How do big companies profit with "social justice" movements...

How do big companies profit with "social justice" movements? In the last few days my facebook feed was full of feminist bullshit, most of it shared by big companies like google and coca-cola. I am not naive, I know there is money behind this. How do they make money out of this? Can regular people make money out of these retarded movements aswell?

Inb4: the picture shows some feminazis, in the wall it is written "dead men can't rape".

Attached: IMG-20180310-WA0001.jpg (1200x1055, 325K)

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I really have no idea either. It's not like this target group are know for their spending habits. WOuldn't it make more sense to back the good goys who don't subscribe to this bullshit SJW shit.

which one of those has a penis ?

>google and coca-cola

You're talking about them now, aren't you? There's your answer.

I was asking myself the same thing, colgate-bro.
Sim, as pessoas normais também conseguem fazer dinheiro dessas ((ideologias)). Olhe para o felipe neto e cia.
(Yes, regular people can make money out of these ((ideologies)) as well, just look at Felipe Neto (really rich lefty brazilian youtuber) )

It's simple.
In a competitive marketplace, companies are always looking for something that will give them an edge and stand out from their competitors. Pandering to lefties is an easy way to make yourself stand out (especially if it is an otherwise conservative or non-political industry) and executives are won over by polling data that leads them to conclude that the social cost will be minimal, and the only people who will be put out will be poor, uneducated rednecks who don't have any money anyways. Virtue signaling is thus a cheap way to boost their visibility and the activists are happy to work with the 'evil corporations' because it means their message is spread far and wide and normalized. The only way to get it change the behavior is by voting with your wallet.

Watch this documentary.

They kickbacks from the government for meeting diversity targets.

They don't make money off of it. Those companies have so much money they can throw away billions.

government stipends. jew stipends. mossad stipends.

what is these niggers points? i dont get it.

how do they profit?
it's an investment not an incentive

> (OP)
>what is these niggers points? i dont get it.

Dead men don't rape

This, cheap labor is rolling into your country, except they underestimated how lazy the labor is when you can just live on welfare.

Attached: juclhkcvlhe01.jpg (810x900, 65K)

A lot of it is because the market research agencies and advertising agencies they use employ lots of young people who have studied psychology / sociology / anthropology at college. They have been taught the "blank slate" social sciences, where everyone is born with a blank slate for a brain, everybody is equal, and all differences in ability / personality / outcome are due to society. (Which the hard sciences in academia, especially research into gene mapping, is gradually starting to contradict more and more).

So they mistakenly think that they have to do this stuff to appeal to the masses - and it appeals to 49% of the masses - and the 51% don't complain because they think they are the minority.

It means all males should be killed in order to prevent rape (Brazilian logic )

genocide all males basically.

Ew. Brazilian mongrels are so nasty. I've always felt that way, before ever caring about race.

increased divorce rates, money goes to woman. Woman blows cash on cloths, jewelry, shopping, cars, holiday. kids seperated from father, odds of abuse increase.
Watch the man woman myth video series on kiketube for the full story

Same reason this garbage movie made profit.

Manufacture outrage. Sell cure for outrage.

Nivea "a shade for every skin". Victoria's Secret body positivity. Sephora female empowerment.

Bug people eat it up.

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It is extortion they don't profit from it

but you are not white, so you should like this movie

All the corporate marketing and advertising people went to the same SJW colleges and universities
Liberal propaganda and dominance in education
Lefty commie professors make lefty commie ad executives

I honestly think normies can't see the propaganda, they just assume the advertisement is trying to "keep with the times"

Because it's cheaper to virtue signal than pay better wages.

Anyone with functional eyes can see that I'm white though.

They create a neural link between those ideas and their product, so when SJW's think SJW thoughts (which is all the time) it will also have their product anchored to it and make them want a coke.

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show a picture of yourself

i've done it before, everyone can agree I'm white. You seem to think the movie has merit to it though, so I'd say you're the mutt here? Post a picture of yourself so I can be sure I'm not wasting my time talking to a nigger.

They can sense something's not quite right, but can't put their finger on what's going on.

This was me about 5-10 years ago when I stopped enjoying watching TV and films, but genuinely couldn't work out why. I used to consider myself centre-left person, but stopped being able to relate to what my peers were saying about politics, way before I realized that I wasn't left wing any more.

"Why is this TV drama programme so boring? Why do all the characters seem to be written as really smug and disingenuous? Why do I not find comedy quiz panel shows remotely funny any more? Why do adverts, which I used to just find bland and annoying, really start to make me angry with how vain everyone seems to be?"

The kinds of cognitive dissonance that start to push you away from things & reconsider your own opinions

Good point

Because it's free advertising. SJWs share that shit instantly. Anything to associate the coca cola or google logo with their beliefs.


There is a big cultural difference between California and the rest. It usually takes a decade for Californian culture to spread to flyover states.

