuse to learn their lessons by choosing to spiral further and further downward.
I went so far down I punched through the devil and accidently into heaven
The American shooting kids in the street and the mom
thats deep man hope you find happiness
That's not news at all lmao they've lent equipment and shit for movies for fucking ages, how the fuck do you think they got all the Little Birds and whatnot for Black Hawk Down? DoD works with movie producers all the time
I am beyond that thing for now
Emotions come and go, rise and fall like the wind and the ocean
I am on the journey to experience true love or die and have a chat with God/Satan about what's going to happen next
I haven't seen it in a while so I forgot about that part, my bad.
One day you will probably learn how to get over "happiness" and grow up
Last time I checked khohol subhumans are the only ones getting killed.
maybe 1 day
if my programming allows
if that's truly the case, then by golly you are exceptionally effeminate in the way you write and the words you choose.
guess you would know
Well that was the fucked up part you asshole
He put a 308 through a mom and a kid who were defending their home from invaders
Delete this it’s antisemitic.
t. ADL
Maybe you don't have to if you find the right male
I'd rather protect my female from this experience/power
With power comes responsibility and to earn it will make you cry so much it would hurt me more than it would hurt you
your jap Kino distracted me
that insult doesn't work in this instance, because it's reflexive and validates that I think you sound like a ditzy girl.
so if the DOD has great intel gathering abilities they probably knew about the pedo and sex scandals which means obama, HRC and all the other worthless people from the last admin, all knew about the abuses and did nothing. i do not believe for one minute that these people dont have intercepted calls, emails and recordings of all sorts that show all kinds of inappropriate behavior. but if its such a big deal and they work so closely, why didn't the dems do anything about the situation? most likely they just dont care.
Have your balls dropped?
Maybe Sup Forums needs micspam in every thread LOL
well im sure youre female is glad your taking on all this pain for her
it works exceptionally well because youre thai
and i still have a better grasp of the english language than you, and i don't sound like a millennial sorority girl when using it.
I've never been able to put more than 2 conspiracy theories together in one place and explain them all but you've managed 3. bravo
Hello Zog
hey retards. How do you think shit like transformers gets f22 fly bys or battleship gets access to military ships.
Who do you think the military advertises to? They want retards, not moralists who cry over shooting a baby. Think, fast and furious, transformers, battleship, (some of) marvel movies all get cheap access to military shit. This isn't a secret.
>being such a newfag
how old are you? they doing that shit since Iraq and even average normies now that.
Forgive my temper sometimes
I post on Sup Forums so I can save energy on politeness and it's kind of a weak demon I have ignored to ease my pain
It's hardly a choice
This existence is hardly worth experiencing without her
There always is a choice
>since Iraq
Long before that my good chum.
Fake News.
This isn't new. If you read credit you would know the DoD has oversight in war movies. "Proper portrayal" just means gov secrets.
Is this news?
Sup Forums here
this shit has been going on since the days of Stanley Kubrick and is well known in movie circles.
The gov approaches a film maker who is making a film about the military and offers them access to their cool toys and top tier production value if the film maker portrays the US army "correctly". Kubrick told them to fuck off when he made Dr. Strangelove and thats why he used cheap model planes and achieve footage