Shirou, the pantry is out of patties
Shirou, the pantry is out of patties
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You fucking fat bitch. Go win the Holy Grail War and wish for some. And fill the grail with fucking Mt Dew while your at it.
Could Arturia beat the Heart Attack Grill?
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Burg Works
Do you think this is a joke, Shirou? I will not repeat myself.
>tfw I read it in her voice even though
I laughed, thanks OP. Someone needs to make a Saber Burger King crossover. The holy patty war.
>tfw I read it in her voice even though
Well I fucked up my post. plz ignore
King of Heroes, do you have enough burgers?
I'm sorry Saber I spent all my saving on quartz.
He has helicopters and submarines in there, and has a strange multi-purpose cooker that can cook "anything", exotic spices and sake from all over the world/timeline, so it would be inconceivable that does not have burgers there. GoB is like a bottomless fast food chain that can feed Saber anything, even burgers, for all eternity.
what the fuck is that
The holy grail
Meme food that dumbfucks pose for pictures with and then take a few bites and throw the rest in the trash.
>I did it Engrish and laughed a bit
Is Saber honorary burger?
They feed it to africa
He has everything in the world and yet he obsessed himself with someone like Saber.
She is not even unique because she has tons of CLONES.
If I were him, I would propose to Jeanne instead.
that looks awful. the patties are so thick, the meat must be very dry and tasteless. Shame on them
>patties are so thick
>dry and tasteless
Fuck off inn and out chink hipsters.
What is this shit
I fucking love burgers but this looks disgusting.
It does not make sense why Gil got hooked up with Saber but it is clear that he has no intention in actually having her. Gil did say why but if she keeps rejecting him, the hell with her. He should just forget about her. She will forever be a treasure that he will not be able to obtain. Saber lost anyway because Gil is now living together with Hakunon in some distance planet 1500 light years away in one of the universe in fate. He is not always there whenever he is in some other place like when he was in Extella where there was another version of Hakunon.
But the burger king is Alter
It is probably a drug that makes you so horny, you will not be able to remember the naughty things you did last night. That is why the side effect is
>"you will wake up in some strange men's bed"
That is some dangerous drug. I don't like that idea of you blacking out. I want to remember the things that I did and how it felt.
More doujins between those two, please!
lol. It doesn't even look good. Who wants 90% of their burger to have no bread in it? Just take that silly thing apart and make 4 big, whole burgers
Meat Lovers
bröther may i have some swörds
It's over Archer, I've won.
>*** until you throw
> strange men's beds
>k(?) RUM 100cc
Nothing. A joke bottle.
Only Saber Alter could handle this, regular Saber only likes healthy food.
They are one and the same.
That's not a pizza, that's a watermelon with sauce and pizza toppings on!
I bet Dino Tendies did that.
Every night when I'm firing up my circuits
Choke on your oats and die.
Fuck, this one is incredible.
Did she cheat on Shirou with Gilgamesh?
Alter is pure, vanilla is the cheating one.
>even bought him a gift to internally excuse the cheating
You bet.
Why is there smoke over her mouth?
Its late at night and its chilly.
Mouth still red hot from the Servant-speed blowjobs
Saber vanilla is just a facade. The real Saber is Saber alter. You can even tell by how much she ate when she was in alter mode. Saber wants to have tons of food but Shirou is just too poor to provide.
> with Gilgamesh
It does not make sense. Why does Saber alter love to eat fast food and junk foods?
Fast food is edgy.
She specifically asked for him.
>I'm heading out to town tonight once my shift is over. COME WITH ME!
She loved them praising her but Saber does not care about that crowd. Just look at her scheming smile and teasing eyes. Even Gil was shocked himself. Deep inside, Saber wants Gil but could not act on it. That was the point.
Of course. She wanted to feel what it was like to do the cucking for a change
> She loved them praising her but Saber does not care about that crowd.
You can't stop the crowd of fat, old and bald men.
> Deep inside
That wasn't not deep inside.
jesus christ, the edge.
kiritsugu is disgusting
Not his fault. Fast food did it to him.
I don't get why Gilgamesh is able to freely traverse between timelines.
>That wasn't not deep inside.
He was, though.
Betas don't get any pussy.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, Shirou.
Shirou and Sabers relationship looks forced. Shirou's feelings towards Saber is just a misunderstanding to his obsession with swords. Good thing that Shirou ended up with Sakura instead.
>fill the grail with fucking Mt Dew
I hope somebody has drawn this.
the restaurant is called heart attack grill, that´s just a regular bottle following the thematic of the place
most of their visits are probably from people wanting to waste money on a 10000 cal memeburger anyways, so they go along with it
Its a novelty shot glass.
>dark rum 100cc
>wake up in strange mens beds
>drink until you throw up