This is the sort of country I'd like to settle in.
Kino no Tabi
I want to sexually fuck Kino
>Hey Kino, we've just helped people who caused massive property damage
>Who cares, they were assholes anyway, serves them right :D
What the fuck is wrong with her?
She doesn't intervene, as long as everyone puts on a cute song and dance for her. The moment she is inconvenienced, she'll destroy the entire nation without second thought.
You have no idea... Don't be fooled by her small stature and friendly nature.
This anime is a fucking disaster, the story makes no fucking sense and sacrifices any semblance of dignity to justify a "muh neutral" stance of the main character.
It was a 1:1 with the source material you shit gargling 2003 secondary.
She literally did nothing wrong.
That was a fun ride.
I never got the feeling Kino was as flippant as they portrayed her in ep3. She knew they were in the wrong but they gave her a chance to shoot things so she just went and had fun with it.
Well the source material is shit you dick loving nigger.
You can only fuck her sexually.
>take one of the most memorable set of episodes from first season
>remake story into one episode except make everything shittier
I thought the first episode was pretty strong too but I guess that might've been a fluke
>tfw watched this raw but couldn't understand shit.
Still a long way to go. I've been reading the novels and their perfect for learning a language. Each chapter something entirely different.
Maybe the wall people shouldn't have been such massive fucking kikes.
>trying to take Kino's Woodsman
Over the line
The third episode is as good as episode 1.
>finish watching episode 3 literally 2 minutes ago
Wait am I supposed to feel like the Howl's Moving Castle government are the good guys in this scenario because they aren't as big of assholes as they could potentially be? Or that there was a complex moral quandary here where the wall kikes were just as bad?
Is Kino a girl?
>sacrifices any semblance of dignity to justify a "muh neutral" stance of the main character
What does that even mean
It was just trying to say how both sides had arguments and showed how circumstances can lead people to believe certain things and rationalizations people can create.
At no point did the show try to say one country was the good guys and at no point did it ask you to either.
Allow me to translate: I'm a retard who can't enjoy any work that doesn't have full black and white morality.
I'm just hoping the rest of the episodes aren't shit like episode 2 was, or that we only get new material from here on out.
What was the point of adapting that story if they were going to flat out omit plot points, ruin any semblance of pacing, and remove Kino's justification for intervening with this country and its people?
So that when the Prince shows up later people who haven't seen the old series don't go "Who the fuck is that?" while not using 1/6th of their episodes redoing the same arc
I hope so...
Just feels pointless otherwise.
I really want to french kiss Kino's feet, if you understand what I am trying to say.
I really want to ejaculate deep inside Kino's butt
How would Kino herself respond to these lewdposts about her?
>their perfect
>that we only get new material from here on out
>I hope so...
Once again for the uninitiated, the episodes that the new anime will share with the old anime are: Colosseum, Land of Adults, and A Kind Land.
Yes, Shizu will appear again. In fact, ti's not really a spoiler to tell you that episode 4 is about one of Shizu and Riku's adventures, instead of Kino.
There will probably be snippets of Kino training with Master to set the stage for Master/Partner's episode, but this is not explicitly confirmed as far as I know.
Why did you link to my post while quoting someone else?
Because I am a human with flaws.
>build an indestructible nuclear-powered laser tank colony
>refuse to conquer neighbors
>go on a safari for your descendants instead
If they'd played by the Wall Country's rules they would have burned everything to the ground.
>instead of Kino
I'm bothered that they're cramming it into one episode.
I figured it was the best way to throw people off the scent. Book readers may be used to non-Kino-centric stories, but the anime watchers aren't.
This episode wasn't that focused on politics. It's more about environmentalism (the English subtitle is Leave Only Footprints for crying out loud) and externalities. The Moving Country causes immense physical damage to its immediate environment but nothing else. It's A Troublesome Country to whoever it moves through. The Wall Country blocks up everything around it, tries to pull in more land for more lucre, and its only virtue is it can't move. It's A Troublesome Country to whoever wants to move through it.
Is Kino actually a girl, or are you guys just messing with me?
Kino's parents stuck her in a dress as a joke, and everything spiraled out of control from there.
she understands that moral is a thing created by humans and thus not real. As she travels she meets alot of people and leaves just as many behind to never see them again. She understands that whatever the interaction, once she leaves, its doesn't affect her. Thats why she just rolls with her desires. Throwing over a country? Sure why not idgaf, its not me who has to live here. Roll through another country and cause massive damage to the landscape? I go only forward and the path that lies behind me won't touch me again so it can burn for all I care
He's a boy (female).
Well shit, apparently Kino IS actually a girl. What a relief, now I don't feel bad about wanting to bone her silly.
>not wanting to bone (male)
She is beautiful young woman who prime for breeding.
Guns are created by people and they're real.
yea no shit, buildings are real too. You can't look at everything with the same kind of argument, another example: Money is created by humans, its real, but it doesnt hold any value in itself only the value we give it.
Yes, buildings are things people build and that they live in, so they are real. They provide real benefits, similar to morals, and they are also beautiful in themselves, just like morals.
I did want to bone her when I thought she was a boy. I just felt ashamed of myself.
