Were they more than just colleagues? I really couldn't tell.
Were they more than just colleagues? I really couldn't tell
Their chemistry was obvious. Just goes to show how socially inept you are OP
They fucked. Just they couldn't married because military laws.
Did Riza ever interact with Grumman(the eastern general) though? (He was apparently her grandfather).
Wow, i did not know the crossdresser was her grandfather
He walked her home gently, that's all
Was she more than a hostage? I really couldn't tell.
she only wants that BMC (big mustang cock)
That's Winry though.
People say the same about every ship but they often get btfo nonetheless.
Winry only wants the FMC
Yes, and...?
goes to show how socially inept they -actually- are.
I hope they finally get married after retirement.
does Winry have a manlet fetish?
Quite the opposite.
In the manga/brotherhood anime where Ed actually ages like a normal human being he's taller than her
He gently shot his burning load all over her back
yeah but she loved him before he grew tall
Is that Arakawa's art?
If not, that's a really good mimicking of it.
they deeply cared for each other but couldn't act on their feelings because of the military code and their own professional mindset that forced them to prioritize their careers above their love, so they just pretend not to give a shit.
>literally his father
You autistic motherfucker
One of the reasons Mustang wanted to become Fuhrer was to have the authority to change the fraternization laws in the military so that he could finally marry Hawkeye.
What if Riza declines because she doesn't want his tiny Asian penis?
Where was this said?
Roy isn't Asian though. He just has squinty eyes.
Why is Mustang so smug
He's adopted.
You're adopted
He's showing off how handsom and groomed he is compared to Ed, who is an unkempt monkey.
Lust is best girl.
You're both adopted.
I'm his NBR imouto.
Did she and Havok ever fuck? He would have seen her marks no.
She kept wearing conservative clothes so he wouldn't see her tattoo, so I'd assume they didn't do it.
What is Lan Fan looking at?
Would you accept a handjob from Lust?
She wants to do the cute couply thing and help her master with his tie, but notChinese don't have them.
Did anyone else love the figthing game style announcer for these eyecatches?
>Full Metal Alchemist!
>fullllll metal alchemist~~
Endless teasing, never confirmed. Mangaka and anime writers love shit like this, for some reason.
Anyway, the single recorded by their respective seiyuu is god-tier:
Kimblee didn't give a shit about bitches.
Because he got the be far best girl in the entire series.
>by far
I mean Hawkeye was amazing, but by far is an exaggeration.
When I first saw an episode of FMA like five years before I actually went through and watched it, I thought Al was a girl because of the voice. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
Why did the anime staff decide to give Mustang that mustache in the ending?
They lived in the same dorm complex as students before the war, what do you think?
Impressing attention span. I think the word [brothers] is said at least 500 times each episode of any of the adaptations. Anyway boys are voiced by middle aged women usually.
You're right. Hawkeye with hair down is best girl by far.
I just watched two episodes on Adult Swim or whatever.
Were they more than just colleagues? I really couldn't tell.
Yeah its hers, can't remember where from exactly
I still cant tell.
So we're talking about Riza.
Pay attention.
Not anime
Take it to Sup Forums
I think he should've stayed blind. It added some depth to his character, being such a hothead.
She had some plot armor.
You can't just kill off best girl user you silly willy.