One Piece>HxH>Naruto=Dragonball=Bnha>Bleach

One Piece>HxH>Naruto=Dragonball=Bnha>Bleach

You literally can't argue against this.


Naruto is garbage, nowhere near as good as DB so you can kill yourself.

DB > Mankin > Everything else



HxH > OP > OPM > Naruto > Dragon Ball > BnHA >Shit >>>>>>>>> Bleach

HxH>OP>bnha=naruto>bleach>dragon ball

this thread is the reason why I HATE MHA-FAG and HXH-FAG


Dragonball>Bnha=Naruto but you are pretty close

Pretty much this (but OPM isn't shonen)

HxH being included in rankings is such bull. It's nice when it's actually churning out new chapters, but it's just stockpiling nostalgia when it's on yet another hiatus

How'd they get it out?

Detective Conan.

1 One Piece
2 HunterXHunter, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Yu Yu Hakusho, Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball, Rurouni Kenshin, I''s
3 Jigoku Sensei Nube, Assassination Classroom, Kinnikuman
4 Yu-gi-oh!, Fist of the North Star, Eyeshield 21, Death Note, Gintama, Busou Renkin
5 Saint Seiya, Naruto, Bakuman, Medaka Box, Kuroko's Basketball, Hoshin Engi, Majin Tantei Neuro
6 World Trigger, Shokugeki no Soma, Hinomaru Zumou, Prince of Tennis, Saiki Kusuo no Sainan
7 Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo, Dr. Slump, Sket Dance, Mx0, The Promised Neverland
8 Kimetsu no Yaiba, Boku no Hero Academia, Toriko, Beelzebub, Sakigake!! Otokojuku, Sesuji wo Pin!, Black Clover
9 Shaman King, Haikyuu!!, Muhyo & Roji, To-Love-ru, Yuragi-sou no Yuna-san
10 Bleach, Omagadoki Dobutsuen, Black Cat, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Psyren, Pretty Face, Samurai Usagi, Enigma, Nisekoi
11 Samon-kun wa Summoner, D. Gray-Man, Ichigo 100%, Mr. Fullswing, Double Arts
12 Sensei no Bulge, Blue Dragon RalGrad, Kagami no Kuni no Harisugawa

Bokuben, Dr. Stone, RobotXLaserbeam, and Shudan! are still a bit new to say, but I think all 4 are heading in a good direction. Premptively RIP Shudan tho.

This is the only correct answer:
Bleach>HxH>Naruto=Dragonbal>One Piece=Bnha

>Busou Renkin that high

Alright, I enjoyed it, but come on.


fuck HXH.

Where would you rank Kiba? I recall watching it ages ago but no-one seems to mention it.


Anything's better than Dragonball these days, unless you meant the original old manga.

Marry me OP

Should be a larger gap between One Piece and everything else. None of these series can or will ever accomplish what Oda has with One Piece.

One Piece>Dragon Ball>Naruto=HxH=Bnha>Bleach

One Piece>Dragon Ball>Naruto=HxH=Toriko=Bnha=Kenshin=Slam Dunk=every other shonen jump series>Bleach

One piece>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HxH>Dragonball>Naruto>bleach>shit>FT>MHA

HxH > everything else

I agree

Slam Dunk is too low
Dr. Slump is underrated
Kimetsu no Yaiba shouldn't be lower than Naruto, Prince of Tennis, or Shokugeki no Soma


HxH > Level E > YYH > JoJo > DB > Slam Dunk > HnK > Hikaru no Go > One Piece > Death Note > > Naruto > Bleach

Black Clover >>>>>>>>>>>> All

I love you too user

quality thread, Sup Forums

"durr hurr which fucking shonen is better"

There is no way to any manga to be better than this.

Hiatus x hiatus???
This is only for ppl who think they are smart (90% mind dialogue)
And bnha?? Hahaha this is just momentaneous fashion
Naruto = yaoi shit
Bleach is really good but the end is total garbage.
Op: too long i did not watch it yet
Db: it is kind of cool

I can

Dragonball > One Piece >>> Bleach >>>>> HxH >>>>>>>> Naruto > MhA

Dragonball was the closest to being good. Fell apart post Cell.

