Did they fuck?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
no they got pruned
I don't know about that but mods, here's a general.
No, they didn't.
Kale is pure.
Mods, hakai OP.
All the time
What if Goku only teaches them to fuse, so that he can knock them both up at the same time (he doesn't have much time left), so that way when U6 gets deleted, they have some U7 in them so they don't get deleted?
Why didnt they revive Android 16?
He was never alive.
Why is Frieza so ugly?
He's too based for a retarded show like DBS
you know they did.
So since the ending theory has been shot dead and buried its time for you all to realize that Goku is limit breaker (obviously) and Vegeta will be the survivor based on the things he have said the past episode
Then just fucking wish for him to get repaired or whatever
Its retarded that 17, 18 and Gohan all just fucking forgot about him
How come DB doesnt make their bitches sexy anymore? Every other anime is doing it but not them.
>Which one is the real saiyan OTP?
Caulifla x Kale or Caulifla x Cabba? Or Berserker Kale x Cabba?
Caulifla somewhat sealed her fate with pic related, though.
Dragon Ball is a walking corpse at this point. Literally Japanese Simpson's.
They still do. Caulifla and Kale are kids.
Reminder there are better ones
who are you talking about
Caulifla x Goku. Kale and Chi-chi watch from the sidelines, crying.
What happens if Goku and Caulifa fused
Will Golifa get tits dick and a pussy?
they are adults.
Because of his obsession with Vegeta this well be his fate.
Can Gohan Blanco even hit Kefla?
No they aren't, they're young teens.
prove it.
Here's a proper girl.
Based mods tearing down DBShit generals.
>Japanese Simpson's.
>not Sazae san
fuck off seasonalfag
>gohan thread hakai'd in seconds
>caulifla thread remains
caulifags are destroying the dbs general! goddamn lgbt sayans.
this one will get hakaied too
>Goku God
>Vegeta God
Replace God with Dios
>the only anime genres this underage knows are shounenshit and seasonal moeshit
You are part of the cancer killing Sup Forums underage. Fuck off back to R*ddit.
It's gonna happen!
Why can't we be friends?
They still need to delete this thread though.
>Eh? You want to sniff my armpits! What a loser!
>she sees your dick
>allying with lgbt lesbians
no thanks
So does this mean the leaks were fake?
you wouldn't hakai this thread, would you, mods?
What else do you expect from someone who calls himself a "Chad"?
He's completely artificial and doesn't have a soul
Any Cauliflafag here? I really want to kick your ugly asses.
>toei did this
>toei released this and though it was okay
Calm down. What about her pisses you off so much? Is it the fanbase?
This is now Yamcha's thread.
hes teasing, but will goku fight her?
>Dr. Gero made a robot more powerful than Frieza in his lab
Defend this.
What is this look trying to convey?
It's okay when Z does it
She's fed up of people pretending she's straight.
frieza was shit, dr gero genius.
do you think that frieza is a cool character
Gohanfriends, I know you work hard on your edits and all, but you don't have to try this hard to get other posters to reply to you.
Base toshio teaching tracertaro how to write
did kale and caulifla fuck while they were "resting" ?
Anime Cliche will definitely pair up Cabba with Caulifla.
they are lesbians
It's one person making the edits, but you have to give him credit, they look well done.
Do you think the humans will actually be spotlighted in the manga?
Roshi got all the love, meanwhile Tien looked like a bitch in his one fight and Krillin got cocky because he finally got a decent W after years of being on fodder duty.
Not in Glorious Nippon's Kids shows
Is U2, U3, or U4 going to get deleted before 115?
After Kalifla loses to Goku I doubt the Namekians are far behind (possibly even the same ep or one before) and then that's it for U6 and fuck any of those jobber-verses outlasting based U6.
post more t h i c k
I love Keru.
they are 100% lgbt
No one cares about Jiren user
>the fusion is real
I thought you guys were memeing. wtf
I know, but you didn't need quints to say that.
You're a little too good at this. Got any tips?
Those digits.
Kale number one waifu confirmed.
Dude, the Earthlings did their job. They are simply not strong enough. Roshi did better but he actually fought smartly. He observed and fought the ones he could have beaten. With Mafuba as trump card.
kys attention whore faggot
You deserve to be rangebanned faggot. Get off Sup Forums.
Yes she did.
What is this blackstar shit I keep seeing everywhere?
Kale always wins.
>Caulifla triggers Jobhanfags
>She brings yurishitters
The faster she gets eliminated the better.
How long until Piccolo starts to Mafuba everything? What if Piccolo Mafubas Jiren?
The work of the gods end here
What is this conception that you retards get that once Caulifla is eliminated/erase that her shitposters will go away?
>triggering Chadhan
lol nope.
kale is lame haha
Goku should. Otherwise, why the fuck did he learn it