The death of Christianity is here

The teachings of Jessos Krishna is the death of Christianity. By showing the world the true account of Krishna Christianity will be defeated and never again will be able to be used to harm the White Race.


In the olden times, the Slavonic race knew nothing of freedom. They were brought under the yoke like oxen. They were driven into the bowels of the earth to dig metals, and had to build houses of stone as dwelling-places for princes and priests. Of all that they did nothing came to themselves, everything must serve to enrich and make more powerful the priests and the princes, and to satisfy them. Under this treatment they grew gray and old before their time, and died without any enjoyment; although Jrtha produces abundantly for the good of all her children. But our runaways and exiles came through Twiskland to their boundaries, and our sailors came to their harbours. From them they heard of freedom, of justice, and laws, without which men cannot exist. This was all absorbed by the unhappy people like dew into an arid soil. When they fully

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understood this, the most courageous among them began to clank their chains, which grieved the princes. The princes are proud and warlike; there is therefore some virtue in their hearts. They consulted together and bestowed some of their superfluity; but the cowardly hypocritical priests could not suffer this. Among their false gods they had invented also wicked cruel monsters. Pestilence broke out in the country; and they said that their gods were angry with the domineering of the wicked.Then the boldest of the people were strangled in their chains. The earth drank their blood, and that blood produced corn and fruits that inspired with wisdom those who ate them. Sixteen hundred years ago (she writes, 593 B.C.E), Atland was submerged; and at that time something happened which nobody had reckoned upon. In the heart of Findasland, upon a mountain, lies a plain called Kasamyr (Cashmere) that is "extraordinary." There was a child born whose mother was the daughter of a king, and whose father was a high-priest. In order to hide the shame they were obliged to renounce their own blood. Therefore it was taken out of the town to poor people. As the boy grew up, nothing was concealed from him, so he did all in his power to acquire wisdom. His intellect was so great that he understood everything that he saw or heard. The people regarded him with respect, and the priests were afraid of his questions. When he was of full age he went to his parents. They had to listen to some hard language; and to get rid of him they gave him a quantity of jewels, but they dared not openly acknowledge him. Overcome with sorrow at the false shame of his parents, he wandered about. While

travelling he fell in with a Fryan sailor who was serving as a slave and who taught him our manners and customs. He bought the freedom of the slave, and they remained friends till death. Wherever he went he taught the people not to tolerate rich men or priests, and that they must guard themselves against false shame, which everywhere did harm to love and charity. Jrtha, he said, bestowed her treasures on those who scratch her skin; so all are obliged to dig, and plough, and sow if they wish to reap, but no one is obliged to do anything for another unless it be out of goodwill. He taught that men should not seek in her bowels for gold, or silver, or precious stones, which occasion envy and destroy love. To embellish your wives and daughters, he said, the river offers her pare stream. No man is able to make everybody equally rich and happy, but it is the duty of all men to make each other as equally rich and as happy as possible. Men should not despise any knowledge; but justice is the greatest knowledge that time can teach because she wards off offences and promotes love.

His first name was Jessos, but the priests, who hated him, called him Fo, that is, false; the people called him Krishna, that is, shepherd; and his Fryan friend called him Buddha (purse), because he had in his head a treasure of wisdom, and in his heart a treasure of love. At last he was obliged to flee from the wrath of the priests; but wherever he went his teaching had preceded him, whilst his enemies followed him like his shadow. When Jessos had thus travelled for twelve years he died; but his friends preserved his teaching, and spread it wherever they found listeners. What do you think the priests did then? That I must tell you, and you must give your best attention to it. Moreover, you must keep guard against their acts and their tricks with all the strength that Wralda has given you. While the doctrine of Jessos was thus spreading over the earth, the false priests went to the land of his birth to make his death known. They said they were his friends, and they pretended to show great sorrow by tearing their clothes and shaving their heads. They went to live in caves in the mountains, but in them they had hid all their treasures, and they made in them images of Jessos. They gave these statues to simple people, and at last they said that Jessos was a god, that he had declared this himself to them, and that all those who followed his doctrine should enter his kingdom hereafter, where all was joy and happiness. Because they knew that he was opposed to the rich, they announced everywhere that poverty, suffering, and humility were the door by which to enter into his kingdom, and that those who had suffered the most on earth should enjoy the greatest happiness there. Although they knew that

