Why are Fate/Zero fangirls so in love with Kiritsugu? I have never seen anyone cream themselves over a man so much as Fate fangirls do with Kerry.
Why are Fate/Zero fangirls so in love with Kiritsugu...
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Uh what OP its Kirei and Gilgamesh the ladies get wet over.
I don't know either. Wearing all black, brooding, chain smoking and being obsessed with guns and magic is an almost perfect recipe how not to get fucked.
He's a troubled human being with a loving caring side to him. "I can change him!", they think, while nursing their bruises from their Super-Chad boyfriends. Women are fucking stupid, my dear friend. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you'll quit trying to make sense of their brain patterns. Kill da ho.
How's 30 looking out for you, user?
Does Kiritsugu count as a super Chad?
I've never felt Kerry is particularily popular. I think women are more into Archer and Gil.
People love Kirei more. Although the love has summat declined thanks to FGO.
It's not what you do
>Women are fucking stupid, my dear friend
because despite everything he does have a cool design
Surprise surprise, manchildren are popular with their fellows
>didn't even read the OP before reciting the usual shitposting
Girls, user
This. Uro pushed his "muh cosmic love between Kerry and Iri" too hard
Exactly. I got rid of all of those things except cigarettes.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand to understand this user. The cleverness is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and an understanding of /r/incels l it will skate past the typical poster's eye.The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these concepts, to realise that they’re not just abstractions- they say something deep about the existential nature of REDDIT. As a consequence, people who dislike user's opinions are idiots and wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the truism in his existential catchphrase KILL DA HO which is in itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons where typhus symbolises the fumigating cause of social justice causes and a personal affront to society catalysed by extreme mental retardation. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as user's genius unfolds on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Reddit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the lady's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re 100 IQ points lower than my genius IQ. Nothin personnel kid
That pic is perfect though.
I have never seen anyone care about Kiritsugu
nigga he's the face of Fate/Zero
/tg/ love him
It's funny, they put Kerry in FGO but it still seems like Kotomine gets more fanart than him.
F/Z fangirls love Gilgamesh/Kirei yaoi more.
There was .. something being said about restraining your chuuni obsession with magic and guns?
I think im missing your joke
but they like him because some of them honestly think hes a good example of a paladin/was right
He's the only protag who's anime adaptation doesn't suck.
Also girls love edge when a cute guy does it.
He had a good wish if anything. But probably didn't think it through a lot.
"world peace lol" isnt a good wish
I got a better wish for Halloween. Still enough time to find a black tie and give some shine to the guns. Maybe I have better luck than the original. Hard to do worse.
what if he wished for a turkey sandwich with just tomato?
I struggle to think how manjew could fuck that up, not worth sacrificing Iri for but better than his actual wish
Like I said, hard to do worse. Nice 2.22, checked.
I honestly don't know why more people don't like Shirou.
>can cook
>has morals
>justice autism is charming
>more motivation to see something through than anyone in history
>will literally go above and beyond for anyone he loves
>/fit/ as fuck
>cute ginger
He's literally the perfect guy to be with.
>sadistic lolicon rapist
Hard to like Shirou
>sadistic lolicon rapist
What are you referring to?
Who goes to the absolute extreme compared to other MCs. He's interesting. The main reason the majority hate Shirou is because they didn't read the fucking VN and don't know what's going on in his head, which makes everything he does seem logical to his character.
>i wana be a hero!!!!!!!
yeah ok pal you carry on
>I want to be a hero
>nearly impossible
>nearly kills himself
>literally everyone tells him to stop, even the autists who mercilessly hate his character
>tries anyways
Shirou is someone we should all try to strive to be, honestly.
Do you strive to be someone who ignores logic, reason, and throws away everything he and everyone else has to try to do something that is clearly impossible?
I'm glad you're not in my family or friend circle user.
Then /tg/ really has gone to the shit if they think of Kiritsugu as anything other than a Paladin who fucked up.
Paladins don't amke the kind of easy compromises that Kirtsugu did. Kill 1 innocent to save 100 more, when they haven't exhausted everything single other possible cause of action is anathema to the ideal paladin.
