Who is the cutest miko of Sup Forums?
Who is the cutest miko of Sup Forums?
But he’s a guy.
thats a cute japanese shaman girl
Leskimeme pls
She gives me fuzzy feelings
But he’s a guy
Oh, it's too early for this.
I'm going to post the best miko from the anime nobody knows.
Rika is literally the cutest ever
my wife
The cutest, purest, genkiest, best himemiko ever.
My wife
Sailor Mars!
That girl from Asura Cryin' who never really wears the miko outfit?
Probably the one from Inuyasha. Doubles as NTR too to make it extra hot.
She's not even a miko!
So you share her with the bear and shit?
ah yes, there was an anime like that
Alcoholism isn't cute, user.
>screencap of a Tumblr post taken from Facebook
This is some next-level shitposting.
Drunk loli is the cutest.
Once you've cosplayed an arguably racist character in front of a BLM banner nothing is really off-limits.
I FUCKING LOVE JAPANESE SHAMAN GIRLS! Can someone please tell me where I can find more?
you just posted him
A Blood Angel?
Hey, buddy. This ain't /c/ or /e/. No dumps.
Why is she tied up?
Does nobody remember Kamichu?
go back to the discussion boards then
that makes it even hotter
raymoo is the cutest miko but ruka is the cutest miko (male)
Depends on the timeline. I have to go with Sakura from Uresai Yatsura.
reimu isn't Sup Forums
"...but who cares?"
how is she not Sup Forums
This is a good thing.
Mr. moot never tore down the wall.
because /jp/
protected /jp/ heritage
well they'll just have to share
Minors aren't allowed to get drunk
She's over 100 though.
Yuno doesn't really fit, since she never really went back in time, and she only dimension hopped once.
That guy from Tatami Galaxy would fit better
What about Mitsuha?
They could just replace her with Bill Murray.
We have Cirno and Chen. They get to keep the non-meme 2hus. It was in the autism armistice agreements of 2010
>hey get to keep the non-meme 2hus.
what about all the deformed marisas
>an arguably racist character
Disputed territory, like the Dokdo Islands.
Isn't it obvious?
How do I donate?
With your shekels
but she is cute