ITT: non-virgins

ITT: non-virgins



The state of nu-Sup Forums. Go back to gaia.


Another one from danganronpa.


And no, not when she got older.


not OP

You're waifu.









>uncontested victory, kiss & sex
I love it when best girls win so hard.

Oh, I'm just a girl who can't say no






>Please, big brother... Kill me 100 times over...
It is what it says.

and then..


Did the loli get fucked yet?


I don't know, what do you think?







>megumi is not a virgin

What does sex with an autist feel like


It's one of those, "It's heavily implied they did it at the end of the LN" kind of situations.


>she did it
With whom?


I refuse to believe this?


Live in denial then. It happened. Read the summary.


which chapter of 0 were the manga panels from?




>Heavily implied
>No empirical evidence
>Calling it denial
Look at this retard kek





Do you?


Literally came for this.


>characters are officially a couple
>they will sleep together but say they won't sleep all night and their ratings will change
>but they didn't explicitly show them having sex so it doesn't count!




>Without minding to let go of each other’s lips, we entwined on various places.
>It somehow smells like… my shampoo and my toothpaste.
>didn't fuck

She fucked Tats before he went full Dragonage. Just so everyone knows.

Are you the gentle walking guy?

Speaking of that, they belong ITT.




I doubt Megumi would put out for Tomoya.

Ha, she wanted it the most.


they fucked

They play poker all night, user.



>you will never be raped so hard that you end up liking it

Literally came from this

He drunk her period and hyman blood.

He still has a pure maiden's heart though.

>just the tip
Honest question, does that counts?

>implying she wasn't asking for it


Also best battle harem heroine ever.


in the garbage they go



>muh pure waifu!
Fuck off.

Crab is for enjo kousai

He didn't diddle her.

Then why're you in here, OP



Mate you just saved me some mental images I didn't need in my life. Thanks.


Took him 100+ years but a win is a win.
