Dios mio

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la creatura...

I can almost smell them crashing through our borders.

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Look how fucking fat they are. The nig/spic fattening cycle is real. RIP in peace, western civilization.

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Whew, thank god I am only le 75% and not 56%

glad gringoes are on their way out.
If you couldn't have children because your women were too busy whoring themselves and having abortions it's your fault. not schlomo's, not juan's.
Your fault.
A master race doesn't go extinct or gets replaced.

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There's trouble brewing in Burgerland...

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ay carumba

As much as I hate you tacos destroying this country, I still agree. Land taken by conquest is rightful clay. If the huwhite man can't defend their own lands from invasion they don't deserve to keep them.

>this is the new face of america, and it's beautiful

La monstruosidad...

fuck.... i don't have the Vocaroo's saved....

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The worst thing from Gringoes is that they fall for the hot latina meme

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>beautiful Americans, lining up to vote Democrat, and why that's a good thing

The true master race are the Asians, mejicano huevón.
Whites do have a right to exist, though. Just like your brown ass lot.

>has everything
Yeah, lacking a will to live makes you lesser than abbos

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Indeed. And before you know it, they end up Jeb'd.

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Why do Mexicans love tattoos?


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>mexico vs the whole world
>mexicans still replace every other inmigrant group

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They don't even know what they're voting for, besides check "Democrat" for more gibs and more relatives.

>Whites do have a right to exist, though.

Nobody has a "right to exist".
Existence come from competence and willpower

ITS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for all these wonderful creaturas and goblinos

Guatemalan Goblins

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I mean if german women don't want to be women and do not wish to have children that's fine. Go extinct.

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Every time I think "surely the mutt meme is bullshit", I come across pictures like the OP....

Whites have been engaging in dysgenic rather than eugenic fertility for decades. Even a country like Norway has seen a real decline in the average IQ (G) of its native population. The whites of today are not the same as the whites of yesteryear.

Beaners ruined Spanish for me. Everytime I hear Spanish I just think of ugly brown goblins. Latinos are fucking scum.

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your women are a meme.
pic related is your average female.
30 years old, no kids, no plans to have any, hates children

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Stop engaging spics

Hide all spic posts

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From Spain with love gringos!

Viva Mexico Cabrones!!!

Of course it's a spic that posts this. And posting dbz. No wonder the anime boards shit, its all filled with 56% cretura posters like you that ruin everything.

and thinks having cats makes her a mother.
congratulations "scum" will survive and keep your country, while whites just stay dead.

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evolution bred them to subsist on meager foraging not 5000 calories of high fructose corn syrup

>You're going to need a bigger wall

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Read: Because when we redpill the normies they to will understand that demographics is destiny and will want to fix the issue.

Remember that when shit hits the fan, pussy. I would pay good money to see how you fare.

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>animes appeal to spics only
>juan cucked japanese fans on their anime
>juan cucks the mightiest military empire just by crossing some desert
get keked

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why not just rape her?
oh it doesn't matter, she has no children anyways, or may have just one, that will become gay because dad is never home.

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>Proceeds to get Jeb'd en masse

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Those aliens, are as usually cowards

Is this the PA voting booths?

Fuck Reagan

They have a cave troll

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