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Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
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potatos trip through purgatory
I see shots for Photograph an Temple there. Sound of rain will probably be ep.5 then.
Is this their last ration packet?
Shh, Yuu is sleeping.
wow deep
why didn't kanazawa just go back down the lift and collect his maps?
You brought this on yourself.
Garbage series cashing on CGDCT with an artstyle copying MiA and pandering to millennials
I don’t see dream. Where’s Dream? It’s all I want. I’m gonna fucking freak out if we don’t get dream on friday.
dream is probably ep 5 as well unless next ep does 3 chapters.
t___z was better bait than this.
What makes you think I'm baiting? It's a completely garbage series putting Cute girls in a post-apocalyptic world doing cute things.
Was that scene meant to be funny? The timing is amazing.
There's a third chapter, Residence, in between Temple and Dream (tanks only). So Dream is definitely episode 5.
I wouldn't worry about the adaptation skipping any chapters. The way the volumes are structured, they always conclude on a multi-chapter climax, and there are 8 chapters per tank. So we're basically guaranteed one episode which only adapts 2 chapters per every 3 episodes.
Confirmed not in ep 4
It’s not a tank, it’s a kettenkrad
>There's a third chapter, Residence, in between Temple and Dream (tanks only)
You're right i forgot about that, just flicked through the tanks again to confirm.
Also ne ne~ Chi-chan~ Draw me like one of your french potatoes
>not french fries
Silly robot, it's not your turn to show up yet.
the end result
say cheese
Chito (Titus tuberosum) is the tastiest vegetable this season
Not here, you dumb bot.
Why didn't they take a picture with the map guy? :(
it’s map girl
How come I haven't seen the "what a beautiful potato" image get posted a single fucking time in these threads what happened to Sup Forums
Is it still forbidden to talk about him, or do you still get insta-banned?
You misspelled "her"
Ban these two
Please don't assume xir gender.
Nobody ever got ba-
Yeah you better keep quiet. Don’t even think about it.
Tkmiz is an agendered non-newtonian potato of the pisces variety you faggots.
So when do they find the dwarf in the flask
I hope there will be a comy christmas episode
>is it fine to endlessly shitpost and ruin all threads?
I wonder. You're either extremely naive or a real shitposter, so please leave in either case.
Gotta blow that up.
t. Yuu
They all burn. I wonder if she killed someone with that hugeass explosion.
Some women just want to watch the world burn, huh?
Need doujins of Yuu and mapfag fucking while Chito sleeps.
Need doujins of Yuu and Chito fucking while Chito sleeps.
Need doujins.
Need doujins of Chito and Chito fucking while Chito sleeps.
Need doujins of Chito cannibalizing Yuuri.
Need doujins of Yuu and Chito fucking in kindergartener uniforms.
Need doujins as if there'll be fucking any, goddamit.
Needs necrophilliac doujin of Yuuri impregnating herself from the last source of semen within a thousand miles.
what did she mean by this?
I wish she would start some drawing tutorials.
Need necrophiliac doujin of Titus making out with Yuuri's drowned corpse.
Need doujin of Yuuri relieving herself using the Sonderkraftfahrzeug 2.
Why are the survivors in such stories always mentally ill people such as pyromaniacs?
Yuuri is not a pyromaniac.
She is a pyrophiliac.
Can't survive if you're normal/average.
This is a no-thoughtcrime zone. Please refrain from referring to ***** as a "she" to avoid attracting shitposters.
You should make *** head smaller so it looks the same size as her children.
Yes I'm not being ironic, too big.
Because it's boring as shit, watching meaningless stretches of walls and tubes and walls and tubes for miles on end. Might as well fancy them up.
You go jump into Yuuri's bookfire too.
is *** name really a shortform of tsukumizu?
You mean *su*u***u.
You can't stop it.
I like *** because *** has really good taste.
tkmiz tkmiz.
What happened though? I didn't visit these threads for a few days
Things like this is what AMOLED is made for.
Comrade! It is forbidden to speak of the Motherland's secret, or you'll end up like the cursed bourgeoisie in the gulag!
Heavy shitposting is in progress. Please try to focus on talking about the show while hoping that the shitposters will get tired eventually.
How old are these whores anyway?
I can't tell if they're teenagers or in their middle twenties
Titus is 274 years old, Yuuri is 5.
Does it really matter?
girl's last tour
I don't know what that means.
Ladies' Stalingrad trip
Girl's Radio Tour
Potato's Last Harvest
Is this show a metaphor for limbo?
Let's eat potato fast
These are fucking garbage.
Oh yeah? Draw something better then, if you're so great.