Jessos had taught that men should regulate and control their passions, they taught that men should stifle their passions, and that the perfection of humanity consisted in being as unfeeling as the cold stones. In order to make the people believe that they did as they preached, they pretended to outward poverty; and that they had overcome all sensual feelings, they took no wives. But if any young girl had made a false step, it was quickly forgiven; the weak, they said, were to be assisted, and to save their souls men must give largely to the Church. Acting in this way, they had wives and children without households, and were rich without working; but the people grew poorer and more miserable than they had ever been before. This doctrine, which requires the priests to possess no further knowledge than to speak deceitfully, and to pretend to be pious while acting unjustly, spreads from east to west, and will come to our land also. But when the priests fancy that they have entirely extinguished the light of Frya and the teachings of Jessos, then shall all classes of men rise up who have quietly preserved the truth among themselves, and have hidden it from the priests. They shall be of princely blood of priests, Slavonic, and Frya's blood. They will make their light visible, so that all men shall see the truth; they shall cry woe to the acts of the princes and the priests. The princes who love the truth and justice shall separate themselves from the priests; blood shall flow, but from it the people will gather
new strength. Finda's folk shall contribute their industry to the common good, Lyda's folk their strength, and we our wisdom. Then the false priests shall be swept away from the earth. Wralda's spirit shall

be invoked everywhere and always; the laws that Wralda in the beginning instilled into our consciences shall alone be listened to. There shall be neither princes, nor masters, nor rulers except those chosen by the general voice. Then Frya shall rejoice, and the earth will only bestow her gifts on those who work. All this shall begin 4000 years after the submersion of Atland, and 1000 years later there shall exist no longer either priest or oppression.

Dela, surnamed Hellenia, watch!

Here is evidence to back up truth written in the Fryan Scriptures

Krishna is considered to be the eighth avatâra or incarnation of the god Vishnu. Vishnu is
the middle person in the Hindu trinity of supreme gods, just as Christ is the middle person
in the Christian trinity of gods. The idea of avatâra is the incarnation of the supreme
godhead in human form for the uplift and saving of mankind. Even Krishna's name is
strongly reminiscent of Christos, although meaning "black" in Sanskrit. However, it is an
exclusively modern idea that a translation should convey the meaning only, and not the
sounds or number of syllables of the original. The ancients thought otherwise.
Krishna's mother Devâkî was of royal birth and was later worshipped as a virgin. Krishna's
birth is miraculous, and he is praised by a choir of devas, or angels. Krishna is not merely
the eighth avatâra but also the eighth son of Devâkî, eight apparently being an important
number. Kamsa is an important personage in the tales about Krishna. He was Krishna's
uncle, a king and a very cruel tyrant. The wise man Nârada warns Kamsa that the new-born
son of Devâkî will dethrone him. He therefore decides to kill all her sons as soon as they are
born. He succeeds with the first seven ones. When Krishna is born, however, his father
manages to smuggle the boy away from his home and hand him over to a cowherd and so
make him escape the wrath of Kamsa. When Kamsa discovers that the boy has disappeared,
he orders the killing of a multitude of new-born boys in the hope of killing Krishna as well.
Patanjali, writing in the last century before the Christian era, considered this legend very
Krishna grows up among cowherds. He

possesses great powers and works miracles. He
destroys demons, and heals cripples, paralytics, and blind people. He raises the daughter of
King Angashuna, Kalâvatî, from the dead. Krishna says to the king: "Why do you cry?
Don't you see that she is asleep.. Kalâvatî, rise and walk", whereupon Kalâvatî rises and
walks. Krishna washes the feet of the Brahmins. Krishna's character is love (prema).
Krishna is accidentally shot with an arrow from a hunter's bow. The arrow nails him to a
tree, where he dies, that is, he is crucified in the sense of "being nailed at a tree". Paul in his
Epistle to the Galatians 3:13 refers to "hanging on a tree", . Overcome with deep remorse,
the hunter begs the dying god to forgive him, whereupon Krishna says: "Go, hunter, through
my grace, to heaven, the abode of the gods…". Then Krishna descends to hell, liberates the
dead, and goes subsequently up into heaven (svarga).
Now we come to the so-called pagan god or godlike man that is the most important to our
debate here these days, namely
The Buddha
Buddhism was known in Rome as early as in the second century before the Christian era. It
is, therefore, not far-fetched to assume that elements of the Buddha legend were known in
the Western world at that time or somewhat later. Buddhism was a religion of quite another
calibre than all the aforementioned "pagan cults". It was a scripture religion with a strong
appeal to emotional devotees and rational intellectuals alike, a religion driven by powerful
expansionist forces in human shape: zealous missionaries, talented scholars surrounded by
devoted pupils, and ingenious translators. Such a movement was bound to reach the West

