Why are black americans so alpha compared to white americans?

Why are black americans so alpha compared to white americans?

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>he doesn't know

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>Low enough self esteem to cover himself in tattoos

there's nothing alpha about getting HIV, abandoning your children, going to prison and in general being a burden on society.

And yet, you wouldn't dare say it to their face. What does that make you, short of a coward?

Call me what you want, but I will take pride in knowing that I'm a good husband, father, and actively contribute to the wellbeing of my neighborhood, city, state and country.

because they have gigantic thick black cocks that fill white women's vaginas and give them immense pleasure

Deep down you know it's true. You wouldn't dare to say it to the guy in the pic's face.

it's better than being a worthless low-skill, overpaid dull nativist

>Nativists are the descendants of oppressive psychos!

>Nativists have not earned citizenship and are punished by the labor market for being overpaid bigots!

>Nativists did not build America, so are entitled to nothing!

they don't have to worry about losing a job so they act out

Is that how your wife gets down canacuck?

have you ever had sex with a pharaoh?
ahhh put the pussy in a sarcophagus

Nice bait thread

>Facts are now bait

If I shot a nigger in self defense the media would ruin me. I just ignore them.

Now Kys

You gave an opinion not facts

low iq =/ alpha

clint eastwood is alpha

haha peasant whitey thinks he's not a slave too hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha ha hah...

But what does that prove exactly? Is it easier to be a useful member of society and raise good children, or be a tattoo covered thug? It’s HARD to work for a good life and therefore Alpha. Betas are lazy stupid and arrogant.

In real life, half of them are obese

And more of them are lgbt than any other demographic.

That guy is literally what firearms were invented for.

of course you'd find american niggers to be alpha, nordcuck




>Why are black americans so alpha compared to white americans?
>OP posts pic of homosexual black rapper
nice move kek

Let's be honest here, Sup Forumsturds like to scream and shout about niggers, but the majority of them advocate guns because they know a gun is the only thing between them and a overly high testosterone nignog. Sup Forums is that filled with pansies.


NOBODY in this place would call a Black man a nigger in their face.

I would, we wouldn't even have to fight over it because I would shoot him. It's only because I can't stand The Game, he's a bitch.

>black entertainer
>works for white owned media conglomerate
>tours booked by white owned agency
>albums sold on white owned point of sale platform
>performs pretty exclusively in white majority countries
>reclaiming africa still pretty much out of the question
>at least they now have black panther movie, released through a white owned cinematic studio.

Mmm. Quite.

The fuck is a black man?

Shut up nigger

>face tattoos on anyone


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Bred to pick that cotton efficiently

theyre less intelligent and more violent

They evolved to have to be able to kill all the other males in the tribal group to gain the right to reproduce with all the women. Kinda like gorillas.


Not really, they were selectively breed by dumb ass whitey to be big and strong for farm work, they crossed them with potato niggers a lot of times. That's why African Americans are much bigger than Africans. This applies to blacks in Caribbean too though they seem much skinnier than continental niggers. Regular Africans are pretty lean and a lot are short as shit.

Because they're closer to our big ape ancestors than us. While we have refined ourselves into a more advanced race, they stagnated and stayed closer to big apes.

Have you seen a gorilla lately? Many similarities.

>blacks are the ones being enslaved by the welfare state
>performers and athletes making money have no dignity

>"White owned media conglomerate"

It's funny how that media conglomerate switches between white and jewish, depending on which narrative you are discussing.

He'd probably shoot you first though.

It's definitely not alpha sitting on a message board yelling "nigger" all day long because of insecurity irl. Like this guy: I think this may be the truth.

>Advanced race

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Is this an observation, or Stockholm Syndrome?

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Only if the nigger in question was larger and stronger .

white boys are boring and only care about guns and video games

At least she has the constitution.

>ghetto Nog
>alpha male

I worked as an EMT, no one cries more than Nogs, no one.

Feral nogs are only tough when they know they outnumber their victim or there's no consequences.

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Actually, just an observation. I am in general pro-white.

Because it’s the only way to survive a life in prison

>t. nigger in Norway
In the real world niggers never conquered anything beyond Africa, but were conquered by pretty much every other race.

>INB4 hurr durr wuld not say it to his face hurr durr
I would not call Hells Angel, a MS13 gangmember, a Triad member, etc a low-IQ retard/racial slur either, but it's still true.

Sure you are, nigger.

>>t. nigger in Norway
You couldn't be more wrong though, Johan.

