It's okay to be white: South Africa Flag Saga

There are steps being taken by our government to ban the old flag and equate waving it to hatespeech like it's a swastika. This is coupled with a proposed ban on the singing of "Die Stem" our old national anthem (a historical Afrikaans poem).

Against this blatant attempt to erase white history and culture from South Africa, there are various figures suggesting South Africans should exercise their right to freedom of speech and paint the colours of the old flag in various spaces. Not only to defy the proposed motion and express white South Africans right to existence but also to normalise the old flag again.

So saffer anons, ready to get the oranje blanje blou out there?

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Fight brave boers, fight

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This is a brilliant idea bru

The government also wants to remove ALL statues erected before 1994

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Buy and orange and blue paint now before it gets banned too.

figth until none of your bones are solid
figth until none of those niggs are able to steal
defend your rigths

That picture is stupid. Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands cucked to the Jew.

So tired of hearing about shithole Africa. That's a nigger continent. Whites do not belong there unless it's to enslave the inferior nigger and deplete the resources therein.

Well said Pinochet

Time to take back your country and get rid of all non whites Jan.


Unironically our greatest ally.

Based Israeli! Can't wait to visit Tel Aviv!

The Rhodesian diaspora is with you, broer boer

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We're at the point where Israel shows more support than burgers. Literally greatest ally.

Together we will make SA great again.

Beware that Tel Aviv is a lefty shithole. Girls there like to ball drain goyim there though.

It's probably a nigger too dumb to turn on the BLM flag.

>americlap telling others where they belong

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>if we antagonize the whites maybe they'll shut up!

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>Girls there like to ball drain goyim there though
I'd love a Jewfu

For whatever it's worth, I feel really bad for the white folks in SA. It was such a prosperous country before ANC completely destroyed the heritage and economy.

We never should've handed over power to a bunch of niggers. We've seen what has happened to Rhodesia, SA now wants the same.

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Cyril is a cunt expect things to get much much worse user.
Die oranje blanje blou kleure is die mooiste kleure

tel-aviv is unironically one of the nicest places you guys have there. nowhere else did i feel as accepted, had as much fun, and felt more comfortable. it's also where all the intelligent jews are. the other more conservative areas seem to be a bit less welcoming of foreigners. i was also suprised to learn that they have places named after jan smuts (PBUH) there too.


Afrikaaners are not Dutch, cunt. The Netherlands was one of the most anti-apartheid governments at the time, and went out of its way to disassociate Afrikaaners from Dutch history and language.

The more you know.

You were at that point 30 years ago when republicans in congress teamed up with democrats to override President Reagan's veto when the Congress wanted to sanction your country

>involved in cold war with USSR
>prop up dozens of dictatorships that massacre their people
>support for operation condor

Apparently though if you're bullying nignogs that's taking things too far to be America's ally against the commies

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Meaning I can not feel bad about what the Dutch government did at that time....? In what that decision has resulted?

I think you misunderstood my post.

Plainly being because Israel is an ethno state and receives the benefits thereof. Say about kikes what you like but an ethno state is always nice to observe, complete harmony

Je vindt er wel eentje.

Personally I hate the place. Too many liberal lunatics and nigger lovers. The people outside are more patriotic and have no delusions about peace with muslims.

I will try to visit the smuts boulevard soon.

You need a two state solution ASAP

In die somer van 1975 besoek 'n groep Suid-Afrikaners België. In daardie jare kon 'n Suid-Afrikaner skaars voet neersit in die buiteland sonder dat daar na hulle gespoeg en geskel is.

In die Vlaamse stadjie, Kortrijk, kom 'n bejaarde man nader en groet hulle vriendelik. Hy is die beiaardier van die St Maartenskerk in die stad - 'n beroep wat nou uitgesterf het. Die kerk het 49 klokke, die grootste waarvan met 'n voetklepel geslaan word, die kleinste met 'n vingerbeweging.

En op die 49 stadsklokke van Kortrijk speel die beiaardier Die Stem van Suid-Afrika en ook sommer sy improvisasie daarvan.

Gelukkig neem iemand dit op band op. Die klankkwaliteit is nie so goed nie, dit is darem meer as 40 jaar oud en die ou beiaardier is baie lankal oorlede. Maar dié uitsonderlike stukkie Africana het vir ons behoue gebly.

Geniet dit gerus.

places named after jan smuts in tel aviv? fug I guess they are our greatest allies, I bet the dutch dont have anything named after smuts

They have a shitload of Transvaal buurte which are ironically (or not so ironically) filled to the rafters with blacks and muzzies.