Seriosuly, Kiritsugu is the typical kind of WoD character that people shit all over.
there were several threads recently where people were suggesting that kerry didnu nuffing and that hes a better paladin than shirou
In order to accomplish a goal I set my mind to? Hell fucking yes I wish I had even an ounce of that drive. I'd probably be out of college and making money by now.
No, you'd probably be fucking dead in a ditch. Or homeless on the street. That's what happens to people with more drive than sense.
Okay Archer
The only reason Shirou beat Archer was he was in an anime
Continue living in your fantasy that trying to do impossible things is noble though, it entertains everyone else
>What are you referring to?
Obviously the terrible h scenes
>The main reason the majority hate Shirou is because they didn't read the fucking VN and don't know what's going on in his head
I read the VN and thought it was little more than a badly written shounen until UBW. The parallels between Saber and Shirou was the only remotely interesting part of the Fate route, and even that only had one good scene to express the dynamic.
>Japanese teenager with a sword defeats the big bad in every arc through a serious of asspulls
I'd really rather not be Shirou, in all honesty. At the beginning, he's basically flailing around, with no clue as to what he's doing - and that's before the HGW kicks in.
Shirou desperately wants to be a hero, but has no idea how to achieve such a goal. So instead he dedicates all of his time to others happiness, which he doesn't even derive any significant joy from from because he's not out there vanquishing evil.
I've not been on /tg/ as much recently - to be honest, I haven't been on there as much ever since it was Quest central, and then when I returned everything was pigeon holed into incredibly masturbatory generals. Which may explain why I missed these threads.
Unless your entire idea of what a Paladin should be is drawn from 5E Oath of Vengeance, with ti's edginess ramped to the extreme, I honestly don't know how anyone could fuck up that bad.
I'm pretty sure I could fuck up more than any of the examples, even the ones from bad ends or shitty splatbooks. I'm sort of an expert when it comes to desperation.
>Why are Fate/Zero fangirls so in love with Kiritsugu?
Do we even know that this is true? How do you know that? I think only fujoshi like Kerry and they ship him with Kirei and sometimes with archer (at least this is what fan art leads me to believe).
Kerry is just a regular butcher deconstruction character. Butcher is a one-trick pony and this is his one trick. He likes to deconstruct the concepts behind a story or a genre and uses edgy characters to do so.
Kiritsugu's alright but Archer is definitely my man.
>Shirou desperately wants to be a hero, but has no idea how to achieve such a goal. So instead he dedicates all of his time to others happiness, which he doesn't even derive any significant joy from from because he's not out there vanquishing evil.
The whole point of his character is that helping people makes him happy, he derives joy from seeing the happiness of others, because the first thing he saw was Kiritsugu's smiling face after saving him. He's a nega-Kotomine, who can only derive joy from the suffering of others. At the start of the VN is aware of the contradiction in the ideal Kiritsugu passed down to him (Bank robbery scenario in prologue), but ultimately he's not that different from other high school kids not really knowing what to do after graduation, just that his goal is pretty distorted compared to others.
Cringe but truth
If only we could get a Clock Tower anime, complete with Shirou in training as an Edelfelt butler, maid Rin and their frantic fucking on all of Luvia's furniture as she masturbates to it.
why is it that people who constantly misinterpreat things, are always the most vocal about it?
I have come to given up about lots of people hating Shirou in a way I consider those people akin to Archer, they see themselves in Shirou and watching him makes them hate him for his mere existence.
It is amazing, especially when those same people consider Kiritsugu awesome and Archer a cool servant.
Just look at this guy. He's dark, he's dangerous, and he's utterly devoted himself to an ideal. Seriously, he has a purpose in life that most people lack, and the dedication to pursue it. Women like that.
Not to mention, he's supremely competent, and he kills people for a living. Do you know how wet that makes women? It's why women want to fuck soldiers and the like. It's also worth mentioning that he probably has a six-pack and runs like Jesse Owens, despite smoking like a house on fire.
See, here's the problem. Sometimes, you cannot save everyone. If a Paladin tries to save everyone and he fucks up, even more people die.
