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Will Jewflix turn anime into an sjw cesspit?
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7 deadly sins was one of the first exclusives when they added their anime thing and thats hardly SJW. its basically the opposite.
tfw no giant gf
otaku have a stranglehold on the industry, so unless the japs acknowledge a normie gaijin audience, I doubt it'll change
No one in the west actually buys anime, really. I wouldn't worry too much.
>make a slutty trap whose sin is "lust"
>they're 100% straight and one of the only characters in the series who fucks multiple girls
i still don't get it
Wouldn't be surprised.
eh's not even much of a trap
does he date the giant girl?
If you watch anime you are gone already.
no, this guy gets the giant girl.
the trap doesn't have any serious relationships yet. but he occasionally brainwashes girls into thinking they love him.
does anyone thing like anonymous would fix this? never hear about them anymore
Netflix is intentionally destroying anime so they can make it yet another outlet for their propaganda.
I dont even
lurk far more
like thought they were trying to like hack national news and spout retarded leftist shit so the media would bash them
or somethin idfk
just sad thet they seem to be gone now
Have they actually collaborated to produce any anime? I think Beautiful Bones was funded and partially scripted by Netflix but it was completely apolitical from what I saw. Just a kinda mundane crime show. The threat's still there that they'd take over creative control like their western series at some point.
I think a better question is, what have jews not turned into shit?
Nobody gives a fuck because only a small percentage of the US viewing audience watches anime.
Have you been in a cave?
How could an american company make anime you retards? They're animated in Korea and funded in the US. What IQ do you folks have? Nigger?
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Netflix has started funding/pitching series they think will have western appeal like the new Devilman remake filled with drug use and sex. Japs are still the ones directing but Netflix is exerting more and more creative control as the producer.
Give it time, they'll likely produce a few regular, vanilla shows before they start infesting them
>They're animated in Korea and funded in the US.
You're thinking of that shitty Voltron remake. That's not anime.
Shit I thought this was fake until I checked youtube. wtf
Remember Neo Yukio? They tried/are trying. Netflix is also funding Japanese TV series seasons (Terrace House) and introducing foreigners to the cast.
That said, the door swings both ways. They can’t make Japanese stuff without hooking people on more authentic Japanese stuff. Japan is the only country competing successfully with the Hollyjew, and they’ll continue to do so.
>funding Japanese TV series and introducing foreigners to the cast.
Are there other examples of this? That's pretty fucked up.
Not that I’m aware of. Probably. They do original series with Japanese cast as well. I’m guessing they exert a lot of creative control. That said, Netflix is playing with fire. Japan has been so good at resisting kike subversion artistically because their success is rooted in zen and shinto. The Jews are just trying to copy the surface aesthetics while sending a Zog-approved message. It’s a joke. They are failing, and they are giving Japan another easily digestible way of broadcasting the successes of Japanese society to the world.
Just rewatch Hunter x Hunter 2011 again.
Togashi >
Because the source material didn’t have drug use and sex?
phuckn nani?!
They’ve tried everything else. Remember when they tried cucking manga via the United Nations? Japan told them to fuck off. So now this.
The thing they’re not getting is that you can’t shekel your way into success in the otaku industry. Otaku do it for free under harsh conditions to make their dreams come true. That’s it. You can’t subvert it, because you can’t subvert the source of its power.