So tired of hearing about these "white" people with 2% nigger, 2% Asiatic Indian and 1% Malaysian ancestry.

Who are stealing the land of niggers in sub-Saharan Africa, to boot.

Where? And what are they called here?

Can one of the South Africans on here share their DNA results?

it wasn't as ethnostatey as i expected. my first night in tel-aviv we got invited to a restaurant by the beach front and the table was literally the most diverse group of jews ive seen. there was an iraqi, an ethiopian, a tunisian and a ukrainian jew all there. it's the judaism which seemed to keep them united, but at the same time they weren't even religious, with many of them being atheists, quite bizarre. and they all seemed to consider themselves as one people even though they looked absolutely nothing like one another. was quite fascinating.

yeah maybe politically, i get that. but i like the beaches, drinking, partying, having a good time and that was honestly one of the best cities i've been to for that. i could literally walk outside at 3 in the morning and the streets were quite busy and places open. i dig that.

Whiter than you goblino.

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The bond through judaism is very fascinating here. As someone not born here, it's funny to work with smart brown people all the time.

It's indeed a great place to have fun, but hard for a person like me to make friends. The girls there see past my views though and still want the D.

please no bully

>Studies in the 1980s have found that white Afrikaners have an average of seven percent “black” blood, mostly because of early relationships and marriages between white settlers and slaves or Khoisan. Some Afrikaners, like my family, have considerably more than seven percent black blood.

Not in Israel, in the Netherlands. They were erected during the turn of the previous century. This was during a short lived period where the Dutch were actually not working against us and had a bit of pride in their distant cousins. The streets in these neighbourhoods were named after boer generals. However, they were renamed after ANC struggle veterans when the Dutch decided that they like the blacks more than us after all.

I've seen your DNA results in South Africa. You all have 2.5% sub-Saharan African, 2% Asiatic Indian and 1% Malaysian ancestry.

3% of self-identified American whites have any black ancestry whatsoever.

As compared to 100% of the self-identified whites in South Africa.

Arguing that South Africans are anywhere close to as white (let alone whiter) than white Americans is a joke.

desu one of my fetishes is finding hot jewish chicks and if they have a boyfriend then I cuck him, I've done it five times. I could totally see myself going to israel just to do that

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And who the fuck is supposed to give a shit if they match or not America's whiteness standards?

how are the south african jews there? you are an ex saffer?

thats why i say tel-aviv. they all speak english and the girls are quite slutty boet.

also 12.5% with 1% on average kaffir is 0.125% average african dna
whiter than you malema

>Max du Preez
That fucking insufferable cunt would probably die in a sea of his own jizz if he woke up and found out that he had turned black overnight.

>liberal writer

You do realise this guy constantly is trying to shit on whites in SA and is also a commie?

Your test for whiteness in South Africa during apartheid was the pencil test. Where people with questionable ancestry could be considered white as long as a pencil fell out of their hair.

You know what our test for whiteness in America was? It was the one drop rule test. Where anybody who was known to be even 0.00001% black was considered black.

You want to know a fun fact? Under American laws, you would be a nigger. As would almost all other "white" South Africans.

And you have the balls to call us Americans mutts.

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I haven't met many, so I can't say. The ones I met left way before 1994 and are good zionists. They don't like the black commies either.

I came from the Netherlands.

Do I need to post the horrible DNA results of Boers and Afrikaners again?

You know why Sandra Laing occurred in South Africa? And such a thing never once occurred in the United States? Despite the fact that there are about 40 times as many white Americans as there are "white" South Africans.

Sandra Laing's mother fucked the gardener and hid the fact.

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Oh Jewish commies fake South Africa DNA tests! And all other genealogical studies that were done on "white" South Africans before ancestry DNA kits even existed!

Oh yeah and Jewish communists probably faked the Sandra Laing birth too!

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What’s the end point of your posts? You shit up every SA thread with this. So yeah, some white South Africans may have some Khoi admixture. So what. So should blonde haired, blue eyed and pink nippled me be slaughtered because there is a theoretical risk that I may or may not have some Khoi admixture? Should my house be expropriated? What the fuck are you driving at?

What's your explanation about why the "pencil test" was the test for whiteness? You could be known to be 20% black, and as long as the pencil fell out of your hair, you were white under apartheid.

It Varg tier purity spiraling. Austrians are negro didn't you know?