Morals can provide benefits sure, but they can also hold you back, it always depends on the case. In Kinos case Morals would hold her back from doing what she wants.
I will now create a famine in your country, thank you for your understanding.
They'll be fine, they can just buy food with all that tariff money.
"What she wants" ARE her morals. That's what morals are, is what you want.
thats just not true, morality is always about right and wrong, about principles
Ayo, hol up.
Do you know if we're getting Land of Heroes? We get to see Flute, so I'd assume we see when she gets it.
No Land of Heroes, sorry.
I could have sworn there was just one Land-of-Heroes junkie in these threads. This is getting out of hand.
I've brought it up before but not for a while. It's just a really great story, enormous tension, huge emotional impact when you get the prologue. At least we're getting Island Country.
Is there a translated version of that chart, by the way? I'm willing to make one if there isn't.
People (mostly me) have posted text translations before, but no one's typeset it or anything.
Go for it.
>A 2 km wide track of destruction through the least populated area.
You're exaggerating.
>You're exaggerating.
Could you post it again?
I've just watched the first episode and I have one question to ask.
What's with Aoi and libertarian shows?
My sides, its money and work. What else?
White numbers are the volume the chapter is from.
Red numbers are the ranking on the country popularity poll.
Going down the left and then down the right.
Land of Adults
A Kind Land
Amidst the Clouds (Okay, I thought this was the Photo introduction, but obviously not, since it's in volume 3. Photo's chapter is 雲の前で. That means this will probably include multiple chapters.)
Land of Permitted Murder
A Troublesome Land
Ship Country
A Land with a Past
Land of Liars
Land of Electromagnetic Waves
Various Countries
A Field of Sheep (this chapter is untranslated. Just note that it cannot fly)
Ah I see you are a practitioner of the invisible hand of the free market as well.
>A Land with a Past
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
It should be A Land With History The Master/Partner chapter
Too late, oh well. I really really wanted to shorten Denki Country too and avoid small font.
That's the chapter where Kino gets there thinking it'll be like Master's stories but it turns out she actually changed the whole place right?
Please post cute Kino butts
I can't decide between smelly unwashed Kino or clean pristine Kino.
It's the chapter where
Partner was framed and arrested, so Master busted him out and then the two of them camped on a rooftop for three days, sniping every soldier in sight.
In Kino's time, it's turned into a folk tale about how two virtuous travelers gave a three-day filibuster that saved the country from corruption.
Start with clean and pristine and work up a sweat between the bedsheets.
I just want to travel with Kino.
Nothing lewd, nothing romantic between us, just two people traveling together.
There is absolutely no way anyone could travel with a qtp2t, frequently just the two of you, relying on each other constantly, and not fuck eventually
You could be Partner
Normal mature people tend to have self control, user.
That isn't true and you know it
So what are you saying? I know males have physical desires, but those can be easily quelled by masturbating.
What if she doesn't see you in that way or any male for that matter? What if she doesn't want affection of any kind from anybody? Would you rape her in order to fulfill your selfish desire to fuck her?
That not what he was originally saying though. He was saying two people of the opposite gender who form a close bond will eventually want to fuck each other.
What happens to the bullets momentum after it hit the targeting device? How are their faces still intact?
How does Kino afford gas for Hermes?
My point though is that Kino more than likely will not have any urge to have sex with any partner she travels with no matter how long they've been traveling together for. She's just not like that, almost to the point of not being human as we know it.
In the end, any close feelings you may develop for her are going to be unrequited on Kino's part, and know that the feelings are not mutual.
You could travel with her for years and the relationship would always remain a little less than platonic.
Beats me, I was expecting kino to shoot the optics instead,not right in front of their faces.
I guess that's true.
This episode was great, it brought me back too the building the brick tower episode, i love the world and it's warmth in this show
If the bullet doesn't fully penetrate the sight then it'll either merge with the sight, and thus cause all of the bullet's momentum to be transfered to the combined bullet + sight which will move towards the soldiers' faces. But this won't be as lethal as a small bullet.
The other option is that the bullet might deflect a bit and only transfer part of its momentum to the sight
>settle in
Kino's world is such interesting though. I think the best life possible in that world would be to travel around like all the main cast.
But it is true, user. Of course there are lots of giant babies and mental cases who can't reason and can't be reasoned with outside the narrow scope of their immediate wants and needs. That's why user said "mature".
>kino is anything but morally grey character
Fuck off or properly tries to understand the show you swine.
So they're gonna animated those?
Was the persuader part really necessary? Why must Kino always interfere?
Shits & giggles. Kino is actually Satan.
they were wreckin the damn mural man, the kids are innocent and dont deserve that
>The other option is that the bullet might deflect a bit and only transfer part of its momentum to the sight
This would require the remains of the sight obtain the difference in momentum though? In the webm, it seems to scatter more or less uniformly after the impact, and it should definitely have been noticeable had the bullet changed its directory enough to avoid the face.
Gee, I dunno, a frangible round? Japanese having no idea how a gun works?
Depends which way it deflects. It's probably not going to deflect straight to the side or backwards, more likely it would still have some forward momentum.