
>His father was the recent hokage before sacrificing himself for the village
>ended up having both his parents dead
>reviled by the majority of the population, even though he has a demon literally inside of him

>Some kid from a shitty clan of edgy ninjas
>Had his brother wipe out the entire village while he was a child and became an orphan
>Somehow adored and respected by everyone in the village

Did they ever explain this shit?

No one knew that Naruto was the fouth's son, and Sasuke wasn't responsible for the massacre.

>No one knew that Naruto was the fouth's son

Seriously? How stupid where the people to not see the resemblance? It's not like both events happened decades ago.

something-something last loyal Uchiha and Something something giant fox monster thing

oh they made sure to keep it under wrapped I think the third hokage made it punishable by death with only like Jiraiya and Tsunade knowing

Ok... but why did Sarutobi allow Naruto to get ostracized? Surely provoking a kid with a demon isn't a good idea right?

Can't believe this piece of shit is the Mizukage and is getting owned by chunins with new swords. Not even like he got to show us any techniques or abilities for that matter.

What the plan Chojuro if Boruto didn't stop you? I don't get it. "Boruto they must be exterminated....every last one of them" and then jobs to the worst ninja in the group via threads.

Fuck off. When the damn Mizukage loses to some teenager, it is not wonder they are revolting.

>Ok... but why did Sarutobi allow Naruto to get ostracized? Surely provoking a kid with a demon isn't a good idea right?
>Did they ever explain this shit?

Basically, when Naruto was originally created as a manga, the protagonist IS the actual demon fox reincarnated. The hate towards him makes sense as long as that was true, but then the author changed that part.

I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge in the world by the time of Boruto that Naruto is the son of the 4th hokage.

How many times in a series have seen a character look like they were on the ropes but get back up and kick ass? Stop being a faggot and wait next episode.

>Not even like he got to show us any techniques or abilities for that matter.
Which means he's not even trying nimrod. He's letting them air their grievances before wrecking their shit.

>Somehow adored and respected by everyone in the village
best thing is kishimoto is so profoundly retarded he tried to pull off the "oh wait uchihas were actually persecuted so sasuke and naruto were somehow the same!" twist in part 2

man everytime l forget how stupid this series is l get reminded of shit like that

Isn't the whole arc about him being a pussy? that's the reason for the Coup d'état in the first place.

Do you have to be a super cool fighter to be a governor?

I mean Justin Trudeau looks a lot like his dad Fidel Castro yet the majority of Canadians believe that said relation is just a conspiracy theory

It's a good thing I dropped this after the Pain arc.

>Do you have to be a super cool fighter to be a governor?
That's pretty much a requirement for every Kage.

Durr let's elect some weak piece of shit to be the ruler of our ninja figting base country.

Stupidest thing I ever read on here. Mei even at the hagard age of her late 40s can thrash this beta faggot.

But Naruto isn't cool he's a fag

yeah but they're at peace now, the villages probably need stronger economic policies than they need stronger punches.

this reminds me of the ending of ushio to tora
can you imagine the 4th being some "everybody deserves happiness" fag and sacfriced his life to rebirth the fox into a human.

Naruto was child who faced neglect and as an internalized response became loud and obnoxious always seeking attention.

Right off the bat you had a well written, fully active lead character, who's actions and personality comes with genuine justification.

Sadly this is becoming a thing of the past cause it's some much easier to writer a generic self insert like Deku in MHA. Instead of an actual character, with an actual personality, justification for said personality, able to show a variety of genuine emotion. who is active in the plot.

A couple of years after the largest war in ninja history and you think it is a good idea to elect a weak pleb. You think rebellion and coups won't be a thing for the people who haven't fully transitioned to the peace era? Ninjas who have perfected their craft for years, gone on missions and ranked up, are now being told "yeah listen all that ninja killing shit, won't fly. Find something else to do to benefit the economy." Reminds me the samurai in Japan who were forced to learn new skills to survive....most of them did not like the idea of throwing away their techniques.

I think that was Danzo oh and keep in mind at this time Danzo had a bigger hold in the Village