>It’s not alpha to post on a message board
That’s not really an answer is it? A real man takes care of their kids. End of story. I don’t care if someone could beat up someone else ina fight. That’s petty playground nonsense, and also the basis of your argument

You are a dumbass either way.

Stop projecting you fucking faggot. The average college wrestler would kick the shit out of The Game. Only a fucking beta-male thinks a rapper is alpha. How limp-dick are you in your daily life?

This is the reaction of someone who feels offended. I must have hit a nerve.

The American Negro were bread to be dumb and work hard. Too bad they only carried on one of those two qualities.

Amateur internet psychology, the brainlets last defense. You're a joke.

Actually, the brainlets last defense are constant ad hominems. Which explains your last 3-4 posts, Sven.

You never had a point, brainlet. Whatever you got was what you deserved.

>Being so offended that you sperg out with multiple replies in a thread you claim didn't affect you.

Again with the amateur internet psychology. You are a joke.

Being able to scream "Racist!" at any moment to get your way is great for building confidence.

The only Joke here is your country.

Okay mr 56%, or should I say 52%.

Oh that hurts Sven Saudsson

>He keeps on going.

Go on. Keep showing everyone how unbothered you are by this.

I disagree.

You keep harping about me not being bothered by something, you just never said what this thing was supposed to be.

I'm sure it does, Delavius Sanchèz.

Same reason why gooks do well at mathematics when it's whites who actually invented the stuff.

"Having a bad day, Mr Gook, white people round you making you feel bad? Scream 'Racist!' to make everyone else share in your misery, of course those white people you're screaming at won't be able to say anything back to you, since, you know, it's impossible to be racist to whites." –an anti-white

It, hurts so good, seeing you so but mad. Jasmin

The Swedecuck keeps on going


Your country is literally the most destroyed European nation of all.

>going to prison is alpha

Getting caught is beta.

How is it alpha to have the intelligence of a pigeon and the beauty of a warthog? They should all just kill each other, the world would be better off without us having to look at the disgusting sight that is non-european/non-asians.

Don't even get me started on spics. YUCK

Hell, I pointed this out in another thread... can niggers even grow beards? some can, I guess (and they have european admixture to thank), but for the most part, they haven't evolved to select for beauty or intelligence. They've selected for the most primitive of traits, and thus, are only alpha in the jungle, where they belong. Not civilization.

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>but mad. Jasmin
Did the hurt go to your brain, Delavius?

Changing subjects so soon? Did pointing out Swedens flaws make the little brainlet happy?

whites own the blacks
jews own the whites

>Yeah you contribute to society, have self-respect, take care of your family, live a noble life, have the strength to defend yourself, but see this aggressive irrational animal? You wouldn't confront that would you, you beta :^)


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No, I said Jasmin. Thats an Arab name for women, so i felt that fit you just fine Jasmin.

and pic related's army butt wouldn't say shit to muscle bro's face either
what's your point

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Raisin headed wide nose bantu apes are good for nothing and should be house servant slaves.

jews own the blacks, look at the caribbean, who do you think owned those plantations and shipped those jews there? how do you think jews went from being persecuted money changers to ultra-wealthy capitalists? they fucking boarded the ships to the new world and made a fortune exploiting the resources.

by the same logic gorillas are more alpha then all of us, black white or brown. the difference being that gorrilas are not human, and can't build a human civilization. how might this apply to the people's the OP is talking about i wonder......

SAGE they're not.
They travel in packs like dogs.

shipped those niggers there*

I'll say it to anybody's face. If they kick the shit out of me it proves they're a sensitive pussy. I doubt any of these big head wannabe thugs can fight. You scandinavians have really let go of that viking heritage. Bunch of sissies you are being overrun by turks, meanwhile here in the south we've dealt with slave bred niggers and still come out on top. Come south Alabama sissy.

The guy in your pic is an extreme outlier, most niggers are obese and poor as fuck

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>No, I said Jasmin. Thats an Arab name for women, so i felt that fit you just fine Jasmin.
Was it jenkem?

>And yet, you wouldn't dare say it to their face. What does that make you, short of a coward?
Technically they are betas since they're enbled to do this thorought support from the state and corporations

And you have short term memory. its Delavius

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higher obesity rate, lower life expectancy, and shorter. Real alpha btw

Add in rap and that's the same thing as black boys.

>He'd probably shoot you first though.

He wishes, I learned how to shoot from Robert Kelly

"Alpha" means loud and confident, lad.

lol, it means being better than other men. there is not one nigger on earth better than a white man, since, y'know, they're fucking glorified monkeys.

>muh individualism