care to defend this amerishartlets?
Care to defend this amerishartlets?
vacations are a luxury
they shouldnt be free
Too busy ruling the world to give a shit about fagcations eurofaggot. You would understand if your country wasn't so insignificant on the world stage.
I see how individualist arrive to that conclusion.
>He thinks he rules the world
Your masters rule the world, stop pretending they give any remote fucks about you or that you benefit from their plans.
>I love being a cuck to my jewish corporate overlords
It isnt the governments business to dictate what benefits a private company offers to its employees.
at my last job I worked literally whenever I wanted to, except on the rare occasion (usually like once every two weeks) that I HAD to be there, and I usually planned that day with our sub-contractors.
at my new job I work whenever I want. starting work again today after taking like six weeks off.
can you say the same?
>a month of paid vacation a year
No wonder you eurotrash faggots are so unproductive. Too busy with your 'holidays'.
No, the wiser amongst us know this gov/system is a complete scam.
at least we actually live. Phaggot.
American work culture is different. Changing jobs often is the norm.
And thats at the corporate level, at the street level dealing with police and dhs agents, it is completely fascist.
Vacation is something you earn through hard work and merit. Both things foreign to the average European.
Free market :3
Go make me a dish or orecchiette, pastanigger. Italians are the most unproductive eurofags of all.
The us has no required paid vacation. They let the employee and the company negotiate their own time off.
Nobody would work for a company that doesn’t offer paid time off.
I get 25 paid vacation days plus 8 paid holidays
Why should companies be required to give paid vacation days? How about a regulation that requires the boss to wipe your cunt dry from time to time?
Unlimited vacation at my place. In over 15 years in the work force I've never worked at a place without at least two weeks per year. This chart is fake and you're a gigantic faggot op
Who needs 28 days of vacations?
Last year i got 6 days of vacations and after the third day i felt useless and wanted to get back to work.
Edit: this applies to full time employment. If you're on a contract job or part time you're not worth the benefits so kill yourselves
no one is entitled to NOT work you asshats. if you have the dosh then go on a break if you dont then get back to fucking work
there is no defense we have to work our asses off. It would be great if we had a month off each year we could spend on vacation.
Have you ever noticed most of the burgers you see on vacation in Europe are fat, old and retired?
you should be able to take a lot of vacation days if you want to, but you shouldn't be paid for them
you've been so thoroughly conditioned that you literally forgot how to live without being dependent on something else to give you a purpose.
People who have more fun on their own time than at work.
I work ten hours a day but I have 3 day weekends. I can work more than that if I ask for it but if I don't request overtime I still make ~$80k a year in the very low cost of living South. I have a huge house and a nice car and truck and love my 3 day weekends.
i've earned mine, but i have a real job, i'm not some mcdonalds douche screaming i need shit i haven't earned. sorry its more a meritocracy in this country. i know how the rest of you love being welfare slaves to your states.
This is a joke right?
Americans dont have Paid Vacation?
Everyday is a vacation in America dyke german.
>classic Marxist
If the government doesn’t do it it doesn’t exsist. The state doesn’t farm how do you eat?
>He really thinks Europe is relevant for anything other than watching it burn to the ground.
I get a paid week off every quarter, that's a month a year, and I work for a restaurant.
There's a reason why Americans smoke and drink.
I get my 4 weeks, not sure what this fuss is about.
Nigger you guys are literally America’s vassal states and have been since 1945 you fucking dumbass
You are like the Greeks of old, self important but in actuality a minor concern on the fringe of the American empire
This is doesn't mandatory minimums, plenty of private firms provide PTO.
My current benefit hours are 165, and I can carry over 80 from prior year.
I literally don't even work a full 12 months each year.
Doesn't take into account niggers, who have paid vacation every day of the year.
Nice pic related made by a private company led by a south african anyways, kek
the absolute state of muh (((freedom)))
>I'll just post mutts because I have nothing to say.
I can't defend it. I only get 16 days. It fucking sucks.
Oh yeah and those benefit hours are completely separate from holidays, I already have all major bank holidays off and paid.
Not mandated by gov, no. But a higher end job, or a job that you’ve been at for a while will often give you some paid vacation. It’s just tha the government doesn’t mandate it
And ironically they are sage.
If there is a government mandated minimum thats all employers will give. If you just get a big boy job you will get plenty of vacation days.
I am an ameribro and get as many vacation days a year as the UK on that chart.
so true. cuz no others countries smoke and drink.
>do i want the gov't to force my employer to dock my pay to give me a "paid" vacation
>or do i just want the higher wage
Seems false to me. I have literally two months worth of vacation days that i have on the books and can use at any time.
Is this like some government mandated bullshit? People can just get jobs with good benefits unless they’re apes or useless pieces of shit.
This. Let your value be the basis of your value, not regulation.