and influence it with its ideas, in some way or another.
I shall now summarize some of the salient points of resemblance between Siddhârtha
Gautama the Buddha and Christ.
Siddhârtha Gautama was born about 560 B.C. Just as Jesus he dwelled as a spiritual being
in heaven before his birth. He incarnated voluntarily in order to save the world. His mother
was Queen Mâyâ, a name that is reminiscent of Mary (Maryam, Miryam). Mâyâ was later
regarded as a virgin. She was believed to have been impregnated by a divine being in the
shape of a white elephant that penetrated her through her right side. The birth of Siddhârtha
is therefore to be regarded as a virgin birth and Queen Mâyâ's consort King Suddhodana as
Siddhârtha's stepfather only, just as Joseph was Jesus' stepfather. The Father of the Church
Jerome (Contra Jovinianum, 1:42) says that the Buddha was born through the side of a
virgin. The Buddha was therefore regarded as the Son of God (devaputra). Siddhârtha is not
born in the royal palace at Kapilavastu but while his mother is on a travel. An angel (deva)
announces that the child is holy and a future redeemer. The child radiates a dazzling light
and receives homage from heaven. Wise

men recognize in him the signs of a god or
superman (mahâpurisa). He is sought after in wide areas and receives veneration. As a little
boy he is revered by an old wise man, Asita, like Jesus was revered by Symeon. In the
Gospel according to Luke (2:25-34) we read:
"…there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and
devout… and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death,
before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when
the parents brought in the child Jesus, …, then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God
and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For
mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; a
light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel… this child is set for the fall
and rising of many in Israel…"
Now compare this with what is said in the Suttanipâta (689f) of the encounter of Siddhârtha
and Asita:
"The long-haired wise man looked upon the child, and with a great joy he took him up… a
man who now, filled with pleasure, raised his voice and said: This one is unique, the most
prominent human being! In the same moment the hermit remembered that he would soon
die - and this made him so sad that he began to cry … This boy will attain the perfect
awakening, he who sees what is the most pure will set the wheel of the law in motion out of
compassion for the salvation of the many; and his teaching will be spread afar."
Even as a young boy Siddhârtha is very wise, he is revered in the temple, and at school he
proves to master all spoken and written languages. When travelling in company with adults,
they lose him, and when they finally find him again, he is in deep meditation (Lalitavistâra
8, 10, 11). Even the baptism of Jesus in Jordan and his temptation in the desert

have their
direct parallels. Siddhârtha bathes in the river Nairanjanâ, then sits down under a tree and
experiences an inner awakening that causes a great joy in heaven. "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went straightway out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and
he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from
heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16f)
After a long fast Siddhârtha is tempted by Mâra, the Evil One, who promises to make him a
world emperor, if he renounces becoming a world saviour. Just as Jesus, the Buddha resists
the temptation, and he is praised as a conqueror by gods and animals, just as angels came
and ministered to Jesus.
When Siddhârtha begins his mission he is about 30 years old. His first disciples are
cowherds, and like Jesus he has twelve chief disciples of whom Ânanda is the most beloved
one. His two first disciples are brothers, and he finds them sitting under a fig tree.
According to John 1:48, Jesus finds his disciple Nathanael under a fig tree.
Just as John the Baptist sends out two of his disciples to ask whether Jesus is the awaited
one, Pokkharasâti sends out Ambattha to learn whether samana Gotama really is the
Buddha. The Buddha is transfigured in the sight of his disciples, so that his body radiates a
dazzling light. And he sends out his disciples into the world to preach his message.
Also the message of the Buddha has some strong resemblances to the message of Jesus,
such as "Look upon yourself rather than blame others". The Buddha accepts an invitation to

