Post your waifu

Post your waifu.




I love her.


why for?

Pretty much any Anime girl that isn't white. It kinda gets boring looking at white women all day in Anime it is nice to see a dark skinned woman, and Every one I see automatically becomes one of mai waifus in my brown harem.


>having multiple waifus
you're fucking whore


Manwhore, you can only have one Waifu.


Good taste.

I consider myself to be more of a Slave Master, with my harem of brown/black female slaves who beg for my White Japanese cock. I still have a white waifu but she doesn't put out much and just nags all the time, So I just go out into the plantation and marry/fuck my slaves.

What if they all fuse to together.

You can only have one waifu.

But if blacks and browns are 3/5ths of a person cant I not have 2 brown waifus? I mean I know it is 6/5ths of a waifu but that is still less than 2.




The only good taste so far


I think about her all day.



the haters are just beta cucks who don't understand love and loyalty

waifu going on two decades


How dare you? Momo is loving, gentle, and passionate about her desires, she even helps out the other girls with the Harem plan. Making her selfless and considerate. Consider suicide.

She's shit and ruined the series. Not that it wasnt already trash. But that aside Yui, Nemesis , and Yami are superior to her and everyone else in this piece of fuckboy virgin dogshit series.

user said waifu, not husbando


take it back

>Not having a waifu harem
Seasonal waifu fags should be gassed though

She has elevated this series to the position it currently holds. Do you think any mangakas would pay their respects by drawing TLR girls if it wasn't for Darkness? Yami and Yui are decent girls, but they'd never be able to carry an entire series by themselves like Momo did.