One Piece is close too but has a number of bad arcs that drag it down.

Bleach had 4 good arcs and 2 bad ones

HxH got so bad I dropped it after the anime ended

Naruto got so bad to a point of its own detriment from it's time skip.

MHA is just Naruto redux so that technically makes it worse.



>Jojo that high
>Prince of Tennis over Mx0
>Black Clover over Haikyuu!!
>Mr Fullswing that low
Correct that and you'll have a banger.

Anybody who puts OP or DB high up in any quality list (arbitrary or otherwise) in anything other than in aesthetic should be laughed at.

Actual children, I swear to Christ above.

Says the fanboy trying to say otherwise. You are an idiot and this is coming from a 25 year old.

Honestly I don't know why people like DBZ anymore. It was cool when you were a kid and hadn't read a lot of manga, but it's honestly just so overrated. The art isn't good, it's just the same thing over and over.
The first DB before it entered Z is still pretty fun though.

It's kind of hard when you're only limited to WSJ.

who is the girl?

Why would you call him a fan boy when what he wrote makes him anything but a fan?

EVERYTHING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WAN PISS

It's post Cell that became more annoying. The ante jumped big time when Toriyama did the Saiyan and Namek arc. Android was alright with Cell arc being the last legit good arc of the series.

Everything past that was Toriyama messing up. Videl was a highlight until she was turned into a mommy.

I'm talking about being a fanboy over certain series like Naruto and HxH over manga like DB and One Piece.


>I'm talking about being a fanboy over certain series like Naruto and HxH over manga like DB and One Piece.

Oh, here we go.


HxH > OP > OPM > Naruto > Dragon Ball > BnHA >Shit >>>absolute trash>>>>>> Bleach

You just tagged yourself dude. Who are you talking to?

In terms of animes HxH2011=FotNS1=Berserk (1997)>Ippo>YYH>JoJos. Rest are either nostalgic or in case of Naruto=trash.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Berserk(1997) doesn't not beat peak YYH in the anime in any respect.

*except maybe music. But that's debatable.

Sure I get you man that Dark Tournament and parts of Chapter Black were sexy as hell in the animation department but that Berserk anime has a place in me man.

Also, nice contribution to the thread, m'friend.
Not like I'm any better now.

HxH wins again


OP>HxH>the rest

because the art and the hiatus. othewise it would be OP=HxH



Kek. Does this thread even matter?

WanPissfags in charge of having shit taste

No problem, I know the feeling.

Vento Aureo>

HxH > One Piece > OPM > 7 Deadly Sins > Bleach > MHA = Black Clover.


Naruto > Bleach > Dragon Ball > One Piece > HxH > BnHA

Fight me.

do u?

hey-o, gottem

best taste in thread, and put BnHA right after HxH

>fight me.
You've already lost


>Nisekoi higher than Ichigo 100%
Come on

>Cell arc
Kill yourself, that is the 2nd worst arc in the entirety of the franchise.

Is this because just like Plauge of Gripes, you got all Gohan pissy?

The point of Android 16 being the trigger was the speech he gave to Gohan and then Cell trampling it. Basically it was symbolism about how Evil would crush anyone with any kind of passifist nature and that Gohan had to get past his nature in order to unlock Super Saiyan 2.

That's why people see the Buu arc as a huge downfall to Gohan and what was accomplished in the Cell arc.

>Jigoku Sensei Nube
God-tier taste, user.
Also, World Trigger should be 5 and Kimetsu should be at least 6.

Your taste is shit. The fact that you even HAVE Black Clover being better than 9-12 is a fucking insult.

which arc do you think is worse?
personally everything between Buu absorbs gotenks to them escaping back to the kaioshin realm is pretty fucking abysmal

Vegeta, Goku, Krillin.