If you can choose to save four people or five people, YOU CHOOSE TO SAVE FIVE PEOPLE. It's the only moral choice! If you try for all nine and you fuck up, everyone dies. Kiritsugu is a good man in a bad world, and he's simply doing the best with what he has.
Everyone wants to be the superhero who doesn't make any mistakes, but that's fucking hard.
Kerry did NOTHING wrong
In most of his dilemmas, there's literally nothing else he could do. He couldn't have saved Natalia, for one. The world might have ended right there if he didn't blow up that plane.
Nasu's far-fangled ad hoc powerlevel bologna is not a matter of "misinterpreting." For the virtues of FSN, that's just crap writing. It's the fedora tipping fanboys who can't see that and think this teenager's chuuni porn novel is some piece of amazing literature.
>If a Paladin tries to save everyone and he fucks up
then dont fuck up
the moment you become a paladin you lose the right to take the easy or safe path
I don't understand why edgy manchildren NEED Shirou to be some sort of "deconstruction" or whatever floats their boat to like him. No, you can't like a character because he tries hard and wants to save people, that's BAD, the only characters you can like are edgelords with cringe "deep" writing.
Shirou is the average hero of a story, the only difference in F/SN is that the author tried to give a motive as to why he would act like that in a universe so cynical and the answer was that he just wasn't normal. What weeaboos don't realize is that even though Nasu decided to write his universe like that he just like Urobutcher or even Anno with his 2D4U stuff still jerk off over Kamen Rider, Ultraman and other average heroes that just do good things, that's why they always try to write around those type of characters.
tl;dr. There's nothing wrong with heroes you bunch of 14 year olds
That's why regular Forgotten Realm is such a safe stable place ..... OH WAIT
what are you even saying?
Yes, there ar etough choices.
But a Paladin doe snot, when it is in his capacity, leave children to be stalked and murdered when it is in his ability to help them because it offers a potential advantage. He does not offer a man hope of mercy and salvation, only to tear it away at the last moment and cripple them.
The Paladin always chooses the higher path, and when there is no higher path he fights and claws to make one until they're bloody, broken and can't go on. Paladins don't let themselves compromise, don't let themselves be selfish - the Paladin can no longer consider themselves a person, because they've given themselves over entirely to the higher purpose.
That's why Kiritsugu isn't a Paladin. He's human and selfish, and hates the things he does - he looks for Faustian bargains, sacrifices others as easily (if not more so) than he does himself, anything that lets him abandon his self-appointed duty.
Even in the DnD settings they allow Paladins to bend rules. And even if they violate the codes, they can still atone for it to regain the power.
thats because paladins are player characters and to make the code particularly constraining would be unfun
Shirou is a pesudo-philosophical self insert vehicle for teenagers. Kititsugu is a fleshed out character with more meaningful and interesting feelings and motives. What it boils down to is that Urobuchi just writes a better story than Nasu, even despite Nasu's obvious creativity in certain areas.
Shirou is fucking retarded dude, he's interesting because of the situation he's in and because of how the fire and Kerry changed him entirely.
>Kititsugu is a fleshed out character with more meaningful and interesting feelings and motives
He's literally just mind of steel shirou but toned down to make him ''likeable''
>toned down
I'm sorry, but Mind of Steel Shirou, at worst that we see, condones (and offers to conduct) the murder of his girlfriend.
Kiritsugu is complicit in a ritual that has as one of it's core components the murder of his wife, who he is also cheating on as a "practice betrayal". Add in that he actively chooses to not interfere with the actions of a child killler, even when said killer is an already existent enemy, his decision to eliminate an enemy already neutralized and then the cold-blooded torture of another enemy's relative.
Kiritsugu in Zero isn't a toned down version of MoS!Shirou at all.
This. Shirou-Kirei is a textbook yen-yang hero-villain setup, nothing deconstructing about it. Shirou starts out as a proper "does good" hero like a Sup Forums superhero or a JRPG yuusha then his development changes according to route (my favorite is, it's full of anti-cynicism sentiment like Nasu was making fun of nihilistic fedorafags).
I will not be baited into this argument again. Both are fairly good writers.
