Hack or genius?
Hack or genius?
Hack. Hates western women but creates characters like Sayla.
2nd greatest person to ever grace the industry.
Can be either. It depends on the decade/series.
Gack or henius?
Who's the first?
>dude 20 episodes of nothing happening
>dude obvious repeated animation every 5 minutes
Is this a prank? Nobody actually thinks Gundam is good right? Even as crap entertainment it's not that good or interesting. Unless you're a figure collector, I genuinely don't get the point.
Do you honestly not like Newtype shenanigans?
He either creates masterpieces or disasters, no in-between.
But yeah model kits are pretty cool
>no in-between
This is a dumb post.
gday mate
At least watch a Gundam series directed by Tomino before you critique him for the franchises failings in 90s and beyond.
God why?
G-reco is both. Not inbetween
Name one other person to create as many masterpieces as him.
He hasn't even created one
>Hates western women
> Hack or genius?
Japanese nationalist.
> He either creates masterpieces or disasters, no in-between.
I wouldn't say Ideon is a masterpiece, but it's not a disaster either. I may need to re-watch it someday.
I dunno, man. He doesn't seem like a nationalist at all.
Say what you will about the man, but I cannot say a bad word about his recent taste in character designs. They're just great/
Why not?
Western people are shit.
In fact, every 3D being is shit.
When did you last watch it? Cause it has not aged well.
Around 2010. I'm well aware of how poorly the show aged, right down to ridiculously dated designs. But my memory of it overall is foggy, I only remember things like the White flag incident, the solo ship crew not realizing that they had a bomb on board, the monster/strategy of the day stuff, and other things like that. There was a group watch on /m/ recently, but I missed it. They seemed to enjoy it, but I want to have an opinion of my own.