eat in the house of a prostitute, for which he is criticized by the prominent people of the
town. The Buddha preaches using parables. He uses a language of rich imagery such as light
and darkness, sun and rain, fertility and infertility.
Here are some samples of his ethical teachings taken from Dhammapada, Majjhimanikâya,
Udânavarga, and Saddharmapundarîka: "Think of others as of yourself. Conquer hatred
with love, evil with good. If anyone would strike you with his hand, with a stick or cut you
with a knife, you should restrain yourself and say no evil. It is easier to see the faults of
another than those of oneself. The big cloud rains upon all, on high and low. The sun and
the moon light up the whole world, both him that does good and him that does evil, both the
high and the low." The Buddha possesses great powers and works miracles. He knows the
thoughts and deeds of others in beforehand. He heals the sick, makes the blind see again,
makes the deaf hear, the lame and the paralytic well again, and restores reason to the
deranged, and casts out demons. Together with his disciple Mogallâna the Buddha feeds

five hundred monks with bread baked from dough for one bread only. The Buddha walks on
water, appears and disappears at will, walks through walls, and stills storms.
In Nidânakathâ, a noble virgin says, when seeing The Buddha: "Verily, that mother is
blessed who has given birth to a man like this one" Luke (11:27) tells about a woman who
praises the mother of Jesus, saying: "Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which
thou hast suckled." Neither the Buddha nor Jesus acknowledges the praise, however.
In his teaching, the Buddha opposes traditional rigid laws, rebukes intolerance, dogmatism,
ritualism, and priestly hypocrisy. He censors the unquestioning adherence to the Vedas and excoriates the bloody sacrifices of the Brahmins. Voluntarily he leads a life of utmost
simplicity as a beggar - a life of renunciation - and mixes mostly with the
lowly in society.
The people call him prophet, master, lord. There is also a traitor, Devadatta, who tries to kill
him but fails and meets a deplorable end. The Buddha turns a robber from his evil ways and
makes him his devotee. The Buddha eats a last meal, dies, and attains nirvâna. His death is
presaged by a great earthquake and a thunderstorm. After his death, the Buddha appears to
his disciples.
There is also an episode strongly and strangely reminiscent of Peter's threefold denial of his
Master. Three months before the Buddha will enter into nirvâna, he tells his most beloved
disciple, Ânanda, when they are alone, that whoever has developed and practised the four
great powers (iddhi) could remain in the same birth, should he so desire it, for that portion
of the aeon which has yet to run, and, since he, the Buddha, has developed these same
powers, he could stay on in his present existence to continue his work of salvation. The
Buddha repeats two more times this implicit appeal to Ânanda to beseech him to stay on,
but the venerable Ânanda does not grasp

the underlying intention. "So far was his heart
possessed by Mâra, the Evil One", says the Mahâparinibbânasutta (III.5). At last, Ânanda
grasps what he should have said, but then it is too late.

Krishna and her teachings are very fascinating, deep stuff, but what drives me crazy about it is the constant Indian jargon.

That is why I read the Fryan Scriptures because it is not Hindu but our true European teachings. The account I give comes from our Ancestors.

You must be familiar with the book called Bhagavad Gita right? Theres the core teachings, without background story. Must check out the Fryan stuff, sounds interesting.

No actually. I found out about Krishna because of the Fryan Scriptures. I was seeing if the claims were true and turns out there is a lot of evidence that shows the writings of our ancestors are true.

lol, look at this gnostic, Mystery Bablyon cultist talking to himself

still banned?

jesus = satan

truth hurts!

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>Mystery Bablyon cultist
youtube scholar fag.
Are you the mod?

The autism is strong itt

No shit sherlock Sup Forums is 100% concentrated autism, no dilution of any kind. Only real spergs can swallow the shit here.

I am not an atheist.
Atheism is a false nontheistic religion

not even all the powers in the world combined could destroy Him. Await and see.

No fool Satan is the lahamu the rainbow serpent or the cosmic serpent of Africa

I have no idea who that is

Lol Christianity will committed to the flame along with the traders

>No fool Satan is the lahamu the rainbow serpent or the cosmic serpent of Africa
Shut up poser you're no one. I'm your master now. You serve the Jew or me!

Larping is gay dude


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Fyan Republic, shut the fuck up dude.
Let me post his discord to whoever wants it
Fryan Republic#9226

Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”
I will tell of the decree:
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron
and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.”
Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

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Daily autism

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So you still believe in your false book even though the physical evidence says the gospels were written by his murderers to subvert and enslave. You are a traitor.

kys octaroon republic

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