Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Other urls found in this thread:
That's what she said.
Titus is flat
Titus is a boy
They're both boys, this is yaoi.
tkmiz is a girl tho.
But I thought this is Yuuri?
And here we go again. More one thread.
Just accept reality, user.
Wide do they have such why heads?
Potatause they're becoes.
My wife Chito is so cute.
Tweets: Deleted
user's wife Chito.
Send her/him a pic of your penis and then wait for the reaction, that usually works for identifying
We are not Sup Forums user.
How old are they?
Anywhere between 13 and 30
don't think their age is officially stated
13 and 20*
No, draw the potato girls in female kindergarten outfits with penises, and send that drawing to them.
What does that even mean? Shouldn't it be one more night?
Your fault for going on twitter and liking 2 year old tweets.
Why not ask her directly? that could also work
What does the label on the tower on the map say? It looks like "communication tower" but that doesn't look right..
After that one user said it, I can't hear it as anything but 109 109 109.
They even say "one more time" at one point. It's weird.
Why do people insist in posting this Sup Forums-tier collage all the time though
Why can't you make a collage like a non-demented person
probably because it's ACK
I think the whole thing is about sex
As a paranoid person, I would go nuclear if somebody went and archived my entire Internet presence while I was trying to delete it.
It's a new thread, please don't start that shit again
Please don't mention him, the thread will get even shittier.
Always leave no traces, never use your real name, never link your fake accounts to your real ones, have atleast 2 trowaway emails made with fake info.
Internet 101.
Always remain anonymous.
If you have an identifier that makes that possible you aren't nearly paranoid enough.
No one did that user, he found out some other way.
Where are you getting this range from? Was it in one of the old tweets?
tkmiz didn't even bother to switch pen names when going from a loli porn artist to SSR.
Stalkers don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Driving you mad is perfectly acceptable for them, a sign of success. Be happy you never got burdened with that plague.
>just want to talk about cute
>but people literally cannot stop shitposting
I wonder how the japanese-spanish-translation is doing.
To be honest he probably fapped to it in kindergartener costume given how perverted he is.
w i d e
The group is having some classic drama going on.
Ch 26-29 already translated from Spanish>English.
I will post them tomorrow.
Maybe the threads during airing days could still be somehow decent, forcing threads like this one is a bad idea anyway.
Also i will upload vol 4-5 tank raws too.
The bad part is that the guy i had in mind for thr Jap>English translation refused till winter.
And i doubt the other i know will want to accept, he is busy with lolitrains.
You're the best
Lolitrains? Terumina? Tell me more. This is important.
So they're exploring a destroyed vertical structure with multiple levels higher and higher? I wonder how many they've gone since the start, and if Map-kun was right the higher you go the better your chances are at finding resources/people. Also, I like that they actually showed early on there are others besides Chi and Yuu, Also I'm loving the wide and the smoosh.
Yeah this is interesting and all but what do the tweets say? Is it just the author being sad?
No one is doing Kashmir user, the redraws are fucking insane.
one is for hug
the other is for fug
tell me your pick
Potatoes are not for lewd
Just the author licking semen off his hand after masturbating.
I fucking love Termina.
Yuu for mindless fug.
Chi for thoughtful hug.
Gomennasai lolitrains.
great to know, can't wait to see the outcome.
you're great user.
100000 hours in paint
Yuu is super soft for hugging.
Chii is super tight for fugging.
God fucking damn it Yosh, it has been years.
Unironically great. Just like Mona Lisa, no matter what angle you look from, her stare is following you.
There is no cleaner, fucking guy that was in charge of redrawing quit.
Is he a she or a he ?
Yuu is for warming up with on cold nights.
Chi is for cuddling while strategizing.
I think it's kind of like Hengsha from DX:HR, but with more levels.
Also, the base layers and towers supporting them were already there when people started to build skyscrapers on each level. The city is a mix of older high-tech ruins and newer low-tech ones.
Presumably the people who built the low-tech buildings on each level were the same who fought a war using WWII-level tech. The older high-tech stuff was probably destroyed in whatever calamity caused the apocalypse, either nuclear war or environmental collapse.
How can you be so sure? We don't even know if it's human.
Tkmiz is actually a giant humanoid dragonfly. It can be changed at will.
what's the point of this series again?
What's the point of anything?
There doesn't have to be a meaning. Nice things are nice.
Cute potatoes doing cute things.
To inspire you to wander the world, looking for potatoes after the apocalypse.
To be enjoyed.
Sometimes there are nice things.
Based Yuu
Why do people care about redraws so much, just translate signs and weirdness off to the side
was it autism?
post "that" image. you know which one
The ED makes Yuu's hair look so fluffy. I want to stroke it.
>still no YuuFish
Should have just said so
I don't want to be "that guy"
not safe for potat
Just enjoy the little things user
Itty bitty Titus titties.
Are there translations of the manga past chapter 25?
Anons are doing their best
Just wait few days or so