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Will Ordinal Scale ever got an novelisation? If it was written to take place after Alicization, would the presence of Alice make any difference to how the story unfolds?

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Who gives a shit about consistency in a series that can't even follow its own rules consistently?

The plot would end very fast as Alice would crush Eiji in a head to head fight with no problems even when he's using his exosuit. That's why Sugu was written out of the film because she was too strong.

>make up own rules
>get mad when the show doesn't follow your fanfiction
For what purpose?

Well since modern video games can't follow their own rules properly due to shitty programming or poor quality testing, it makes sense SAO does the same. In all seriousness I would love to see an arc dealing with a really buggy game. That would be fun.

>That's why Sugu was written out of the film because she was too strong.
Any source on that? That's the first I've heard of this.

>Kawahara: There were a lot of people disappointed that Suguha's 《OS》 outfit never came up.
>Itou: I've said that to the person herself (Taketatsu Ayana-san). If you're in this, you'd probably be unbeatable, you'd end up winning against Eiji.
>abec: 'Cause she's a kendo girl.
Basically, because she's too athletic in real life, they ended up cutting her out by making her go to a conveniently timed "Kendo Boot Camp" or something.

What the hell is a kendo boot camp?

It's a boot camp. For kendo.

Kawahara wrote it to take place after Alicization but it was changed to after Mother's Rosario by Ito for the actual release to make the timeline more natural.

Kawahara has said he wants to, but whether or not he has the time to is another story.

I have a feeling since the next arc will take place in real life a lot supposedly, the Ordinal Scale AR game will be a part of it.

That a shame to be honest. Sugu fighting Eiji in Ordinal Scale would've been fun as fuck to see.

Someone a thread or so ago mentioned that Kawahara said something about naming Kiritos classmates being a bitch to do, and there was alos aomething about Kikuoka telling Kirito that theyd all be getting Augma. So the speculation is that the next arc will be related to OS, if not a novelization.

I only want more Kiritoxharem doujin

Do you know any good ones?

>Kikuoka telling Kirito that theyd all be getting Augma
When did this happen?

Material Edition 22.
Ordinal Scale already said that the SAO survivor school would be getting Augma, so it looks like Kawahara is not sure about whether or not to make OS take place before or after Alicization.

Kawahara is trying to write an elementary school classroom and come up with at least 30 names or so.

Bless his heart.

Thanks user

Coming up with names for literal who characters is more difficult than it might seem at first. Great respect for him.


Well those are some interesting words. I was on the impression that Kirito and Asuna had obtained true love already.

I want the ability for a harem ending in the games. They're non-canon anyway so they should just go for it.

>a LN author communicating in english
color me surprised

Is speaking English actually a rarity among LN authors?

>Material Edition 22.
Speaking as someone who has yet to touch the LNs, what the hell is Material Edition?

It's sad how often I actually see that shit when people complain about SAO. The show has it's problems but making up imaginary rules and then being mad when a show doesn't follow is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

How often does that actually come up? I think once I saw someone trying to claim that Kirito was an assassin class and should've been able to handle all those guys on the bridge in Episode 4 because of it. Even though SAO has no classes whatsoever. It was in a YouTube comment so stupidity like that probably shouldn't have surprised me.

It doesn't come up too often these days, but a few years back it was pretty numerous.

That's sadly not restricted to SAO. People love to come up with head canons, particularly to fill in gaps in information. Some of them then process to complain bitterly when the story fails to obey those head canons, or blast the story and author for "doing" the things that are merely their head canon. Sometimes in direct contradiction of what actually happens in the story. All done without any seeming awareness that they're complaining about things that are essentially their own fantasies, not anything the author actually wrote.

I write SAO fanfiction, but I'd never think to apply the rules I make within it to the original author. What is wrong with people?

Well that's the first time I've seen someone admit to being an SAO writefag. What's your username?

>People love to come up with head canons, particularly to fill in gaps in information.
That is actually understandable, especially if you're someone that needs a lot of details, but of course it's the complaining that comes afterward when the show does something contradictory to the headcanon that's stupid.

I think it's a combination of people not paying attention while they're reading/watching something(basically speedreaders), and people being influenced by their biases. Then never going back to read/watch a second time, much less doing so before going to bitch about the series. That leaves their brains desperately trying to fill in all the information they're missing, and them having a false confidence they know what the hell they're talking about.

I've never completed anything yet, so I don't have a username. Right now it's just a document on my laptop. I did show someone on IRC once.

Speaking of Fanfiction, how would Asuna deal with Fairy Dance arc if it was Kirito who got trapped instead of her by Sugou's incompetence or some shit?

Threaten Sugou at knife/swordpoint until he confesses everything then cut his dick off or something

With having to deal with her mother, her ojousama status and her schoolwork. She might actually develop a more aggressive stance on his shit. I'd like to think Kikuoka would appear to her as well.

Oh yeah, if he can't get Kirito he'll go after the next best thing, and then work with Asuna to bring Kirito back, Kikuoka would definitely work with her
And considering Asuna's aggressive personality he's going to be very amused with her

We do know she would go to any length for her bf
>infiltrates a top secret research facility to find Kirito
>holds Kikuoka who is an adult man one head taller than her up by the neck, swearing never to forgive him if Kirito never recovers
>dives into UW and fight against a 30k army, keeps standing after receiving numerous wounds even though she has not really been exposed to pain before
>choses to stay with him in UW knowing they may never make it back
Fuck me Asuna is metal

And people say that her Abridged counterpart is more badass.

No wonder Kirito is scared of her

Oh god I just imagined that tentacle scene but with Kirito instead.

That's why he loves her. She offers him a challenge.

The canon Asuna would eat her abridged counterpart for breakfast. The abridged version is practically a huge softie on the inside while acting tough, where as the canon version acts like a nice perfect girl, if you cross a line she will screw your ass.

>abridged version completely misses the point of the character
In other news water is wet

I don't honestly mind that all too much. I view the abridged as an alternate version of the story and characters and it's not to awful especially when compared to other abridged series.

Why am I aroused by this thought?

This definitely feels like it's the case most of the time

This thread has me thinking about whether or not Asuna is into the kinky shit in bed

Asuna seems like a vanilla girl, but maybe only at first. What kind of kinks would suit Asuna if she had any?
