What is the endgame for bringing in unskilled refugees while repressing free speech?
Easy Votes?
Misguided Altruism?
Replace the declining European population to keep their welfare state alive?
If Jews please explain how?
What is the endgame for bringing in unskilled refugees while repressing free speech?
Easy Votes?
Misguided Altruism?
Replace the declining European population to keep their welfare state alive?
If Jews please explain how?
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I mean, those in charge feel like they have all the answers. They don't see it as repressing speech, but correcting error.
easy votes.
Some might actually believe they're helping refugees but ultimately they're useful idiots
>Easy Votes
Bingo. You'll have a one party system very soon
>Easy Votes?
>Misguided Altruism?
>Replace the declining European population to keep their welfare state alive?
Yes. All of them are correct, it's just that each faction pursues it's own agenda. Corporations want cheap labor, politicians want new voters, progressives want to virtue signal.
If it's jews then I don't get it. Muslims hate jews and have been at war with them. Let Europe become a muslim majority and you can say goodbye to Israel.
create a workforce that is so inept they have to rely on a superior power to even do the simplest task. Then create a system where they can't get out if they want to.
While we hate the mongrels for what they are, they will get the same treatment we are one day, and that is supremely saddening.
It is jews, and they do it because they have a genetic predisposition of usury the same as the mongrels have to violence. A jew's natural mode of thought is to be the third party to the enantiomorph. They try to force context into a situation, from their point of view primarily, unto the parties who are interlinked. They operate in the fashion they do because of results oriented thinking. They've been caught before and almost got shoah'd for it. A normal mind would look inward and realize it was themselves that wrought their own ruin, a jew sees persecution from all sides but from within.
We let people with bonafied mental illnesses and genetic failing into our most trusted positions and wonder how the world has fallen asunder. When we try to right our ships, we get labeled hateful and the full extent of the law has been skewed to make hate a more concrete crime than overt murder.
Mongrelized goyim
Lower agency, lower standard of living, lower life expectancy, more materialism
In our case it was a mix of stupidity and opportunism. Many people got rich off of the refugees, for example landowners and German teachers.
How Merkel sold it at the time was also interesting. She said something to the effect that importing so many Muslim refugees would make us better Christians. She sounded like some old lady rationalizing why she gives money to a Third World charity.
When it become clear that export of commie revolutions does not work, besides half of Europe was in USSR, orcs in KGB have forged new strategy. The strategy is to subtly corrupt whatever can be corrupted without a single reference to the root of evil. (((Refugees)) invasion is just one of many methods. End game is become mega-parasite and control all humanity.
You clearly don't get it. Fags like you are why kikes are winning the race war. Kys nigger.
The top 1% of kikes don't give a fuck about anyone about themselves. Hell, they don't even care about other kikes. Importing subhuman rapefugees in the millions does 3 things.
1) Guarantees political power; as it's easy to manipulate niggers.
2) Eliminates potential enemies. The top 1% will never ever be in contact with Mudslimes. They live in gated communities and get around in private helicopters. Thus, they are safe but everyone else is in danger.
3) Allows kikes to indulge in Jewish trickery because no one is gonna question them or have the time to.
>Easy Votes?
>Misguided Altruism?
>Replace the declining European population to keep their welfare state alive?
All of the above come into play.
The last one is more central though.
There have been UN reports coming out discussing the declining European population since the early 2000's
You should also take a look at the PewResearch analysis on the muslim population in Europe.
>What is the endgame
Communist world government.
turning the world into a mongoloid shithole like brazil, with all the goy living in favelas \ while jews lord over the cattle from their gated high security mansions.
a semite is a semite is a semite.
more lower quality people leads to a massive overturn in staff and plummeting wages. it makes wealth inequality shift well fast
ahh the notafag leaf. respect brother
Australia changed it's european only policy right after WW2. What happened?
Checked, also correct. Same shit democrats do to people of color in the US. Change the immigration laws to bring in people of color and you can maintain your power. The liberals I feel care more about staying in power than the impact of bringing in these voters will have on the country.
Essentially this
Double doubles confirm it
Easy votes?
You are so small-minded. This is about the total subjugation of the West. Once that is accomplished, there won't be votes, and with future automation, (((they))) will have total control of the economy.
Absolute control, now and forever.
The Great Clusterfuck of Suicidal Incentives