When i was a n00b retard i got 0 days because i was basically getting paid to do grunt work and learn. When i was an intern/junior level worker, i got paid sick leave. Then i got some paid vacation. Now i have more.
If your only valuable skill is being present, you aren't worth paying when your not around. If you're 10 years into a company and they haven't offered you 20+ days it's because you suck.
He’s an American citizen you fucking mung
The power of America is in our PEOPLE not the states I wouldn’t expect a pleb in das Merkel reich to understand this
"Minimum days"
I had 2 weeks of vacation, after my 90 day probation at my current job.
I think we can all agree - stay wherever the fuck you are. Don't visit, especially don't emigrate. It sucks here. School shootings, 56%, etc. It's not for you.
We'll try to manage.
>Home of the white, european race
>Just watch your people burn to the ground
Good one cuckhold.
At least we don't cowtow to the minorities.
>get 28 vacation days a year
>Only work 8 days a fortnight on a rolling rota
Feels good, man.
I get 41, and if I work an holiday, the day of vacation i gain is holiday pay. Im an American.
I never had a workplace with less than 30 paid vacation days. Always thought the minimum here was 24 days.
wow that chart is so accurate, I guess me taking 4 weeks of paid vacation this year was fake news.
LIving in European nanny states where every facet of your life is overseen by the government. What could possibly go wrong?
In a free society you can have as much vacation as you negotiate.
>literally describes the us
That's depressing.
Brits fuckin go on holiday more than they work, it’s no wonder the UK is a Paki shithole.
I guess thats how you respond when your meme charts are bullshit, With more memes.
I get 3 weeks of "flexible days" which means I don't even have to tell them why Im not showing up to work, just inform them and that means I get paid my regular hours without working and I still get all my holydays off. Here companies are not forced to give you vacations unlike shithole countries
Why the absolute FUCK would I pay someone while theyre not providing my business with a service? What fucking planet do you retards live on?
Who doesnt get close to a month a year off? People working at nigger tier establishments. Any decent job has time off.
>At least we live...
says the Italian who are literally the garbage pale kids of Europe.
>can't even understand an English sentence describing the chart
>can only see shapes and cute colors
That’s 100% false information. Usually if you’ve been with a company for ten years you more or just as much as the UK. So kids stop worrying about things like pto and try to get out of you ma and pa’s tourist shop.
Yeah I know what the chart says and means, you have yet to even rebuttal any response like a normal human being.
You are the brainlet of this thread.
Nothing to defend. It's an example of us having less government intrusion than other countries. I'm proud of this, you dumb cunt.
>1 posts by this ID
>triggered by memes
>taking baits
Damn, thanks for confirming this shithole of a containment memeboard is ridden with newfag and autists
fucking piece of shit commie bastard. Kill yourself you subhuman thieving Jews. I will die before I see you euro-socialist demons steal my fundamental human rights.
>governments should mandate paid vacation
What is this gay statist bullshit?
Proud slaves who are Heavenly grateful for the wonderful opportunity they're given of having a slightly above-average pay wage coping job working for Shlomo shekelsteingoldbergowitscczski, or happy to be self-employed completely at the whim of the general American 56% populace
Just remember wagies, if you aren't working and paying taxes you are useless to this (((society))).
I've been at my job for 10 years and I have 30 vacation days as a Welder.
And I don't even need the (((government))) to make it a law.
good goy
Now that I think about it, if you work in a company for 10 years you should be at least a manager by that time, you should be getting your vacation by then. Lmao these pathetic fucks are ok with being a laborer for 10 years as long as they get their 2 weeks vacation in a shit boat that costs 300$ per person
I like my employees with this mindset, keep on the good work annon
I get more PTO than all of you. 200 hour master race reporting.
That's ironic coming from the Paki vassal state that committed collective suicide to destroy Europe and make Israel.
Demanding that employers pay the vacation of their employees is one of the most idiotic things ever. Just let the free market handle the relationship between employers and employees.
the longest paid vacation in the world is at an american job
thats why we dont require it
>Europe is one country
This is what just 10% of sub-saharan does to your brain.
Never mix, kids.
In the past, Americans made fun of the chinks working in laundry mat sweat shops for 14 hrs a da,y, just to slightly get ahead of the rest of the rat race.
Now every Amerimuttlard is eager, proud, and happy to have to do this.
They know it's what they have to do to get the little money coping they get in exchange.
>The average American worldview
No need to defend. It's quite simple, Bjorn.
Being #1 means working your ass off (except for the spics and niggers, of course).
Only the few chosen select few best special goys in America are permitted by your ancap kikes in power to have the special jobs that actually give real benefits and salary, while the majority of the population continues with their meager mundane boring slave lives
That's complete bullshit. Most americans get 2 weeks, it the same here. Canada also says you get a whopping 4% of your gross wage for the previous 12 months. So if you work fuck all you get fuck all vacation pay.