do it fggts
make sure you put the labour logo and momentum on it aswell
this is its ok to be white 2.0.even if some leftist cuck grasses on this what the fuck they gonna say? its fool proof.
do it fggts
make sure you put the labour logo and momentum on it aswell
this is its ok to be white 2.0.even if some leftist cuck grasses on this what the fuck they gonna say? its fool proof.
kys shill and stop making this slide threads
you mom fucks muslims
some user needs to do it,just a simple rainbow flag with the text and the islam logo
fuck off milk bag cuck
t. muhammed
This is actually a brilliant idea
The ensuing backlash and butthurt against the left by the Islamic community would be hilarious.
We should do this worldwide, especially in the US in Democratic cities with lots of Muslims
Fuck off this is a great idea. Show the average moron leftist how intolerant muslims are of their other pets. Piss off rag heads. How would msm spin this in a possitive way? Its a win win.
Picked this up in the other thread.
I would but not many Muslims around here.
i dont have a problem with you algeria or morocco,you are the few "nice" muslim nations
when i say muslims i mean mostly pakis
dont matter put it up in high traffic areas at night
Pro tip if anyone is planning on doing this: do it with a friend to lift you up so you can post it out of reach of people who would remove it.
Spread to the wind!
A fucking Leaf...
nah mate,we need it spelled out like in the op
this is awesome.
Let's just focus on moslems only, you fucktard, okay?
Well done user.
We gotta do this.
kek youre a good sport muhammad
It doesn't matter.
Some innocent stupid cunt/Labour voter will see it and think... oh, maybe muslims is not a great idea after all.
The more (((the left))) fights each other the better.
Amerimutt Here, GL British anons.
t. christcuck
agreed either the left acknowledges its retardation and changes course or it causes big infighting.
remember when that muslim gay wedding took place? they went balistic lol
the more we trigger dumb muslims into showing their homophobia and transphobia in front of the lefties the better.
Considering they've shot people over a fucking cartoon, this will be absolutely triggering. Only nobody to blame this time. How good would this poster be if it were debated progressive channel 4? Lol
Moslems are the fucktards. Eat a little girl KeBab?. With onions!
Arabic version because you were so nice UWU
alternative version
They care less about Allah than Mohammed.
Change it to Mohammed was for some real outrage.
Took me a second. (you) got a sensible chuckle out of me.
anti-leaf post bump
Here, I made a high res version of this.
Lauren Southern was banned from the UK because of this flyer. Make it backfire.
B/W version
very niceeeeeee
You don’t want to alienate the people you intend to reach dumbass. Take your fedora off and look at it logically instead ideological almost religious eyes.
"alot" kind of breaks it
I'd replace it with something along the lines of "with your whole heart", or "with your entire self". Maybe "from the bottom of yourself"
Obligatory white supremacist attached
>You don’t want to alienate the people you intend to reach
Yet you want to spread these flyers
Do you see the irony?
Reach christians as in they are the majority of natural born citizens there. You want to piss iff muslims so they over react. You don’t want to engage christians with the add, you engage them by pointing at muslims in the aftermath of the op. If you put yahweh and god on it you would be doing exactly what the left already does.
You don't see the irony
These are perfect, anyone else trying to change the template from these is a shill.
im not great at aestheticks maybe another user can spruce it up
No just pissed muslims and scrambling the left. That’s really all that matters here.
I lack a good idea as well. "alot" definitely needs to be replaced, but I'm lacking something short and spicy
Fucking leaves man
the op is enough,the one your reffering to is just childish
You also don't want the campaign to be marked as something explicitly against Muslims.
Target everyone instead, and watch the Muslims get offended the most either way.
Shadada version
I can tell you bongs are upping the ante on the propaganda campaign. You have the la 56 percent approval what can we do to help?
This has potential
And in b/w
>Losing focus this badly.
fucking leaf trashcan
I see it differently, you pose as the left trying to show your country that Islam is all of us”, an attempt to “open dialogue” because islam at this time is under persecution/disliked in the country. The op could be defended as a project to bring the 2 most disparate things in the country together. Basically its making a bomb to “destroy the walls, boundaries and borders that separates us”.
Perhaps you're right, but you're a bong.
>check post history
You're a good bong, I will respect your opinion
Hillarious! Let's get started
Spread it in California and all high immigration cities, especially places where there's lots of leftists and muslims.
Just double check the arab translations so it's not some leftist fucks trying to sneak in other messages.
The point is to circumvent the CogDis
it requires a universal approach towards all religions to not be readily dismissed as islamophobic (think like a leftist to do these mental gymnastics)
This is the method behind this op. Keep in mind; to be overtly attached to lauren southern is not the way forward
subtlety is key
Maybe both campaigns at once, then. One in muslim majority areas, the other everywhere else.
>Trying to derail the target of OP's proposal.
Absolutely haram
I would agree to this technique if the poster has the islamic moon very visible near the top next to god. Have other symbols or names of gods too but design it in a way that it leads the eye quickly to the islamic moon or allah.
Sup Forums cannot do psyops anymore, after the "it's okay to be white" one there are at least 600 different media outlets lurking here
...even though it would be fun to have "allah is trans, allah is all of us" labeled as a alt-right hate campaign
Why the asterisk?
Well it isn't.
We just must make it look like it was a campaign of the LGBT community. It will have a great and funny outcome.
this is 4D chess activism, do it.
>a man is a man
Pic related
Great, but change that to Mohammad, and it's bound to strike gold.
let them label us what they want doesnt matter
stfu abo
This but it would be far more volatile and most likely rejected by others as a sleight instead of a misguided social campaign.
That edgy attitude of yours only contributes to infighting. Can't you see? You are doing the Jew's work.
Like a young girl spreading her legs for everybody because deep down she just wants desperately to be loved and fit in.
'God' implies the Christian God, and everybody likes taking the piss out of him. It could backfire way too easily. Only way to get the triggering power Sup Forums desires is to use "Allah" or "YHWH", but that's easily prosecutable.
Attacking Islam should be done by tallying their sins per capita and in total, and comparing their advances/regeresses over time.
Also, beating our chests over how white culture has spent the last 3k years being advanced is ineffective. Perhaps focusing on recent niggerdom (and by recent I mean withing the past 500 years) would be more effective - promoting the thought of whites actually being the least brutal masters and being guilty of nothing, and separating the sins of the Eternal Anglo and the G*rman from general whiteness, and especially separating Jewish tricks from everything. Not even the niggers can be held accountable for Jewish tricks
very nice
This has potential
Your flag told us all you are a chill.
And yet, you keep posting here.
Go back to your fucking cave, Jew.
then they ask why is it islamophobic....then they say why,being gay is dirty,then the left has to deal with that and it causes the fracture
Should say Muhammed instead? They always chimp out over that. Could draw king goat fucker draped in a pride flag like how patriots drape themselves in a flag.
Just leave it as "love allah." If you absolutely must add something, add "completely."
Smart man, good eye. Did you study art?
The other one was better.
Genius. It's time their alliance came to an end.
what can they do? internet racists promote lgbt in the islamic community? but they are doing it with the intent to make the peaceful religion pissed off cause it hates gays but the left loves islam?
it will create chaos desu
Allah being gay needs to be biggest and on top, the rest is plausible deniability.
We should also thrive to join all anti-life degenerates into a big tent coalition under the leftist banner and watch them eat themselves.
Impressionable white girls will eventually beg to join us...
this is great idea! The anons that do this please be extra careful. I don't want the thought police to get you. Be safe!
I'm stupid. That's the best solution, the numbers support it.
Bump, good luck against the kebabs
I have experience in graphic design, layout and psychology of image intent.