Give me one good reason why loving a loli or moe girl is a bad thing.
You can't
Give me one good reason why loving a loli or moe girl is a bad thing.
You can't
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Because you are now aware that your waifu illya isn't real
There is no moral high ground.
I can't see a reason.
Next time you decide to google a character and then post the first image result, just save us all the time and kill yourself.
2nd best pussy.
Triggered skinny jeans virgin I see.
You know I saw an earlier version of this chart, and thought "this can't get any worse" but holy shit was I proved wrong
let's be fair here, maria is a literal succubus
Which is best?
Please compare them.
Blue hair likes anal and wears stripes.
He is probably thinking of the one that is just the lineage starting with Kagura and ending with Rika where he used fertility drugs to make his daughters give birth earlier to have more lolis.
What the fuck are you even talking about, newfag?
that bitch had 17 fucking kids with at least 4 fathers, jesus christ
I don't even want to count tomaru's spawn
Compare what? The other chart I saw wasn't nearly this expansive and only had Tomaru and his daughters from Kagura. It didn't have this level of inbreeding shown here.
Because they are fucking children and will never see a fat autistic neckbeard pedophile as attractive
Also all the girls in DxD are mid-late teens so no lolis
You got me there.
I wouldn't care if she raped me in my sleep.
You gotta do better than that.
As if you had a say in the matter.
I would prefer if she raped me
Once again like you had any say in the matter.
the willing can't be raped
Say why now?
False information.
Lolis arent kids you clown.
Because Tomaru Sawagoe has magical plot armor that makes any female, even his own loli offspring, fall in love with him at first sight and demon cufflinks that let him live forever.
Breeding with Kuro!
Delicious tan pussy.
That sounds hot actually.
He is the antagonist, if you fail a route he gets the girl.
There is always bullshit that ruins the fun.
It makes you looks like a disgusting pedo creep, and waifufags are stupid autists faggots. So you're a mix of all that. A pedo faggot.
Uterus tattoo.
Good! Good!
You sound like a chode that got his asshole ripped open.
The very best thing whenever I see it.
Good shit.
>super shitty to boot
You fags do know you're on an imageboard, right?
Shut the fuck up chode choker.
At least sage when you shitpost, newfag.
uh oh she made a spill
She got jizzed on by the MC recently.
Has she done anal yet?
Does she look like she's still half a virgin?
Well actually...
How old is she now?
This loli thread is shit
Fuck you too.
Post better lolis then.