All three had a hand in ending the world. Luckily, the HTC Toriyama grabbed from his rectal recesses and Cell's accursed sportsmanship saved them.

I like D.Graymans art

Gohan is a shit character and the only time he is likeable is when he goes to high school, but no, that isn't even my gripe with that arc.
The entire arc is shit, the only remotely salvageable part of the entire arc is Trunks.
Antagonists constantly changing, power creep somehow even worse than the Namek arc, characters consistently out-of-character, Cell has no motivation other than haha I'm bad and I want to kill everyone. Freeza was a ruthless tycoon and although he ended up being a whiny bitch, he still had motivation. Saiyan arc is probably the most coherent story-wise, and the last arc where the supporting cast are even slightly relevant (as bad as Super can be at times, it's doing a great job with the supporting cast).
Most people say the Boo arc is shit simply because they never watched Dragon Ball. Had these people grown up with it, you'd appreciate how absurd the Boo arc was, even though it wasn't a good arc.
Piccolo Daimao is the worst arc in Dragon Ball. Boo arc was bad because the plot is awful but it was a mostly fun arc because it felt like old Dragon Ball, loads of gags and gag manga feats.

If anything that is all his fault doing that in the first place. If he had killed Cell like he could, this would have been over without anything bad happening.

Actually Krillin made the right call by not killing the Androids that way given how they are MUCH more passive than Future Trunks versions. He at least saw that they were clearly different given how the Androids didn't kill them back at Dr. Gero's lab.

He at least knew he had no chance against Perfect Cell and used himself as a practice dummy for Gohan to watch, understand and defeat Cell

How is Bleach not at the bottom of these sorts of lists every single time?

I seriously can't tell if I'm being trolling anymore of if this board is literally gaia tier levels of analysis and taste. I could understand troll votes back when it was still going, but Bleach has been dead for years and people are still keeping up this meme, I'm really starting to believe people here actually believe this shit

Fist of the North Star
Shaman King
Dragon Ball
One Piece


haven't read it.
I was hesitant to add Neverland, Yuna, and Kimetsu, for similar reasons to the 4 new series. They're in a gray zone between new and established, with Neverland closer to new, the other two closer to established. Despite the way I ranked things, Kimetsu no Yaiba is my second favorite series in Jump at the moment. I feel like it has a ways to go yet, however.

Dude Bleach ended a year ago. Plus they are trolling. See my list for details:

One Piece is awful, there is never any tension because nobody is ever in danger of dying, the characters barely develop and every arc is just the gang going to some new place and beating up the local villain.

I genuinely think the only reason people rate it high is due to marketing and consensus, I actually think it's worse than both Naruto and Bleach.

>Dude Bleach ended a year ago


>and every arc is just the gang going to some new place and beating up the local villain.

>Piccolo Daimao is the worst arc in Dragon Ball.
It's arguably the best arc in the whole series

Where the fuck is Saint Seiya?

>Created battle shounen as we know it today
>Shifted the magazine direction toward the fujo readership
>Still getting adaptations until this day and an on-going official sequel made by the original author

dressrosa was the most boring shonenshit arc i've ever read.

but you are wrong


Bleach had 3 good arcs in part 1 (prereaper, soul Society, Arrancar) and one bad one (Fake Karakura Town War).

Bleach has one bad arc in part 2 (Fullbring) and one good arc (Thousand Year Blood War).

It has a 2/3rds good arc rate.

Out of all the the things you listed, Dragon Ball is all I really care for. Everything else can go straight to the trash.

Danger of death means fucking nothing when death is a slap on the wrist in Naruto you edgy cunt.

Pedro please.

at least characters did actually die in Naruto and villains felt threatening

It's disgusting that people are comparing any other Jump manga to HxH.

Quality > Quantity Wan Piss drinking wage cuck. I'd rather read something that actually produces good content with actual stakes and consequences even if it's 10 chapters/year. You should stop comparing the two, it's insulting to Togashi.