Now that the dust hast settled, who was really best girl?
Best girl in Konosuba
You posted her.
Most likely the single retarded character that I actually find fuckable. Great chemistry with Kazuma too.
Best baka
Real men like real women
Eris is the best.
>posts a fictional woman
Dumb girls are the best.
Aqua's the best, but that doesn't apply to the Kazumabowl. Anyone who pairs the two outside of doujins should be shot.
3DPD aren't real women, eeew
GTFO with your rigged shit
There was a Konosuba thread not too long ago and an user posted "I want Aqua to piss in my mouth."
Judging by the zeal her fans have, I don't need to look at the poll to tell she will be the winner.
Megumin has the flat legions on her side.
>No Chris
>43 votes
>only 11 IPs on the thread
Aqua is for bullying
>dust hast settled
What? Did it end?
Who is Dust settling with?
The one who has him as best friend of course
Spoken like a tumblr landwhale. Faggot.
To me it'll always be Aqua, but she stands no chance in hell and will always be a loser. Thats partially why I like her
Konosuba is garbage but Aqua is fucking perfect.
You are garbage and Aqua is fucking perfect.
Yes I know they're the same person but I like Chris' design way more.
I'm usually a loli/flatfag, but in this case I prefer Aqua.
Spoken like a true pedophile.
Picking anyone else is a sin.
>3 votes for Wiz
Guess that's what I get for liking a side character. Ah well, I don't have to really share her.
How do you mean? Aqua is lucky not to be into Kazuma. Darkness is and she gets shit on hard because of it.
>Darkness is and she gets shit on hard because of it.
she has 2 kisses and megumin has 0
Kazuma actually likes Megumin and wants to have sex with her. He rejected Darkness more than once, and doesn't even want to fuck her anymore. She'll be lucky to not be a broken husk by the ending.
>stronk Aryan muscle girl
>comes from a noble family
>will remain loyal to you no matter how you treat her
>definitely into all kinds of kinky shit
The answer is obvious.
New bakuen in 3 days
Wiz would be best girl if she didn't have a spooky skeleton inside her.
Doesn't every human have a spooky skeleton inside them?
user, I have news for you.
There's a spooky skeleton inside of you too.
>megumin is the cutest
>darkness is the lewdest/hottest
>aqua is the most interesting
If you go with anyone other than aqua you're thinking with your dick instead of your brain.
Someone has to do the thinking if you get with Aqua after all.
Placing the link in the OP leads to people voting without opening the thread.
This makes me wonder. Has there ever been a time where the 'lewdest/hottest' girl won? It's usually the more cute/demure girl.
My brother has gotten really into skeletons recently, and has been saying all sorts of really weird shit, like how this scientist he knows says that 90% of the population actually have skeletons growing inside of them right now. I know it's creationist level conspiracy garbage, but I can't help but wonder sometimes whether it's a skeleton I feel sometimes at night laying in my bed, wriggling beneath my skin.
>and doesn't even want to fuck her anymore.
then why did he walk her through his desired rape scene?
Virgin Roriko vs Chad Wife
A gay aristocrat that uses him as a fucboi.
>Aqua is winning
Axis please stop samefaggin
I found Aqua the most entertaining by far.
The show would have been much better if the other girls were as selfish and spiteful as her and Kazuma
The best girl was fuckin' Wiz.
>being this much of a faggot
But no one will ever marry Darkness.
The show would have been much better if it was only Kazuma and Aqua adventures Mahoujin Guru Guru style.
I'd marry that .... WITH A VENGEANCE!
Is she supposed to be this fat?
Darkness will win the Kazuma bowl but Aqua is undeniably the best girl in the series.
>all those Megameme votes
Looks like someone posted the poll on reddit.
Nigga she lost a long time ago. The hot one always loses to the cute one.
>tfw only 16 other yunyun lovers
my brothers! We are adrift in a sea of shit taste!
Where's Iris?
>Iris is more popular than Aqua in Japan
Why are they so obsessed with barren wastes?
Because iris > aqua
Because Aqua is shit.
Useful little sister > Useless goddess.
>88 to 88
holy shit
It's a literal proxy fight. Watch the autists go at it.
If there are really 180 people voting in the polls, I'll eat my balls.
It's obvious that OP made the poll intending to rig it, and that some Megufag was too autistic to let that happen.
>using strawpoll in the current year