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nah it's just funny to think that if we have some nigger blood in us that we'll all of a sudden start to love them.

>You could be known to be 20% black, and as long as the pencil fell out of your hair, you were white under apartheid.

wtf cape malays were considered to be whites apartheid

There are more drastic things that need to be done.

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What does this achieve?

Maybe a summit should be held to decide what we are. Leftist fucks either call us inbred hicks or race mixed mutts. Unfortunately, the two are mutually exclusive, but once again facts have never stopped the leftist mindset.

When will black on black violence end ?

You don't know your own history do you? This test was used less than 30 years ago.

Gentlemen, quadroons could be considered white under apartheid if they passed this test. Not coloured, but white.

Sandra Laing was declared white under apartheid despite failing the pencil test. And I assume she wasn't the only case of somebody failing this weird test but being declared white anyway.

to be honest i don't ever hear anyone besides americans obsess over their whiteness. even here, if we accept that we have some nigger blood in us, i've never seen any afrikaner question a person's whiteness over that. it's probably their lack of culture and history.

i know what the pencil test was. which is why i mentioned the cape malay (and other coloureds) that have dead straight "wypipos" hair.

Yeah, I find this purity spiralling from Americans truly strange. Do they really take the mutt meme that seriously? Are their fee-fees truly that hurt?

Your pic misses a mention of Chad's terrific taste in music

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Could you stop please? No one other than you gives a fuck if someone's great-great-great-grandmother (that would be about 3%) was a Malay. If you're going to meme, at least use a meme flag.

What about if you're 2 or 3 percent black?

You have to go back

Lel mate, that wasn't the actual sufficient test to tell if you're white. It was used in scenarios where cops or authorities had to quickly check someone who they could consider to be non-white.

It's not the best test but it was used and specially ridiculed for it.

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This is the only mutt-meme I will accept from you, burger-bros!

Your own government disagreed with this idea. The South Africa government passed legislation to protect Laing's whiteness.

It's literally one user who posts this stuff

>America is literally older than South Africa
>oldest Western nation outside of Europe
>lack of history

Your post reminds me of that one Bulgarian who always posts mutt memes then gets butthurt when people call him a turk.


>mutt being pissed off
must a touched a nerve there, sanchez.

Interesting that they used "The Rape of Proserpina" statue as an inspiration. Quite classy. Didn't capture the skin quite as effectively though.

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>white South Africans are up to 7% black
>manage to build a nuclear powered economy which had 50% of Africa's GDP in 1950 and is still heavily overrepresented on the African and global stage despite being run by incompetent communist niggers and fueled entirely by a tiny white minority

I suppose one might wonder what the South Africa could accomplish if they were 100% white. Maybe colonize the moon and create a South African ethnostate in space? Oh wait Musk is already doing that.

It's literally one guy who is always on Sup Forums waiting for south african threads who has some autistic asshurt towards south africa.

>Afrikaaners are not Dutch, cunt.
Don't you have a paki child rape gang to ignore, James?

You know what the average nigger blood in a white American is? 0.19% Basically statistical noise.

You know how much black ancestry is in an average Afrikaner? 2-3%.

You dislike the idea of quadroons? In the US a quadroon will actually average about 20% nigger blood, not 25%. (Since the black ancestor will be about 80% black, not 100%.)

In 3 generations a US quadroon's offspring will be 2.5% nigger. Which is basically as much black ancestry as a typical South Africa white.

And actually the quadroon's great grandson will be whiter than a Boer/Afrikaner. Since the quadroon's great grandchild won't have any Malay or Indian ancestry, as a cherry on top of the nigger blood.

Think about that.

If you consider a generation to be 25 years, then a 75 year old US quadroon, who's still 5 years away from being an octogenarian, can witness the birth of a descendant who has no more black ancestry than a Boer or Afrikaner.

7% black is only enough to lower your IQ by one point. You wouldn't even be able to measure it statistically. Also assumes intermarriage was with random blacks and not ones that were above average.

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>Form a separatist state.
>Demand independence.
Why would you accept anything less than your own autonomy/sovereignty???

>So tired of hearing

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Am i white my nigga?

>blood sucking shit eaters
>greatest ally.

Enjoy serving the child rape syndicate.

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Note that you are responding to a mutt trying to provoke you and you are giving in to him by responding

Got a DNA test to share with us? Prove that you're not capable of producing a Sandra Laing.

Ouch, this guy is triggered. Well if pic related is 5% nigger I'd happily take it.

Time to go get some afrikaans negresses boys!

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