>my favorite is
is UBW
>implying the priest spooking people isn't half the fun
Im sorry, Kerry is retarded MoS Shirou
Considering even after getting his magic circuits fried up, Kayneth got a puppet body, went out of his way to renter the HGW and killed a priest to try to prevent any more command seal transfer, he definitely fits the example of how a mage can still be threat even after losing a servant. Masters are in general often killed despite already losing their servants because they can easily reestablish contract with a different servant
Sola was also willing to torture Kayneth to force him to reliquinsh his command spell so she can force a servant to love her.
And with the Geass scroll, Kayneth was also givne up on the HGW. Sol may have been a different issue, but given how she'd already been deprived of her command seals and arm, she wasn't exactly that much of a threat to anybody left either.
Everything is a chad?
The geas/geis was on Kiritsugu to encourage Kayneth to use the command spell.
Also, from the LN:
>>If he had fought as he had planned before, and if he didn’t capture Sola but killed her immediately then Lancer, whose supply of prana would be completely stopped, would naturally disappear. However, what Kiritsugu employed was a strategy that completely removed the possibility of a Servant, having lost his master, forming a contract with someone else and returning to the battlefield. Based on the result of the battle against Caster he predicted that Kayneth, who was protected by the Fuyuki Church, may obtain extra Command Seals. Therefore, he prepared such a twisting and complicated trap.
The geas was on Kiritsugu to not harm Kayneth.
>hey guys, I learned this cool new meme word from Sup Forums! I'm going to use to describe everyone and everything ever!
I've seen this all before.
He's fucking stereotypical
I thought it was conditional on the basis of Kayneth withdrawing form the war, though it has been a while, so I likely am misremembering.
That is just UBW and maybe Fate to a lesser extent. The ideas are cool: Having your future self tell you shouldn't follow the path, have a battle of ideals with him, clash against the ultimate original. I feel like the other guy put it kinda plainly.
The turkey would be dry
Manjew gives a sandwich, proceeds to spill out anyway and kill everything.
thats the best kind of turkey, jokes on him
he only did what he did because Kerry blueballed him
Manjew would kill anyone anyway. It's kind of what he does.
It's not "make wish on Grail, Grail corrupts wish to kill everyone" it's "make wish on Grail, when Grail opens Manjew comes out, Manjew kills everyone".
the only thign that Manjew actively did to mess with Kiritsugu was illustrate why his ideals were shit.
He's a hot mess
isnt it "manjew in grail, any wish will be corrupted by manjew to cause maximum suffering/death"
>Manjew actively did to mess with Kiritsugu was illustrate why his ideals were shit.
No, its about only giving the most warped and extremist form of his ideals.
>Fate/Zero Anime Visual Guide II - Commentary: Episode 24 "The Last Command Seal", p.166
>Narita: Since the Holy Grail itself was only a clump of magical energy, wishing for "Saving the World" without specifying the method would not work. If Kiritsugu had no power or wealth, but knew "the method of Saving the World", it may be possible for the Grail to carry it out.... Kiritsugu was presented with such a vision of "what would happened if the World was saved" because Kiritsugu only knew of "sacrificing few for the benefit of many". However, since the Grail at this time was tainted by Angra Mainyu, Kiritsugu was presented with the most malicious imagery of his "saved World".
>Narita: If "Saving the World" was wished upon the Grail as the Grail had presented, what would happen?
>Mashin: It would certainly realize it a la The Monkey's Paw.
sounds like someone never read HF
I need a Strange Fake anime adaptation ASAP. I love Narita.
Nips care about him more than Shirou.
But pretty much anything can look sexy if it's in 2D. It's why we're here.
>anything can look sexy if it's in 2D
Except, of course, for shitty futa knights.
Eh, most fangirls I've met have been all about Gilgamesh, Kariya or Arturia, with a bit of Waver and Diarmuid sprinkled in.
I get the others but why Kariya? Do they find his failure endearing?
It would kill everybody in the world and erase all other food so you would have the world's only turkey sandwich with just tomato.
There's a subset of people that inists Kariya was a kind and selfless man who was only trying to save Sakura.
And ignore that he was doing it for his raging hateboner against Tokiomi, and the desire to put his literal boner in Aoi.
I think the urobutcher outright called him a chuuni