When TFS ends I'm gathering what's left of the Yamcha fanbase and we're gonna have a party
Characters that deserve to be treated way better by the fans
Yamcha has a fanbase??? Why?
Some of us identify with him. Others are contrarians, and the rest remind them of a time when Dragon Ball wasn't about the gods of gods of gods of gods.
Has he accomplished anything since DBS started? I don't even remember him accomplishing anything in DBZ, or even DB really. He's just always been there.
Why would he have a fanbase?
i thought wolf fang fist was cool
He beat Champa and universe 6.
He also managed to tank hits from a GoD fight and SSB Vegeta so he's stronger than SSJ3 Goku when Super started.
He survived the aftermath of a brawl between two Gods of destruction
I get that Japan has been making fun of Yamcha for years but their abuse seems to be all in good fun and have made up for it by making him (and his musician voice actor) popular.
These amerifats, however, treat Yamcha like he's the worse thing in the franchise because "dude TFS LMAO".
If the series doesn't treat him well, why would the fans? Yamcha is well liked though, even if he's treated as a joke.
Chi-Chi because her hatebase reeks of immaturity.
Gohan because few people actually care about them as a character.
The series doesn't treat a lot of characters well but Yamcha gets it the worst despite not deserving any of it.
he single handily beat U6 including vegeta and goten
Yamchad doesn't deserve the hate he gets when his fights are something most of the cast could do no better in.
Well, he is more actively treated as a buttmonkey, even compared to a character like Yajirobe. But like said, loads of fans are mental children if not literally and only care about who looks strong or cool. Which is funny, given the series is written by a guy who has a big fat pink wad of bubblegum just plow through all the beloved characters.
Yamcha was a good martial artist. I wish dragon ball was more martial arts orientated.
A buttmonkey usually gets their time to shine though. Remember how satisfying it was when Meg tore the Griffins a new one? The only thing Yamcha got after a decade or so was the very thing that made him infamous in the first place and the whole cast treated it like a joke.
He was pretty cool in Dragon Ball.
At least he's gonna be pretty good in FighterZ.
>He was pretty cool in Dragon Ball.
This, Yamcha was lots of fun in DB.
I like him because DB is my favorite part of the series.
I unironically believe TFS played a part in Yamcha's hate.
Last part isn't entirely true
Sure, he had his moments in DB but Yamcha was never a serious threat. For instance he couldn't hold a candle to Tien, and he wasn't as skilled as Krillin
He has a shape-shifting cat, that can turn into anyone, ANYONE, and have sex with it. Hottest girl on the planet? Yamcha banged her.
Yamcha banged a lot of girls, that's why Bulma ditched him in the first place.
I don't get that one. It seems as if Toriyama just did that because he didn't know how to write a relationship.
Yamcha finally lost his fear of women, of course he's not gonna fuck only one girl specially if you have a bunch of whores throwing themselves at your feet.
Actually, according to Toriyama's latest comments Yamcha never really got over his fear of girls. If you look back, he's also never really shown being a player in the Android or Buu Sagas, so it sounds like that whole thing was just a lie from Bulma.
Berus reacted, you all saw it. Yamcha is god-teir.
fucking hate yamcha fags, how can anyone like this uninspired meme character? Everyone who grew up on old db would prefer based tenshinhan
Yamcha wasn't even treated all that well in Dragon Ball vanilla
We don't bother anyone. Go back to pretending your triclops isn't porking that albino suicide bomber.
Toriyama's inconsistent and whimsical but I agree Bulma was exaggerating about Yamcha's relations with other women and rationalizing dumping him, which fits her notably selfish personality. But even if he did cheat, that doesn't make Bulma look better for moving on to the mass murderer responsible for his death.
To keep it simple, Bulma x Yamcha was an unsatisfying relationship and finally ended with Bulma wanting some monkey tail.
I don't know user, when Goku went to Bulma's house there was a bunch of whores wanting Yamcha's dick there.
Bulma just regretted missing out on Goku and made up and excuse to jump on to the next best thing
Doesn't mean he did anything but does show he's weak against women and not the most committed boyfriend. Compare to Vegeta, who doesn't attract other women and doesn't care about them either.
But that's if we try to make sense of any of this. I don't think we should.
Yamchafag here. The position they left Yamcha in after they left earth for the ToP is utterly insulting. He should be fighting, he should be getting compliments from Beerus, and he should be looking cool in the intro/outro.
The current memetic state of Dragonball makes me want to jump off a bridge.
It'll just be a bunch of pathetic guys and fangirls.
Sounds fun.
>tfw Yamcha just might be a 47 year old virgin if Bulma was one of those "In saving myself for marry while acting slutty" girls
Poor bastard. Well, at least he isn't the incel Tenshinhan.
>not even the best jobber in the show
Yamcha is shit
Not with all the love they gave him in their Attack of the Saiyans LP. They soloed Broly with him.
They dialed back on the Yamcha bullying after the "gag" where it's revealed Yamcha hung himself after Bulma left him for Vegeta. With Puar as the noose.
Yamchad lives a great life, hes a super rich pro athlete, with tons of women(Bulma and him broke up cause he was cheating on her too much) and hes still stronger than 99.999% of the population.
hes weak for a Z fighter but unlike literally every other Z fighter his goal was never strength he wanted to live an easy life and slay puss, and he accomplishes it.
He's cute.
Jiren is Yamcha
Yamcha is sick in DBFZ
He was The Exposition Guy in classic DB. Guy seemed to know every bit of martial arts trivia ever.