I dont know what to think of it anymore.
I could imagine that rich people feel like they are doing the right thing.

peasants all of you. you fail to see the beauty in the hemmroids, aids, and pedophilia of the great race of the lgbtq community. I, as an elite 'jew' am more awoken, an have realized the profitability of these beautiful people. the first realization was the chick fil-a incident, and from there we organized a mass campaign across all the sites starting with google. one of our rothschild members bought a very high bid in google and then facebook, and from there we controlled the internet: control the search engines, control the world. everyone knew google at the time was unbiased: so we took advantage. we got google to buy youtube, and that was our main propaganda engine, the whiny creators though hated our methods so we weren't able to get rid of them, but we drowned them out by numbers ("elsagate") but people caught on obviously so now we just took half their paychek but they still won't die because all of them moved to twitch, cockroaches. but anyway, gays are very insecure and will buy stupid shit that makes them feel superior to others. that's the goal, user, so if you promote the fags, the cash will follow, they'll think it's for the cause. the poor bastards are under so much layers of brainwashing they never think twice about being normal again.

This is what they have done. Corporations are full of these people if anyone were to oppose them internally expect an "expose" by crypto-communist journalists in the MSM.

Sometimes it feels that they're not even trying to make maximized money. They just push agenda over profit and virtue signal once they reach the point where they are too big to fall and competitors have no chance.

Pic related, Google employees.

Attached: google employees.jpg (960x660, 93K)

> How do big companies profit with "social justice" movements

Read pic related.

Attached: brazil.png (1904x748, 269K)

there are no mutts in my country obviously.

I'm one of these kids in this old school photo

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Companies try to pander to or shame the masses to sell shit. Especially if the product is garbage. Any angle to make the sale. Black Panther, Last Jedi, Ghostbusters 2016 are good examples

They can't. The idea right now is appeal to social justice to avoid lawsuits and hope the normal people that actually buy the product stay loyal despite continuously insulting and demeaning them to appease SJW's.

>"dead men can't rape"
Are they complaining about it? My god, they never let you rest!
they guy is dead for Christ sake!! If you want so badly to get fucked do a cow girl while the rigor mortis allows it.

Attached: IRONIC LEFTIST.jpg (500x571, 84K)

leftists organize product boycotts and are seen as the generational future

It's easier to get away with suppressing wages and benefits, destroying the environment, and consolidating control over the market if everyone is too busy posting #woke memes about transgender bathrooms and white male privilege to notice.

This. This is one of the few places left I can enjoy now. Most everything else has gone to shit.

Women with degrees in marketing from cummunist indoctrination centers decide it's a good idea to attach the brand to the hip social movements espoused by her trust fund friends and suddenly Coke is against white working class males being able to find gainful employment.
This isn't rocket science.

Damn dude you are blacker than night. I have to travel at least 2 hours to see someone that black. Don't be upset though, Marvel made a movie just for people like you, you should check it out and be proud of your heritage.

Women and baby boomers are the biggest consumer demographic and are all libtarded as fuck.

why is south america and brazil a breeding ground for leftism?? how the fuck did this happen?

Women control 80% of household spending so they naturally pander to that. It’s as easy as that

bottom row white t-shirt??

This. There's no such thing as bad publicity.

>You want to extort people and profit off their suffering
>Realize they're too many and probably not as dumb as you think
>Understand that they might turn against you if you squeeze too much
>Turn them against each other instead, now they have to fight their own to get to you
This applies to man vs woman, black vs white, left vs right.
Seriously, once you learn about the hegelian dialect everything makes so much more sense.

low IQ illiterate people often vote either extreme right or extreme left....

In the case of brown people they vote extreme left..

All of those titles are meaningless

SJW politics are globalist politics which is good for globalist corporations. Global corporations hate sovereign states and ethnic identity because it complicates production. They'd prefer a single mutt race of moderate IQ separated by economic classes. You can treat poor people like shit once poverty cannot be connected to identifiable features. Then you can claim everything is merit based and poor would be elites if they worked hard. It's Brave New World logic.

That first picture
>Queer autistic trans lesbian
Jesus fucking Christ.

>hire all men
>work gets done faster and better
>little bickering or issues
>company does great
>hire all women
>get to pay them less at least
>shit barely gets done
>bickering all day
>business goes under

And yet Google chooses to pay them to simply exist in their payrolls. Western tech companies will sink resources in monetarily worthless liberalism if they can afford it. It is their endgame.

Excellent post, had same experience. Now I’m here...

I was a cineaste a few years back. I watched almost every good movie/show. Imdb top 100 without the shitty pixar movies etc. It wasa big hobby. But 3 years ago, i suddenly stopped. Dunbo why but every movie after 2014 was full of leftie propaganda. I could not take it anymore. If i watch a movie nowadays, i only watch older movies, that i know, were good.

This. Happened to me when I was about 19, never looked back. Occasionally I see TV and news (maybe once a month) just to study how far down the drain things are. I keep being surprised that people actually still watch, I honestly believe it's aimed at those with an IQ of under 95, which is still a huge part of the population from a marketing perspective.

Essa primeira é bem gostosa.

the one with the red hair looks likely.

>How do big companies profit with "social justice" movements
no one can give you shit if you pander to everyone, and if they do, you can turn it around on them and call them "___phobic" and make yourself look virtuous

plus minority markets are untapped in terms of potential $$$ so you pander to (ie disproportionately overrepresent) them in ads, movies, video games, etc

I’m gonna go with all of them.

its funny cus nobody wants to dick those disgusting ugly whores

With the creation of the Federal Reserve, the kikenvermin can just print money, and buy anything. So at that point it becomes an issue of control. They no longer really care about money (well they do but in a very weird abstract way).

> How do they make money out of this?

Appealing to the lowest common denominator.