Is this good?
Host Club
Alright anime overall lack luster ending.
no go away
Manly anime
No to much GAR
Yes, manga is better.
Yes, it's the only shoujo harem anime worth watching
Fucking funny with great character development and a wonderful gender fluid waifu.
How can you make the best boy the girl goes after simultaneously the worst boy?
As good as fancy tuna
>it air along side with the other Haruhi
>didn't get to experience Sup Forums with this anime
How did this anime went with Sup Forums? did it get a lot of talk?
yea, a fair amount. as you can imagine there were a lot of double Haruhi jokes.
>Sup Forums vehemently hates fujoshit
>but loves and defends this show
Explain yourselves
Haven't seen this one in a while.
because it's fun. fun triumph hates.
Its really funny
I actually did rewatch this recently
NO. I liked the main character but that's about it
Kimi to Boku was much better.
>only harem worth watching
Hayate no Gotoku is good
Evangelion is good
I rest my case
>>Sup Forums vehemently hates fujoshit
only Sup Forumsutist do this, there are great shows in every genre
Yes. Solid comedy, entertaining harem.
Unfortunate that it couldn't adapt enough of the manga for the actual harem drama.
I've been stuck on episode 19 for years now. Stopped watching because of things I heard about the ending
Because the fujoshit is literally played for laughs.
I watched the first 17 episodes and got sick of the formula. I kinda don't want to drop it though.
Watch this, then watch Princess TuTu.
There you never have to watch a fujoshit series ever again.
>shoujo harem
Can you read?
Not a genre
>that feel when you realize that Haruhi isn't your waifu, but your husbando
why do you have to ask for recs to watch something?
Actually I've already seen it, I was settling a bet with a friend. Thanks, Sup Forums.
But who was best boy?
It is perfect.
kiss kiss fall in love
Nekozawa of course.
So much best boy that they put him in every episode of the live action version.
It was good when everything else was shit
Isn't this classified as shoujo?
male harem, then. Better?
Also, genres are loosely defined on audience perception and everyone knew what the guy wanted to express. Except that one pedantic stickler, apparently.
Tamaki, duh
It's what awoke the reverse trap fetish within me, but having rewatched it recently I have to say it's not actually that good. It's funny at times, but that's about it.
>only shoujo harem worth watching
Watch more anime
Here you go OP.
Well I probably should have checked for other oldfags before posting my own copy.
>this is what Sup Forums looked like in 2006
I knew those nostalgiafaggots were all newfags
It is a good show and Haruhi is a literal miracle.