Which manga is the true king of battle shonen?

Which manga is the true king of battle shonen?

These two are really the only contenders in my opinion.

Your last Sup Forumsersus thread got deleted for a reason.

>Hiatus x Hiatus

Put One Piece in there instead

Shounentards are cancer.

Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Naruto outclass both.

t. Rin Shirou "Lancer" Tohsaka Pendragon

>Yu Yu
thats the ranking thanks

DB is king
HxH is the revolutionary

Kid Goku from the beginning of Dragon Ball would kick Gon's ass.

This, it brings the most cancerous possible audience here.

DB is the king
OP is the prince
HxH is the revolutionary
Naruto is the manga about ninjas and stuff

OP has bloated out of proportion and become incredibly mediocre.
Db is about even with YYH overall.

Original Dragonball has the best tournament arcs ever made.



t. Radin Tidat Jeihan

I'm sorry

I love HxH but is not even close to original DB.

Literally what in the fuck has happend to make people so butthurt about HxH and BNHA that they have to make a 100 bait threads an hour about how shit they are.

And no retards im not talking about asspulls, im talking about the people making the threads.


DB isn't even shounen, it's just a gag manga.

Dragonball managed to end in a little more than a decade. Hunter x Hunter's gonna by 20 in a few years. I feel like that alone gives Dragonball an advantage.

Are there any other battle shonens that are good but not that popular?

I feel like Hunter x Hunter REALLY isn't good enough for it to be worth its scheduling bullshit. It's good, but it's not quite worth THAT.

DB is not on the level of YYH, considering YYH is fantastic and concise and DB ranges from fantastic to absolute horseshit (GT, Super, Buu). There are more bad episodes of Super than there are episodes of YYH.

Buu arc is way better than Cell's.

>counting gt and super
I mean the original story without any tack on cash grab bs.
Plus, Buu was decent as a whole, Cell was trash.
The reason I say they're even is because of all the demon realm stuff. It looked pretty damn cool seeing Yusuke awakened as a demon, but it came out of nowhere and got shittier from there in the exact same way as db.

Yuyu > everything else

Dragon Ball's an influence more than anything now, honestly. It's been surpassed by others since then and Hunter x Hunter is one of those series.

I'm more grateful for what Dragon Ball has inspired than the series itself.

the original Dragon Ball manga is better than almost anything being released today

No series gets puts the rose tinted glasses on like Dragon Ball. If you actually examine the series beyond blind nostalgia and praise for it's vast influence you'll see it has been outdone.

Hunter x Hunter at it's high points is far beyond Dragon Ball

Kill yourself.

Toriyama is a top tier artist so it's not a surprise


the opposite, the Dragon Ball manga is great and is underrated because of the subpar anime adaptation